User:Peterpalace/Books/Christian Mystics - Alphabetized List

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Christian Mystics - Alphabetized List

Christian mysticism
Amalric of Bena
Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Anastasius Sinaita
Daniil Andreyev
J. N. Andrews
Antoine Arnauld
Gottfried Arnold
Athenagoras of Athens
William Walker Atkinson
Stylianos Atteshlis
Augustine of Hippo
Alice Auma
Augustine Baker
Basil of Caesarea
Joseph Bates (Adventist)
La Beata de Piedrahita
Beguines and Beghards
Conrad Beissel
Nikolai Berdyaev
Bernard of Clairvaux
Consolata Betrone
Maria Esperanza de Bianchini
William Blake
Agnes Blannbekin
George Blaurock
Heilwige Bloemardinne
Louis de Blois
Jakob Böhme
Hans Bohm
Gabrielle Bossis
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
Antoinette Bourignon
William M. Branham
Brethren of the Free Spirit
Bridget of Sweden
Edmund Hamer Broadbent
Lucy Brocadelli
Nona L. Brooks
Brother Lawrence
Grace Mann Brown
Thomas Browne
Bruno of Cologne
Giordano Bruno
Peter of Bruys
Sergei Bulgakov
Maria Orsola Bussone
Nicholas Cabasilas
H. Emilie Cady
Benet Canfield
Carmela Carabelli
Denis the Carthusian
John Cassian
Catherine of Genoa
Catherine of Racconigi
Jean Pierre de Caussade
Cave of the Apocalypse
Edgar Cayce
Christina of Markyate
Christina von Stommeln
Constantine Chrysomalus
John Chrysostom
Brian Cleeve
Jack Coe
Alexandrina Maria da Costa
Malinda Cramer
Richard Crashaw
Ralph Cudworth
David of Augsburg
Jack Deere
Hans Denck
Peter Deunov
Margareta Ebner
Karl von Eckartshausen
Meister Eckhart
Elizabeth of Schönau
Euphrasia Eluvathingal
Anne Catherine Emmerich
English Dissenters
Ephrem the Syrian
Johannes Scotus Eriugena
Josemaría Escrivá
Esoteric Christianity
Diego de Estella
Warren Felt Evans
Francis Fasani
François Fénelon
Nicholas Ferrar
Jacques Fesch
Charles Fillmore (Unity Church)
Myrtle Fillmore
Guy Finley
Pavel Florensky
Richard Foster (theologian)
Emmet Fox
George Fox
Sebastian Franck
Abraham von Franckenberg
James Dillet Freeman
Dionysius Andreas Freher
Friends of God
Lonnie Frisbee
Antonin Gadal
Gemma Galgani
Thomas Gallus
Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
German mysticism
Jean Gerson
Gertrude the Great
Kahlil Gibran
Johann Georg Gichtel
Joel S. Goldsmith
James Goll
Montserrat Grases
Conrad Grebel
Pope Gregory I
Gregory of Narek
Gregory of Nazianzus
Gregory of Nyssa
Jean Grou
Wayne Grudem
Gunther of Bohemia
Nikolay Guryanov
Jeanne Guyon
Joseph Hall (bishop)
Henry Thomas Hamblin
Dag Hammarskjöld
Max Heindel
Corinne Heline
Henry of Lausanne
Henry of Nördlingen
George Herbert
Hermas (freedman)
Hendrik Herp
John Heylyn
Three Holy Hierarchs
Walter Hilton
Hindiyya al-'Ujaimi
Holy Order of Mans
Emma Curtis Hopkins
Caryll Houselander
Vernon Howard
Rodney Howard-Browne
Balthasar Hubmaier
Ignatius of Loyola
William Inge (priest)
Isaac of Nineveh
Martin Israel
Vicka Ivanković
John Paul Jackson
Ursula de Jesus
Joachim of Fiore
Joan of Arc
John Climacus
John of Egypt
John of Kronstadt
John of Patmos
John of Shanghai and San Francisco
John the Apostle
Bill Johnson (pastor)
Rufus Jones (writer)
Rick Joyner
Juliana of Liège
Julianus Pomerius
Carl Jung
Andreas Karlstadt
Niphon Kausokalybites
William Keil
Thomas Raymond Kelly (Quaker mystic)
Johannes Kelpius
Margery Kempe
Justinus Kerner
Anna Kingsford
Hilma af Klint
