
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.



   Concert Programme — see Radio New Zealand Limited
   Consumer Affairs — see Consumer Protection
   Consumer Protection
   Controller and Auditor-General
   Counties Manukau District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Court of Appeal
   CPIT — see Ara Institute of Canterbury
   Creative New Zealand
   Criminal Cases Review Commission
   Crown Asset Management Limited
   Crown Forestry — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   Crown Infrastructure Partners Limited
   Crown Irrigation Investments Limited
   Crown Law Office
   Crown Minerals — see New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals
   Customs Appeal Authority
   Customs NZ — see New Zealand Customs Service

Back to top D

   Defence Employer Support Council
   Department for Courts — see Ministry of Justice
   Department of Building and Housing — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Department of Conservation
   Department of Corrections
   Department of Internal Affairs
   Department of Justice — see Ministry of Justice
   Department of Labour — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Department of Lands and Survey — see Land Information New Zealand
   Department of Social Welfare — see Ministry of Social Development
   Department of Survey and Land Information — see Land Information New Zealand
   Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
   Deportation Review Tribunal — see Immigration and Protection Tribunal
   DESC — see Defence Employer Support Council
   DIA — see Department of Internal Affairs
   Disputes Tribunal
   District Courts
   DOC — see Department of Conservation
   DoL — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Drug Free Sport New Zealand
   DSW — see Ministry of Social Development
   Dunedin City Council

Back to top E

   Earthquake Commission
   Eastern Fish and Game Council
   Eastern Institute of Technology
   ECAN — see Environment Canterbury
   ECNZ — see Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited
   ECO — see New Zealand Export Credit Office
   Education New Zealand
   Education Payroll
   Education Review Office
   EECA — see Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
   EIT — see Eastern Institute of Technology
   Electoral Commission
   Electrical Workers Registration Board
   Electricity Authority
   Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited
   Employment Court
   Employment New Zealand
   Employment Relations Authority
   Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
   Energy Safety
   Environment Canterbury
   Environment Court
   Environment Southland
   Environment Waikato — see Waikato Regional Council
   Environmental Protection Authority
   EPA — see Environmental Protection Authority
   EPL — see Education Payroll
   EQC — see Earthquake Commission
   ERA — see Employment Relations Authority
   ERO — see Education Review Office
   ERS — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   ES — see Environment Southland
   ESS — see Energy Safety
   ewrb — see Electrical Workers Registration Board
   External Reporting Board

Back to top F

   Fairway Resolution
   Far North District Council
   Film and Literature Board of Review
   Film Censor's Office — see Office of Film and Literature Classification
   Financial Markets Authority
   Fire and Emergency New Zealand
   Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board
   Fish & Game New Zealand — see New Zealand Fish and Game Council
   FMA — see Financial Markets Authority
   FNDC — see Far North District Council
   Food Standards Australia New Zealand
   Forest Research — see Scion
   Franklin District Council — see Auckland Council
   FRICRI — see Scion
   FSANZ — see Food Standards Australia New Zealand

Back to top G

   Gambling Commission
   Game Animal Council
   GCSB — see Government Communications Security Bureau
   Genesis Energy Limited
   GEOnet — see GNS Science
   Gisborne District Council
   GNS Science
   Gore District Council
   Government Communications Security Bureau
   Government Superannuation Appeals Board
   Government Superannuation Fund Authority
   Government Urban and Economic Development Office — see Auckland Policy Office
   Greater Wellington - The Regional Council — see Greater Wellington Regional Council
   Greater Wellington Regional Council
   Grey District Council
   GSFNZ — see Government Superannuation Fund Authority
   Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation
   GUEDO — see Auckland Policy Office

