
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

About me:

Born in Dunedin, New Zealand in 1964

Currently living in Christchurch, New Zealandw.

I really enjoy Wikipedia (although I think that the name sucks). I add little snippets of information here and there in the hope that someone will not delete my work.

This page will look nicer when I have the time to learn about how to do it. Timeframe: 2008-2010.

Hi baby safely arrived in Singapore, lots of old people working here at the airport. Hope your flight went well. Will go to the hotel for a sleep. Love you baby Hello honey thanks for the message I arrive safely too about 9.41 then arrive home about 10.30.Jascine misses me so much she gives me a cuddle.I'm happy you arrive safely honey and i'll continue praying for your safe flight tonight.I love and miss you take care and happy landing honey.Bye bye love you...

Hi baby, did not feel too tired when I arrived so I did not go to the hotel. I dozed in a chair which was rather unsatisfactory. Glad you are home safely. I am off now to wait for my flight. Love and miss you baby Hello again honey thats amazing glad your not too tired I did not sleep too wanted to clean everything in the room but after cleaning was tired so I went for a nap.Hopefully you arrived safely honey I'll be thinking of you and thanks for the precious time we had.I love you and miss you always too honey byee safe landing. Hello honey I have been from smart today to verify my account but May bill was included so they did not accept my payment they wanted full payment and they called me just tonight saying if I pay 1500 they will reconnect my internet back.Have you bought you new laptop honey?Our power interruption is morning starts at 7 am for 3 hours but today no power cut this morning only 4.30 pm for 1 hour and I dont know what time tom honey if there is no power cut we can skype in the morning about 9 am my time.I love you.Take care baby miss you.

hello honey,

      Hello honey,See you very soon in Singapore.Love you

baby I did not sdee you get off MI566. Where are you? Please call me or text me. I will stay in your terminal that your flight arrived in.

checking in 7:19pm I have roaming on... that should be is 7:40 now. I will leave the airport and get a hotel at 10pm. Not sure what to think 8:08pm I had you paged. I will book a hotel now Booked a hotel at Amrise. I will leave your terminal. Time is 8:21