User:Murp1410/Evaluate an Article

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Which article are you evaluating?

Ecological urbanism

Why you have chosen this article to evaluate?

(Briefly explain why you chose it, why it matters, and what your preliminary impression of it was.)

As a class that is understanding environmental justice, I believe it is important to also understand ecological urbanism. The idea and concept of the environment is greatly disconnected from us. However, we are a part of nature which has already created complex interactive systems of producers and consumers, systems of evolution, and biological relationships. We have to look at our urban systems as another form derivative from nature. To also solve our environmental negligence, this concept also teaches us how to integrate the environment back into the planning process. My initial impression of the article chosen was indifferent since it did not include any examples of practicing ecological urbanism. This article mostly outlined the progression of the theory through the literature and not much else.

Evaluate the article

(Compose a detailed evaluation of the article here, considering each of the key aspects listed above. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what a useful Wikipedia article evaluation looks like.)

Most of the article contained relevant information as it pertains to the progression of the theory. However, most of the content was not cohesive and contained more of a literature review for the theory. The beginning section of the article includes the progression of urbanism theories that came before but that is the only mention of any other comparative ideas. Also, the most lacking content is the absence of any practical examples of ecological urbanism. Many cultures have greatly integrated the concept of ecological preservation and have successfully integrated that idea into their planning process. Most of the content presented does not fully explain the concept of ecological urbanism, but rather outlines what literature mentioned the term and how those authors believe the term should be defined. Now, the credibility of the article is verified, but most of the information presented often feels like direct information pulled from the literature itself. There is little added information from other sources and only contains a synopsis like representation. Although there is a no bias observed, this is only because the information presented is similar to a book catalog for ecological urbanism. In the section for critiques on ecological urbanism, more information is presented from authors, but not from underrepresented communities.

Improvements can be made by first including a more detailed explanation of ecological urbanism by clearly stating the definition. The article can contain a section that includes the evolution of the concept in literature rather than it be the entire article. It would also benefit the article to include examples of practicing the concept. There are many great examples like green corridor projects and water reuse projects throughout various cities. Including these would help the reader visualize the concept. However, it is also important to include more information about how this theory has affected communities. Some of the projects based on this theory have led to more displacement and unequal investment in some communities. Adding where this has caused conflicts within the article is important to understand the cons it may present.