Back to top H

   Hamilton City Council
   Hastings District Council
   Hauora a Toi — see Te Whatu Ora
   Hauora o te Taitokerau — see Te Whatu Ora
   Hauora Tairāwhiti — see Te Whatu Ora
   Hauraki District Council
   Hawke’s Bay District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Council
   Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
   Health and Disability Commissioner
   Health New Zealand — see Te Whatu Ora
   Health Promotion Agency
   Health Quality and Safety Commission
   Health Research Council of New Zealand
   Heartland Services
   Heath Sponsorship Council — see Health Promotion Agency
   Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa
   Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
   High Court
   High Performance Sport New Zealand Limited — see High Performance Sport NZ
   High Performance Sport NZ
   Higher Salaries Commission — see Remuneration Authority
   Hikina Whakatutuki — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Hiranga Tangata, Te — see Work and Income
   HNZC — see Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
   Homecare Medical — see Whakarongorau Aotearoa
   Horizons Regional Council
   Horowhenua District Council
   Hoto Akoranga — see StudyLink
   Housing New Zealand — see Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
   HPA — see Health Promotion Agency
   HQSC — see Health Quality and Safety Commission
   HRC — see Health Research Council of New Zealand
   Human Rights Commission
   Human Rights Review Tribunal
   Hurunui District Council
   Hutt City Council
   Hutt Valley District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Hutt Valley Polytechnic — see WelTec

Back to top I

   IAA — see Immigration Advisers Authority
   IANZ — see International Accreditation New Zealand
   Ihi Aotearoa — see Sport New Zealand
   Immigration Advisers Authority
   Immigration and Protection Tribunal
   Immigration New Zealand
   Indecent Publications Tribunal — see Office of Film and Literature Classification
   Independent Children’s Monitor — see Aroturuki Tamariki
   Independent Police Conduct Authority
   Infrastructure Commission
   Inland Revenue Department — see Inland Revenue
   Insolvency and Trustee Service
   Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited — see ESR
   Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited — see GNS Science
   Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
   Internal Affairs — see Department of Internal Affairs
   International Accreditation New Zealand
   Invercargill City Council
   INZ — see Immigration New Zealand
   IPCA — see Independent Police Conduct Authority
   IPONZ — see Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
   IPT — see Immigration and Protection Tribunal
   IRD — see Inland Revenue
   Irirangi Te Motu — see NZ On Air

Back to top K

   Kāhui Tika Tangata, Te — see Human Rights Commission
   Kāhui Whakamana Tauwhiro — see Social Workers Registration Board
   Kaikōura District Council
   Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities
   Kaipara District Council
   Kaipara te Oranganui — see Kaipara District Council
   Kaitiaki Take Kōwhiri, Te — see Electoral Commission
   Kapiti Coast District Council
   Kaporeihana Āwhina Hunga Whara, Te — see Accident Compensation Corporation
   Katiaki Taiao a Te Whare Pāremata, Te — see Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
   Kaunihera ā Rohe o Waikato, Te — see Waikato Regional Council
   Kaunihera a-Rohe o Te Tai Tokerau, Te — see Northland Regional Council
   kaunihera o Kirikiriroa, Te — see Hamilton City Council
   kaunihera o ngā o Rotorua, Te — see Rotorua Lakes Council
   Kaunihera o Tai Tokerau Ki Te Raki, Te — see Far North District Council
   Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau, Te — see Auckland Council
   Kaunihera o Whakatū, Te — see Nelson City Council
   Kaunihera Rangahau Hauora o Aotearoa, Te — see Health Research Council of New Zealand
   Kaunihera Taiao ki Waitaha — see Environment Canterbury
   Kāwai Ārahi Pūrongo Mōwaho, Te — see External Reporting Board
   Kāwana Tianara o Aotearoa, Te — see Governor-General
   Kawerau District Council
   Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network — see REANNZ
   KiwiRail Holdings Limited
   Kōmihana Rūwhenua — see Earthquake Commission
   Komihana Tauhokohoko, Te — see Commerce Commission
   Komihana Tirotiro Aitua Waka, Te — see Transport Accident Investigation Commission
   Kōmihana Whai Hua o Aotearoa, Te — see New Zealand Productivity Commission
   Kooti Whenua Māori, Te — see Māori Land Court
   Kordia Group Limited
   Kunenga Ki Pūrehuroa, Te — see Massey University
   Kupu Taurangi Hauora o Aotearoa — see Health Quality and Safety Commission
   Kura Matatini ki Otago, Te — see Otago Polytechnic
   Kura Matatini o Taranaki, Te — see Western Institute of Technology (Taranaki)
   Kura Matatini o Whitireia, Te — see Whitireia Community Polytechnic
   Kuratini o Te Tairāwhiti, Te — see Tairāwhiti Polytechnic
   Kuratini o Waikato, Te — see Waikato Institute of Technology
   Kuratini Tuwhera — see Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

