User:PARitto/Books/Dynamical Systems and Chaos

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Dynamical Systems and Chaos

1 Introduction I: Iterated Functions

Critical point (mathematics)
Fixed point (mathematics)
Fixed-point theorem
Iterated function
Iterative method
Numerical stability
Phase line (mathematics)
Recurrence relation
Stationary point

2 Introduction II: Differential Equations

Differential equation
Euler method
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
Ordinary differential equation
Runge–Kutta methods
Stiff equation

3 Chaos and the Butterfly Effect

Introducing the Logistic Equation (3.1)

Butterfly effect
Chaos theory
Dynamical system
Exponential growth
Logistic map
Lorenz system
Population growth

Randomness? (3.4)

Algorithmically random sequence
Algorithmic information theory
Bernoulli trial
Checking whether a coin is fair
Coin flipping
Fair coin
Random variable
Statistical randomness
Stochastic process
Symbolic dynamics

7 Phase Space

Lotka Volterra Differential Equations (7.1)

Lotka–Volterra equation

The Phase Plane (7.2)

Phase plane
Poincaré–Bendixson theorem

The Hénon Map (7.3)

Cantor function
Cantor set
Hénon map

The Lorenz Equations (7.4)

Lorenz system

Strange Attractors (8)

Rössler attractor
Strange attractor