User:Neeko Sneako2/Protein targeting

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Nuclear transport of proteins is a dynamic process that for the majority of proteins involves the presence of nuclear localization signals, and nuclear export signals. In some cases, there are proteins that are targeted to the nucleus that are not exported and they contain nuclear retention sequences. In the case of mRNA export, several proteins are known to assist in the process such as NXF1, REF, and PABPN1. However, there are those that dissociate from the mRNA /protein complex and remain in the nucleus. Even during cell division where the nuclear membrane is degraded and reformed, these retained proteins will be targeted back to the nucleus to perform their necessary functions due to the presence of their NLS.


While some proteins in the mitochondria originate from mitochondrial DNA within the organelle, most mitochondrial proteins are synthesized as cytosolic precursors containing uptake peptide signals. Unfolded proteins bound by cytosolic chaperone hsp70 that are targeted to the mitochondria may be localized to four different areas depending on their sequences. They may be targeted to the mitochondrial matrix, the outer membrane, the intermembrane space, or the inner membrane. Defects in any one or more of these processes has been linked to health and disease.

Mitochondrial Matrix[edit]

Proteins targeted to the mitochondrial matrix first involves interactions between the matrix targeting sequence located at the N-terminus and the outer membrane import receptor complex TOM20/22. In addition to the docking of internal sequences and cytosolic chaperones to TOM70. Where TOM is an abbreviation for translocase of the outer membrane. Binding of the matrix targeting sequence to the import receptor triggers a handoff of the polypeptide to the general import core (GIP) known as TOM40. The general import core (TOM40) then feeds the polypeptide chain through the intermembrane space and into another translocase complex TIM17/23/44 located on the inner mitochondrial membrane.  This is accompanied by the necessary release of the cytosolic chaperones that maintain an unfolded state prior to entering the mitochondria. As the polypeptide enters the matrix, the signal sequence is cleaved by a processing peptidase and the remaining sequences are bound by mitochondrial chaperones to await proper folding and activity. The push and pull of the polypeptide from the cytosol to the intermembrane space and then the matrix is achieved by an electrochemical gradient that is established by the mitochondrion during oxidative phosphorylation. In which a mitochondrion active in metabolism has generated a negative potential inside the matrix and a positive potential in the intermembrane space. It is this negative potential inside the matrix that directs the positively charged regions of the targeting sequence into its desired location.

Mitochondrial Inner Membrane[edit]

Targeting of mitochondrial proteins to the inner membrane may follow 3 different pathways depending upon their overall sequences, however, entry from the outer membrane remains the same using the import receptor complex TOM20/22 and TOM40 general import core. The first pathway for proteins targeted to the inner membrane follows the same steps as those designated to the matrix where it contains a matrix targeting sequence that channels the polypeptide to the inner membrane complex containing the previously mentioned translocase complex TIM17/23/44. However, the difference is that the peptides that are designated to the inner membrane and not the matrix contain an upstream sequence called the stop-transfer-anchor sequence. This stop-transfer-anchor sequence is a hydrophobic region that embeds itself into the phospholipid bilayer of the inner membrane and prevents translocation further into the mitochondrion. The second pathway for proteins targeted to the inner membrane follows the matrix localization pathway in its entirety. However, instead of a stop-transfer-anchor sequence, it contains another sequence that interacts with an inner membrane protein called Oxa-1 once inside the matrix that will embed it into the inner membrane. The third pathway for mitochondrial proteins targeted to the inner membrane follow the same entry as the others into the outer membrane, however, this pathway utilizes the translocase complex TIM22/54 assisted by complex TIM9/10 in the intermembrane space to anchor the incoming peptide into the membrane. The peptides for this last pathway do not contain a matrix targeting sequence, but instead contain several internal targeting sequences.

Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space[edit]

If instead the precursor protein is designated to the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion, there are two pathways this may occur depending on the sequences being recognized. The first pathway to the intermembrane space follows the same steps for an inner membrane targeted protein. However, once bound to the inner membrane the C-terminus of the anchored protein is cleaved via a peptidase that liberates the preprotein into the intermembrane space so it can fold into its active state. One of the greatest examples for a protein that follows this pathway is cytochrome b2, that upon being cleaved will interact with a heme cofactor and become active. The second intermembrane space pathway does not utilize any inner membrane complexes and therefor does not contain a matrix targeting signal. Instead, it enters through the general import core TOM40 and is further modified in the intermembrane space to achieve its active conformation. TIM9/10 is an example of a protein that follows this pathway in order to be in the location it needs to be to assist in inner membrane targeting.

Mitochondrial Outer Membrane[edit]

Outer membrane targeting simply involves the interaction of precursor proteins with the outer membrane translocase complexes that embeds it into the membrane via internal-targeting sequences that are to form hydrophobic alpha helices or beta barrels that span the phospholipid bilayer. This may occur by two different routes depending on the preprotein internal sequences. If the preprotein contains internal hydrophobic regions capable of forming alpha helices, then the preprotein will utilize the mitochondrial import complex (MIM) and be transferred laterally to the membrane. For preproteins containing hydrophobic internal sequences that correlate to beta-barrel forming proteins, they will be imported from the aforementioned outer membrane complex TOM20/22 to the intermembrane space. In which they will interact with TIM9/10 intermembrane-space protein complex that transfers them to sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) that is present in the outer membrane that laterally displaces the targeted protein as a beta-barrel.