Back to top L

   Lakes District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Land Information New Zealand
   Land Transport New Zealand — see New Zealand Transport Agency
   Land Transport Safety Authority — see New Zealand Transport Agency
   Landcare Research New Zealand Limited
   Law Commission
   Law Drafting Office — see Parliamentary Counsel Office
   LDAC — see Legislation Design and Advisory Committee
   Leadership Development Centre
   Legal Aid Tribunal
   Legislation Design and Advisory Committee
   LGC — see Local Government Commission
   Lincoln University
   LINZ — see Land Information New Zealand
   Local Government Commission
   LTNZ — see New Zealand Transport Agency
   LTSA — see New Zealand Transport Agency

Back to top M

   Mackenzie District Council
   MAF — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa — see WorkSafe New Zealand
   Mana Ārai o Aotearoa, Te — see New Zealand Customs Service
   Mana Arotake Aotearoa — see Audit New Zealand
   Mana Arotake, Te — see Office of the Auditor-General
   Mana Hiko, Te — see Electricity Authority
   Mana Kāwanatanga ā Rohe — see Local Government Commission
   Mana Kounga Kai - Ahitereiria me Aotearoa, Te — see Food Standards Australia New Zealand
   Mana Mātāpono Matatapu, Te — see Privacy Commissioner
   Mana Rauhī Taiao, Te — see Environmental Protection Authority
   Mana Rererangi Tūmatanui o Aotearoa, Te — see Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
   Mana Tatai Hokohoko, Te — see Financial Markets Authority
   Mana Tohu Mātauranga o Aotearoa — see New Zealand Qualifications Authority
   Mana wahine, mana mahi — see National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women
   Mana Whanonga Kiapāho, Te — see Broadcasting Standards Authority
   Manaaki Whenua — see Landcare Research New Zealand Limited
   Manaakitanga Aotearoa — see New Zealand Tourism Board
   Manaakitia a Tātou Tamariki — see Children’s Commissioner
   Manapou ki te Ao — see Education New Zealand
   Manatū Ahu Matua — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   Manatū Aorere — see Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
   Manatū Hauora
   Manatū Kaupapa Waonga — see Ministry of Defence
   Manatū Mō Te Taiao — see Ministry for the Environment
   Manatū Taonga — see Ministry for Culture and Heritage
   Manatū Waka, Te — see Ministry of Transport
   Manatū Whakahiato Ora, Te — see Ministry of Social Development
   Manatū Whakahiato Taiohi, Te — see Ministry of Youth Development
   Manawatu District Council
   Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council — see Horizons Regional Council
   Manukau City Council — see Auckland Council
   Manukau Institute of Technology
   Māori Trust Office — see Te Tumu Paeroa
   Māori Health Authority — see Te Aka Whai Ora
   Māori Land Court
   Māori Language Commission — see Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori
   Māori Television Service
   Māori Trustee — see Te Tumu Paeroa
   Maritime New Zealand
   Maritime Safety Authority — see Maritime New Zealand
   Marlborough District Council
   Massey University
   Masterton District Council
   Matamata-Piako District Council
   Mātāpuna o te Mātauraka, Te — see Ara Institute of Canterbury
   Matatū Aotearoa — see Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
   Māwhera — see Grey District Council
   MBIE — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   MCA — see Consumer Protection
   MCDEM — see National Emergency Management Agency
   MCH — see Ministry for Culture and Heritage
   Measurement and Product Safety Service — see Trading Standards
   MED — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Mediation Service — see Resolution Services
   Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission
   Mercury NZ Limited
   Meridian Energy Limited
   Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited — see MetService
   MFAT — see Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
   MFE — see Ministry for the Environment
   MidCentral District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Mighty River Power — see Mercury NZ Limited
   Ministry for Children — see Oranga Tamariki-Ministry for Children
   Ministry for Culture and Heritage
   Ministry for Ethnic Communities
   Ministry for Pacific Peoples
   Ministry for Primary Industries
   Ministry for the Environment
   Ministry for Women
   Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Ministry of Defence
   Ministry of Disabled People — see Whaikaha
   Ministry of Economic Development — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Ministry of Education
   Ministry of Fisheries — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
   Ministry of Health — see Manatū Hauora
   Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
   Ministry of Justice
   Ministry of Māori Development-Te Puni Kōkiri — see Te Puni Kōkiri
   Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs — see Ministry for Pacific Peoples
   Ministry of Science and Innovation — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   Ministry of Social Development
   Ministry of Transport
   Ministry of Women's Affairs — see Ministry for Women
   Ministry of Youth Development
   Minitatanga mō ngā Wāhine, Te — see Ministry for Women
   MIT — see Manukau Institute of Technology
   MNZ — see Maritime New Zealand
   MoC — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   MoD — see Ministry of Defence
   MOH — see Manatū Hauora
   MoJ — see Ministry of Justice
   MOT — see Ministry of Transport
   Motor Vehicle Traders Register
   MPI — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   MPIA — see Ministry for Pacific Peoples
   MSA — see Maritime New Zealand
   MSD — see Ministry of Social Development
   Murihiku Rohe Hauora Poari — see Te Whatu Ora
   Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
   Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Board — see Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
   MVTR — see Motor Vehicle Traders Register
   MWA — see Ministry for Women
   MYD — see Ministry of Youth Development

