
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Sladkovo Region

Sladkovo region - administrative-territorial and municipal district in Tyuemen region (oblast in Russian) of the Russian Federation.

Administrative center - the village of Sladkovo.


Russian Federation, the
Tyumen Oblast

The district is located to the south-east of Tyuemen Region, in the steppe zone. In the east it borders - with the Omsk region, in the south - with Kazakhstan, in the west - with Kazankiy District, in the north-west - with Ishim District, in the north - with Abbatskiy District of Tyuemen Region.

Total surface is 402278 ha, including 282 673 ha of argicultural needs (ploughland - 67 328 ha, hayfields - 75 223 ha, pasture-land 52 368 ha, forest land - 79 482 ha, water resource - 80 792 ha).

There are 108 lakes on the territory of the district.


The Sladkovo District was etablished in November 1923.


The population of the district is 14 170 people (according to January, 1, 2009)


The head of Sladkovo District is Anokhin Alexandre Nikolaevich (2011)

Municipal Division

Sladkovo District comprises 10 rural villages:

  1. Alexandrovskoye
  2. Lonaznovskoye
  3. Mayskoye
  4. Menzhinskoye
  5. Nikukinskoye
  6. Novoandreevskoye
  7. Sladkovskoye
  8. Stepnovskoye
  9. Ussovskoye



Agriculture has a leading role in the ecomomic life of the Sladkovo District. Agriculture is equally divided into:

  • cattle breeding
  • diary and meat production
  • corn and grain legumes production


The total own produced goods were worth of 218 mln. Rub. ($ 7,2 mln) - 29 % more then of the same period in 2009. Factories produce:

  • bread and flour products
  • fish production
  • heat power
  • wood production (wooden doors and window frames)
  • asphalt-concrete production

Employment of population

The workforce is 7 200 people, including 6 700 ecominically active.

  • 20% in agriculture
  • 16% in education
  • 11% in health and social system

Level of unemployment is low, 0,1%

Standard of living

Average salary is 13 000 Rub ($433) (2010)

Interesting places to visit

Sladkovo, wildlife reserve

Roe Deer Sladkovo
Sladovo wildlife reserve lodge

10 km west of administrative center of Sladkovo District is located a unique reserve of wild life named Sladkovo.

150 000 ha is the total area of the reserve Sladkovo. It has two maijor zone:

  1. 30 000 ha in Sladkovo District (Tyuemen Region)
  2. 74 000 ha in Nazikaevskij District (Omsk Region)

This reserve is a result of 15 years of hard work of restoring and preserving wildlife (Siberian Roe Deer, wild boars, marals, mooses and birds).

Tavolzhan lake

Sladkovo District is also known as the place of blue lakes. Its territory comprises 108 lakes, of total surface 24 800 ha. The biggest of them is named Talvozhan, total surface is 7100 ha, width is 75 km. On a clear day the lake can be seen from the window of the plane. The fish prodution was open on the lake in 2007.

External links

  • "Sladkovo District" (in Russian). Портал органов государственной власти Тюменской области. Retrieved 2010-11-10.

Category:Ural Federal District