User:Polbot/scrap/United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Judge Appointed by Began active
Ended active
Ended senior
End reason
Frank X. Altimari Ronald Reagan 19851217December 17, 1985 19960101January 1, 1996 19980719July 19, 1998 death
Robert P. Anderson Lyndon B. Johnson 19640815August 15, 1964 19710501May 1, 1971 19780502May 2, 1978 death
José A. Cabranes Bill Clinton 19940810August 10, 1994 Incumbent - -
Guido Calabresi Bill Clinton 19940721July 21, 1994 Incumbent - -
Richard J. Cardamone Ronald Reagan 19811029October 29, 1981 19931113November 13, 1993 Incumbent -
Harrie B. Chase Calvin Coolidge 19290131January 31, 1929 19540901September 1, 1954 19691117November 17, 1969 death
Charles Edward Clark Franklin D. Roosevelt 19390309March 9, 1939 19631213December 13, 1963 - death
Alfred Conkling Coxe, Sr. Theodore Roosevelt 19020603June 3, 1902 19170731July 31, 1917 - retirement
Wilfred Feinberg Lyndon B. Johnson 19660307March 7, 1966 19910131January 31, 1991 Incumbent -
Jerome Frank Franklin D. Roosevelt 19410327March 27, 1941 19570113January 13, 1957 - death
Henry Friendly Dwight D. Eisenhower 19590910September 10, 1959 19740415April 15, 1974 19860311March 11, 1986 death
Murray Gurfein Richard M. Nixon 19740827August 27, 1974 19791216December 16, 1979 - death
Peter W. Hall George W. Bush 20040707July 7, 2004 Incumbent - -
Augustus Noble Hand Calvin Coolidge 19270519May 19, 1927[1] 19530630June 30, 1953 19541028October 28, 1954 death
Learned Hand Calvin Coolidge 19241220December 20, 1924 19510601June 1, 1951 19610818August 18, 1961 death
John Marshall Harlan Dwight D. Eisenhower 19540210February 10, 1954 19550327March 27, 1955 - reappointment
Paul R. Hays John F. Kennedy 19611005October 5, 1961[2] 19740911September 11, 1974 19800213February 13, 1980 death
Carroll C. Hincks Dwight D. Eisenhower 19531003October 3, 1953[3] 19590515May 15, 1959 19640930September 30, 1964 death
Charles Merrill Hough Woodrow Wilson 19160821August 21, 1916 19270422April 22, 1927 - death
Dennis G. Jacobs George H.W. Bush 19921002October 2, 1992 Incumbent - -
Robert Katzmann Bill Clinton 19990716July 16, 1999 Incumbent - -
Irving Kaufman John F. Kennedy 19610922September 22, 1961 19870701July 1, 1987 19920201February 1, 1992 death
Amalya Lyle Kearse Jimmy Carter 19790621June 21, 1979 20020611June 11, 2002 Incumbent -
Martin A. Knapp William H. Taft 19101220December 20, 1910 19160101January 1, 1916 - assignment to another court
Emile Henry Lacombe Grover Cleveland 18870526May 26, 1887[4] 19160215February 15, 1916 - retirement
Pierre N. Leval Bill Clinton 19931020October 20, 1993 20020816August 16, 2002 Incumbent -
Debra Ann Livingston George W. Bush 20070517May 17, 2007 Incumbent - -
J. Edward Lumbard Dwight D. Eisenhower 19550712July 12, 1955 19710720July 20, 1971 19990603June 3, 1999 death
Julian Mack - - 19400906September 6, 1940 19430905September 5, 1943 death
J. Daniel Mahoney Ronald Reagan 19860407April 7, 1986 19961023October 23, 1996 - death
Walter R. Mansfield Richard M. Nixon 19710520May 20, 1971 19810702July 2, 1981 19870108January 8, 1987 death
Martin Manton Woodrow Wilson 19180318March 18, 1918 19390207February 7, 1939 - resignation
Thurgood Marshall John F. Kennedy 19611005October 5, 1961[5] 19650823August 23, 1965 - resignation
Julius Marshuetz Mayer Warren G. Harding 19211005October 5, 1921 19240731July 31, 1924 - resignation
Joseph M. McLaughlin George H.W. Bush 19901017October 17, 1990 19980320March 20, 1998 Incumbent -
Harold Medina Harry S Truman 19510623June 23, 1951 19580301March 1, 1958 19800222February 22, 1980 retirement
Thomas Joseph Meskill Gerald Ford 19750423April 23, 1975 19930630June 30, 1993 20071029October 29, 2007 death
Roger Miner Ronald Reagan 19850722July 22, 1985 19970101January 1, 1997 Incumbent -
Leonard P. Moore Dwight D. Eisenhower 19570906September 6, 1957[6] 19710301March 1, 1971 19821207December 7, 1982 death
William Hughes Mulligan Richard M. Nixon 19710527May 27, 1971 19810331March 31, 1981 - resignation