Back to top N

   N4L — see Network for Learning Limited
   NACEW — see National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women
   Napier City Council
   National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women
   National Computer Emergency Response Team — see CERT NZ
   National Emergency Management Agency
   National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
   National Library of New Zealand
   National Organised Crime Group
   National Pacific Radio Trust
   National Radio — see Radio New Zealand Limited
   National Rural Fire Authority — see Fire and Emergency New Zealand
   National Screening Unit
   NCC — see Napier City Council
   NCC — see Nelson City Council
   Nelson / Marlborough Fish and Game Council
   Nelson City Council
   Nelson Marlborough District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology
   NEMA — see National Emergency Management Agency
   Network for Learning Limited
   New Plymouth District Council
   New Zealand Agency for International Development — see New Zealand Aid Programme
   New Zealand Aid Programme
   New Zealand Antarctic Institute — see Antarctica New Zealand
   New Zealand Army
   New Zealand Blood Service
   New Zealand Council for Educational Research
   New Zealand Customs Service
   New Zealand Debt Management Office
   New Zealand Defence Force
   New Zealand Export Credit Office
   New Zealand Film Commission
   New Zealand Fire Service Commission — see Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board
   New Zealand Fire Services — see Fire and Emergency New Zealand
   New Zealand Fish and Game Council
   New Zealand Food Innovation Network
   New Zealand Food Safety Authority — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   New Zealand Forest Research Institute Limited — see Scion
   New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Trust Board
   New Zealand Geographic Board
   New Zealand Government Auckland Policy Office — see Auckland Policy Office
   New Zealand Government Property Corporation
   New Zealand Green Investment Finance Limited
   New Zealand Historic Places Trust — see Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
   New Zealand Immigration Service — see Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
   New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Limited — see Plant and Food Research
   New Zealand Lotteries — see New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
   New Zealand Lotteries Commission
   New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
   New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority — see Medsafe
   New Zealand On Air — see NZ On Air
   New Zealand Parole Board
   New Zealand Passports — see Passports office
   New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals
   New Zealand Police
   New Zealand Post Limited
   New Zealand Productivity Commission
   New Zealand Qualifications Authority
   New Zealand Quality College
   New Zealand Railways Corporation
   New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
   New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
   New Zealand Teachers Council — see Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
   New Zealand Telehealth Services — see Whakarongorau Aotearoa
   New Zealand Tourism Board
   New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
   New Zealand Transport Agency
   New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited — see NZ Growth Capital Partners
   New Zealand Vice-Chancellors Committee — see Universities New Zealand
   New Zealand's International Aid and Development Agency — see New Zealand Aid Programme
   Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa — see New Zealand Police
   Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa — see New Zealand Geographic Board
   Ngā Rātonga Kaupapa Atawhai — see Charities Services
   Ngāi Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust
   Ngati Tumatauenga — see New Zealand Army
   NIWA — see National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
   NLNZ — see National Library of New Zealand
   NMIT — see Nelson-Marlborough Institute of Technology
   Nō te rere moana Aotearoa — see Maritime New Zealand
   NOCG — see National Organised Crime Group
   North Canterbury Fish and Game Council
   North Shore City Council — see Auckland Council
   Northland District Health Board — see Te Whatu Ora
   Northland Fish and Game Council
   Northland Regional Council
   NRC — see Northland Regional Council
   NSU — see National Screening Unit
   NZ Aid — see New Zealand Aid Programme
   NZ Army — see New Zealand Army
   NZ Growth Capital Partners
   NZ On Air
   NZ Post — see New Zealand Post Limited
   NZALS — see Peke Waihanga – Artificial Limb Service
   NZBS — see New Zealand Blood Service
   NZCS — see New Zealand Customs Service
   NZDF — see New Zealand Defence Force
   NZDMO — see New Zealand Debt Management Office
   NZFC — see New Zealand Film Commission
   NZFIN — see New Zealand Food Innovation Network
   NZFSA — see Ministry for Primary Industries
   NZGB — see New Zealand Geographic Board
   NZGCP — see NZ Growth Capital Partners
   NZHPT — see Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
   NZIS — see Immigration New Zealand
   NZPAM — see New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals
   NZPB — see New Zealand Parole Board
   NZQA — see New Zealand Qualifications Authority
   NZRC — see KiwiRail Holdings Limited
   NZRC — see New Zealand Railways Corporation
   NZSIS — see New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
   NZSO — see New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
   NZTA — see New Zealand Transport Agency
   NZTE — see New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Back to top O

