User:Njtalaber/High Middle Ages

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The rise of chivalry

Main article: Chivalry

During the High Middle Ages, the idea of a Christian warrior started to change as Christianity grew more prominent in Medieval Europe. The Codes of Chivalry promoted the ideal Knight to be selfless, faithful, and fierce against those who threaten the weak.[1] Household heavy cavalry (knights) became common in the 11th century across Europe, and tournaments were invented. Tournaments allowed knights to establish their family name while being to gather vast wealth, renown through victories.

Although the heavy capital investment in horse and armor was a barrier to entry, the Cluny monks promoted ethical warfare and inspired the formation of orders of chivalry, such as the Templar Knights. Inherited titles of nobility were established during this period. In 13th-century Germany, knighthood became another inheritable title, although one of the less prestigious, and the trend spread to other countries."

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  1. ^ Saul, Nigel (2011). Chivalry in Medieval England. Harvard University Press. p. 197. ISBN 9780674063693.

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Feudalism in the High Middle Ages