
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
CLThis user can program in AS/400 Control Language.
RPGThis user can program in AS/400 Report Program Generator.
CThis user can program in C.
<html>This user can write HTML.
This user is interested in Unitarian Universalism.
PROThis user is a progressive.
According to the political compass this user is Economic Left (-6.38) and Social Libertarian (-5.79).
randThis user opposes Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy.
This user is a cat lover.
DTWOFThis user reads Dykes to Watch Out For.
xkcdThis user is a reader of the xkcd webcomic.
This user reads S i n f e s t.
PhDThis user has a statistically significant probability of being Piled Higher and Deeper!
This user attends or has attended Rutgers University.

Hello, I'm Peter K Levy and I hail from the U.S. in the metro New York area. I work in computers mostly on the IBM i programming in RPG and C.

My Contributions

As Me Anonymous Anonymous