   OCC — see Children’s Commissioner
   Occupational Safety and Health — see WorkSafe New Zealand
   ODC — see Opotiki District Council
   ODI — see Office for Disability Issues
   Office for Disability Issues
   Office for Seniors
   Office of Film and Literature Classification
   Office of Human Rights Proceedings
   Office of Race Relations — see Human Rights Commission
   Office of the Auditor-General
   Office of the Children's Commissioner — see Children’s Commissioner
   Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives
   Office of the Ombudsman
   Office of the Privacy Commissioner — see Privacy Commissioner
   OFLC — see Office of Film and Literature Classification
   OIO — see Overseas Investment Office
   Ombudsman — see Office of the Ombudsman
   OnTrack — see KiwiRail Holdings Limited
   Ope Kātua o Aotearoa, Te — see New Zealand Defence Force
   Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
   Opotiki District Council
   Oranga Tamariki — see Oranga Tamariki-Ministry for Children
   Oranga Tamariki-Ministry for Children
   OSH — see WorkSafe New Zealand
   Otago Fish and Game Council
   Otago Polytechnic
   Otago Regional Council
   Ōtākaro Limited
   Otorohanga District Council
   Outdoor Access Commission — see Herenga ā Nuku Aotearoa
   Overseas Investment Office

Back to top P

   Pā Whakamarumaru, Te — see New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
   Pacific Business Trust
   Pacific Cooperation Foundation
   Pacific Island Business Development Trust — see Pacific Business Trust
   Pāe Mātauranga Ki Te Ao, Te — see Universal College of Learning
   Paerewa Aotearoa — see Standards New Zealand
   Palmerston North City Council
   Papa Atawhai, Te — see Department of Conservation
   Papa Tongarewa, Te — see Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
   Papakura District Council — see Auckland Council
   Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
   Parliamentary Counsel Office
   Parliamentary Service
   Passports office
   PBT — see Pacific Business Trust
   PCE — see Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
   PCF — see Pacific Cooperation Foundation
   PCO — see Parliamentary Counsel Office
   Peke Waihanga – Artificial Limb Service
   Personal Property Securities Register
   PHARMAC — see Pharmaceutical Management Agency, PHARMAC
   Pharmaceutical Management Agency, PHARMAC