Jon O. Newman Jimmy Carter 19790621June 21, 1979 19970701July 1, 1997 Incumbent -
Walter Chadwick Noyes Theodore Roosevelt 19070918September 18, 1907[7] 19130701July 1, 1913 - resignation
James L. Oakes Richard M. Nixon 19710527May 27, 1971 19920630June 30, 1992 20071013October 13, 2007 death
Barrington Daniels Parker, Jr. George W. Bush 20011016October 16, 2001 Incumbent - -
Fred I. Parker Bill Clinton 19941011October 11, 1994 20030812August 12, 2003 - death
Robert P. Patterson Franklin D. Roosevelt 19390321March 21, 1939 19400730July 30, 1940 - resignation
Lawrence W. Pierce Ronald Reagan 19811118November 18, 1981 19900101January 1, 1990 19950331March 31, 1995 retirement
Rosemary S. Pooler Bill Clinton 19980603June 3, 1998 Incumbent - -
George C. Pratt Ronald Reagan 19820621June 21, 1982 19930522May 22, 1993 19950131January 31, 1995 retirement
Reena Raggi George W. Bush 20021004October 4, 2002 Incumbent - -
Henry Wade Rogers Woodrow Wilson 19130929September 29, 1913 19260816August 16, 1926 - death
Robert D. Sack Bill Clinton 19980616June 16, 1998 Incumbent - -
Nathaniel Shipman Benjamin Harrison 18920317March 17, 1892 19020322March 22, 1902 - retirement
John Joseph Smith Dwight D. Eisenhower 19600902September 2, 1960 19711106November 6, 1971 19800216February 16, 1980 death
Sonia Sotomayor Bill Clinton 19981007October 7, 1998 Incumbent - -
Chester J. Straub Bill Clinton 19980603June 3, 1998 20080716July 16, 2008 Incumbent -
Thomas Walter Swan Calvin Coolidge 19261222December 22, 1926 19530701July 1, 1953 19750713July 13, 1975 death
William H. Timbers Richard M. Nixon 19710729July 29, 1971 19810710July 10, 1981 19941126November 26, 1994 death
William Kneeland Townsend Theodore Roosevelt 19020121January 21, 1902 19070602June 2, 1907 - death
Ellsworth Van Graafeiland Gerald Ford 19741221December 21, 1974 19850505May 5, 1985 20041120November 20, 2004 death
John M. Walker, Jr. George H.W. Bush 19891127November 27, 1989 20060930September 30, 2006 Incumbent -
William James Wallace Chester A. Arthur 18820406April 6, 1882 19070508May 8, 1907 - retirement
Henry Galbraith Ward Theodore Roosevelt 19070518May 18, 1907[8] 19210630June 30, 1921 19241031October 31, 1924 retirement
Sterry R. Waterman Dwight D. Eisenhower 19550713July 13, 1955 19701113November 13, 1970 19840206February 6, 1984 death
Richard C. Wesley George W. Bush 20030612June 12, 2003 Incumbent - -
Ralph K. Winter, Jr. Ronald Reagan 19811210December 10, 1981 20000930September 30, 2000 Incumbent -


  1. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on December 6, 1927, confirmed by the United States Senate on January 18, 1928, and received commission on January 18, 1928.
  2. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on January 15, 1962, confirmed by the United States Senate on March 16, 1962, and received commission on March 17, 1962.
  3. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on January 11, 1954, confirmed by the United States Senate on February 9, 1954, and received commission on February 9, 1954.
  4. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on February 27, 1888, confirmed by the United States Senate on February 28, 1888, and received commission on February 28, 1888.
  5. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on January 15, 1962, confirmed by the United States Senate on September 11, 1962, and received commission on September 14, 1962.
  6. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on January 13, 1958, confirmed by the United States Senate on February 25, 1958, and received commission on February 27, 1958.
  7. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on December 3, 1907, confirmed by the United States Senate on December 10, 1907, and received commission on December 18, 1907.
  8. ^ Recess appointment; formally nominated on December 3, 1907, confirmed by the United States Senate on December 17, 1907, and received commission on December 17, 1907.