Mary Faustina Kowalska
Feliksa Kozłowska
John Krestiankin
Quirinus Kuhlmann
Alexander Labzin
John G. Lake
Louis Lallemant
William Langland
Walter C. Lanyon
Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels
William Law
Maria Domenica Lazzeri
Jane Leade
Ann Lee
Alain de Lille
Ramon Llull
Mitrofan Lodyzhensky
Peter Lombard
Jakob Lorber
Vladimir Lossky
Martin Luther
Macarius of Egypt
George MacDonald
Felix Manz
María de Ágreda
Mariana of the Purification
Marie of Oignies
Charles Marshall (Quaker)
Matryona Nikonova
Maximos Kausokalybites
Maximus the Confessor
Mechthild of Magdeburg
Anthony de Mello
Rulman Merswin
Thomas Merton
William Miller (preacher)
Miguel de Molinos
Martin Moller
Monastery of Saint John the Theologian
Margaret Prescott Montague
Gertrude More
Henry More
Thomas Müntzer
Lodowicke Muggleton
Bernhard Müller
Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception
James Nayler
Watchman Nee
Philip Neri
Therese Neumann
Flower A. Newhouse
Isaac Newton
Nicholas of Basel
Nicholas of Cusa
Nicholas of Strasburg
Henry Nicholis
Juan Eusebio Nieremberg
Sergei Nilus
Kathleen Norris (poet)
Henri Nouwen
Marguerite d'Oingt
Osanna of Cattaro
Francisco de Osuna
Elder Paisios of Mount Athos
Gregory Palamas
Blaise Pascal
Coventry Patmore
Paul the Apostle
Cyril Pavlov
Magdalena de Pazzi
Isaac Penington (Quaker)
Mary Penington
Peter of Alcantara
Johann Wilhelm Petersen
Gerlac Peterson
Catharose de Petri
Pio of Pietrelcina
Pierre Poiret
Evagrius Ponticus
John Pordage
Marguerite Porete
Prophecy in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
Apollo Quiboloy
Phineas Quimby
George Rapp
Grigori Rasputin
Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio
John Reeve (religious leader)
Edmund Rich
Richard of Saint Victor
Jan van Rijckenborgh
Marthe Robin
Richard Rolle
Alanus de Rupe
Vassula Ryden
Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
Francis de Sales
Joseph Salmon
John A. Sanford
Matthias Joseph Scheeben
Christoph Schütz
Johann Georg Schwarz
Seraphim of Sarov
William J. Seymour
Sampson Sievers
Angelus Silesius
Silouan the Athonite
Menno Simons
Sadhu Sundar Singh
Hryhorii Skovoroda
John Smith (Platonist)
Vladimir Solovyov (philosopher)
Sophrony (Sakharov)
Bernadette Soubirous
Spanish mystics
Philipp Spener
Adrienne von Speyr
Peter Spink
William of St-Thierry
Lilian Staveley
Niketas Stethatos
Nicholas Storch
James Strang
Zlatko Sudac
Jean-Joseph Surin
Emanuel Swedenborg
Sophie Swetchine
Symeon the New Theologian
Johannes Tauler
Jeremy Taylor
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Gerhard Tersteegen
The Book of Margery Kempe
The Friend of God from the Oberland
Thierry of Chartres
Thomas á Jesu
Maria Theresa Chiramel
Tikhon of Zadonsk
Theaurau John Tany
A. W. Tozer
Thomas Traherne
François Leclerc du Tremblay
Iosif Trifa
Lilias Trotter
Thomas Troward
Sandu Tudor
Jan Tyranowski
Evelyn Underhill
Teresa Urrea
Ursula Micaela Morata
Maria Valtorta
Henry Vaughan
Thomas Vaughan (philosopher)
Battistina Vernazza
Adam of Saint Victor
Kimpa Vita
Peter Waldo
Balthasar Walther
Kallistos Ware
Simone Weil
Georg von Welling
Benjamin Whichcote
Ellen G. White
Charles Williams (British writer)
John Wimber
J. C. Winslow
Gerrard Winstanley
John Woolman
William Wordsworth
Yvette of Huy
Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen
Johann Jacob Zimmermann