Chloroplasts are similar to mitochondria in that they contain their own DNA for production of some of their components. However, the majority of their proteins are obtained via post-translational translocation and arise from nuclear genes. Proteins may be targeted to several sites of the chloroplast depending on their sequences such as the outer envelope, inner envelope, stroma, thylakoid lumen, or the thylakoid membrane. Proteins targeted to the envelope of chloroplasts usually lack cleavable sorting sequence and are laterally displaced via membrane sorting complexes. General import for the majority of preproteins requires translocation from the cytosol through the Toc and Tic complexes located within the chloroplast envelope. Where Toc is an abbreviation for the translocase of the outer chloroplast envelope and Tic is the translocase of the inner chloroplast envelope. There is a minimum of three proteins that make up the function of the Toc complex. Two of which, referred to as Toc159 and Toc34, are responsible for the docking of stromal import sequences and both contain GTPase activity. The third known as Toc 75, is the actual translocation channel that feeds the recognized preprotein by Toc159/34 into the chloroplast.

Chloroplast Stroma

Targeting to the stroma requires the preprotein to have a stromal import sequence that is recognized by the Tic complex of the inner envelope upon being translocated from the outer envelope by the Toc complex. The Tic complex is composed of at least five different Tic proteins that are required to form the translocation channel across the inner envelope. Upon being delivered to the stroma, the stromal import sequence is cleaved off via a signal peptidase. This delivery process to the stroma is currently known to be driven by ATP hydrolysis via stromal HSP chaperones, instead of the transmembrane electrochemical gradient that is established in mitochondria to drive protein import. Further intra-chloroplast sorting depends on additional target sequences such as those designated to the thylakoid membrane or the thylakoid lumen.

Chloroplast Thylakoid Lumen

If a protein is to be targeted to the thylakoid lumen, this may occur via four differently known routes that closely resemble bacterial protein transport mechanisms. The route that is taken depends upon the protein delivered to the stroma being in either an unfolded or metal-bound folded state. Both of which will still contain a thylakoid targeting sequence that is also cleaved upon entry to the lumen. While protein import into the stroma is ATP-driven, the pathway for metal-bound proteins in a folded state to the thylakoid lumen has been shown to be driven by a pH gradient.

Chloroplast Thylakoid Membrane

Proteins bound for the membrane of the thylakoid will follow up to four known routes that are illustrated in the corresponding figure shown. They may follow a co-translational insertion route that utilizes stromal ribosomes and the SecY/E transmembrane complex, the SRP-dependent pathway, the spontaneous insertion pathway, or the GET pathway. The last of the three are post-translational pathways originating from nuclear genes and therefor constitute the majority of proteins targeted to the thylakoid membrane. According to recent review articles in the journal of biochemistry and molecular biology, the exact mechanisms are not yet fully understood.


Peroxisomes contain a single phospholipid bilayer that surrounds the peroxisomal matrix containing a wide variety of proteins and enzymes that participate in anabolism and catabolism. Since it contains no internal DNA like that of the mitochondria or chloroplast all peroxisomal proteins are encoded by nuclear genes. To date there are two types of known Peroxisome Targeting Signals (PTS):

  1. Peroxisome targeting signal 1 (PTS1): a C-terminal tripeptide with a consensus sequence (S/A/C)-(K/R/H)-(L/A). The most common PTS1 is serine-lysine-leucine (SKL). The initial research that led to the discovery of this consensus observed that when firefly luciferase was expressed in cultured insect cells it was targeted to the peroxisome. By testing a variety of mutations in the gene encoding the expressed luciferase, the consensus sequence was then determined. It has also been found that by adding this C-terminal sequence of SKL to a cytosolic protein that it becomes targeted for transport to the peroxisome. The majority of peroxisomal matrix proteins possess this PTS1 type signal.
  2. Peroxisome targeting signal 2 (PTS2): a nonapeptide located near the N-terminus with a consensus sequence (R/K)-(L/V/I)-XXXXX-(H/Q)-(L/A/F) (where X can be any amino acid).

There are also proteins that possess neither of these signals. Their transport may be based on a so-called "piggy-back" mechanism: such proteins associate with PTS1-possessing matrix proteins and are translocated into the peroxisomal matrix together with them.

In the case of cytosolic proteins that are produced with the PTS1 C-terminal sequence, its path to the peroxisomal matrix is dependent upon binding to another cytosolic protein called pex5 (peroxin 5). Once bound, pex5 interacts with a peroxisomal membrane protein pex14 to form a complex. When the pex5 protein with bound cargo interacts with the pex14 membrane protein, the complex induces the release of the targeted protein into the matrix. Upon releasing the cargo protein into the matrix, pex5 dissociation from pex14 occurs via ubiquitinylation by a membrane complex comprising pex2, pex12, and pex10 followed by an ATP dependent removal involving the cytosolic protein complex pex1 and pex6. The cycle for pex5 mediated import into the peroxisomal matrix is restored after the ATP dependent removal of ubiquitin and is free to bind with another protein containing a PTS1 sequence. Proteins containing a PTS2 targeting sequence are mediated by a different cytosolic protein but are believed to follow a similar mechanism to that of those containing the PTS1 sequence.