User:Penguinblueberry/DeepFace/Hotpink789! Peer Review

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

General info

Whose work are you reviewing?


Link to draft you're reviewing
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)

Evaluate the drafted changes


- Great intro! It explains the topic very clearly and in an understandable manner.

- I would clarify the following sentence: "DeepFace shows human-level performance." Because this is the first time readers will be reading this, they may be confused on what human-level performance entails, so I would include something along the lines of human-level performance with regard to accuracy.

Commercial Rollout

- include space after "Tel Aviv University."

- No comma needed after Yaniv Taigman in last sentence of first paragraph

- first sentence second paragraph: comma should go before citation

- extra spaces in last sentence of second paragraph before the word "notification" and "option"

- last paragraph first sentence: period should go before citation


- make sure to include citation for where you got this information


- period should go before quotes in last sentence


- The first and last sentence seems redundant. I would delete the last sentence.

Tone and Balance

- neutral tone!

- I'm wondering if there were any positive reactions to DeepFace. That would be interesting to read since you talk about the criticisms


- Really easy to read! Flows smoothly


- No images or media