User:Mild Bill Hiccup/Edits

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Extraneous junk

Phrase Correction
?igshid= omit
#incart_ omit
noredirect=on omit
&sourceid= omit
utm_campaign omit
utm_content omit
utm_medium omit
utm_source omit
utm_term omit
Phrase Correction
incart_ omit
noredirect=on omit
recirc= omit
utm_term= omit

One word written as two

Misspelling Correction
along side alongside
in tact intact
over look overlook
with out without

Two words written as one

Misspelling Correction
alot a lot
aswell as well
outloud out loud
tookover took over

"-aly" in place of "-ally"

Misspelling Correction
accidentaly accidentally
actualy actually
basicaly basically
criticaly critically
digitaly digitally
fataly fatally
finaly finally
formaly formally
illegaly illegally
legaly legally
officialy officially
socialy socially
specialy specially
specificaly specifically
terminaly terminally
totaly totally
typicaly typically
usualy usually

"-an" in place of "-ian"

Misspelling Correction
Araban Arabian
Australan Australian
beautican beautician
Canadan Canadian
civilan civilian
clinican clinician
collegan collegian
Grecan Grecian
magican magician
mortican mortician
musican musician
Norwegan Norwegian
pediatrican pediatrician
physican physician
politican politician
statistican statistician
tactican tactician
technican technician

"-chs" in place of "-ches"

Misspelling Correction
approachs approaches
archs arches
batchs batches
beachs beaches
benchs benches
bitchs bitches
bleachs bleaches
branchs branches
breachs breaches
britchs britches
brunchs brunches
bunchs bunches
catchs catches
churchs churches
coachs coaches
crunchs crunches
ditchs ditches
hatchs hatches
hitchs hitches
hunchs hunches
inchs inches
latchs latches
leachs leaches
lunchs lunches
matchs matches
munchs munches
patchs patches
peachs peaches
pitchs pitches
punchs punches
reachs reaches
richs riches
roachs roaches
searchs searches
stitchs stitches
teachs teaches
twitchs twitches
witchs witches

"-ei-" in place of "-ie-"

Misspelling Correction
acheive achieve
acheivement achievement
anceint ancient
anxeity anxiety
befreind befriend
beleif belief
beleive believe
beleiver believer
boyfreind boyfriend
breif brief
cheif chief
cheiftain chieftain
cleint client
deisel diesel
feild field
feirce fierce
freind friend
fronteir frontier
girlfreind girlfriend
greif grief
heirarchy hierarchy
hygeine hygiene
impropreity impropriety
in leiu of in lieu of
neice niece
notoreity notoriety
peice piece
peirce pierce
peity piety
preist priest
premeir premier
premeire premiere
propreitary proprietary
propreity propriety
releif relief
releive relieve
repreive reprieve
retreive retrieve
retreiver retriever
San Deigo San Diego
sceince science
sceintific scientific
sceintist scientist
seige siege
sereis series
sheild shield
sobreity sobriety
soceity society
soldeir soldier
theif thief
vareity variety
veiw view
veiwer viewer
weild wield
weiner wiener
yeild yield

"-etes" in place of "-eties"

Misspelling Correction
societes societies
varietes varieties

"-ie-" in place of "-ei-"

Misspelling Correction
albiet albeit
Anahiem Anaheim
biege beige
bieng being
caffiene caffeine
cieling ceiling
concieve conceive
counterfiet counterfeit
decieve deceive
diety deity
fiegn feign
fiesty feisty
forfiet forfeit
foriegn foreign
frieght freight
hieght height
liesure leisure
nieghbor neighbor
niether neither
percieve perceive
protien protein
reciept receipt
recieve receive
riegn reign
siesmic seismic
sieze seize
soveriegn sovereign
thier their
unvieled unveiled
wieght weight
wierd weird

"-ites" in place of "-ities"

Misspelling Correction
abilites abilities
activites activities
amenites amenities
authorites authorities
capabilites capabilities
capacites capacities
celebrites celebrities
communites communities
complexites complexities
deites deities
entites entities
facilites facilities
festivites festivities
formalites formalities
identites identities
impurites impurities
minorites minorities
municipalites municipalities
nationalites nationalities
opportunites opportunities
personalites personalities
polarites polarities
possibilites possibilities
probabilites probabilities
profanites profanities
qualites qualities
quantites quantities
realites realities
responsibilites responsibilities
securites securities
similarites similarities
specialites specialities
universites universities
utilites utilities

"-ley" in place of "-ely"

Misspelling Correction
absolutley absolutely
adversley adversely
approximatley approximately
closley closely
definitley definitely
deliberatley deliberately
densley densely
entirley entirely
extremley extremely
falsley falsely
fortunatley fortunately
immediatley immediately
immensley immensely
largley largely
latley lately
likley likely
livley lively
lonley lonely
loosley loosely
lovley lovely
moderatley moderately
negativley negatively
positivley positively
privatley privately
rarley rarely
relativley relatively
respectivley respectively
safley safely
scarcley scarcely
separatley separately
severley severely
ultimatley ultimately
unfortunatley unfortunately
widley widely

Redundant phrases

Phrase Meaning
AC current alternating current current
AM modulation amplitude modulation modulation
ATM machine automated teller machine machine
close proximity close closeness
DC current direct current current
DVD disc DV disc disc
first and foremost
FM modulation frequency modulation modulation
HDD drive hard disk drive drive
HF frequency high frequency frequency
HIV virus human immunodeficiency virus virus
least minimal least least
LF frequency low frequency frequency
MRI imaging magnetic resonance imaging imaging
PIN number personal identification number number
RAM memory random-access memory memory
RF frequency radio frequency frequency
ROM memory read-only memory memory
SAT test scholastic aptitude test test
SSD drive solid-state drive drive
UHF frequency ultra high frequency frequency
ULF frequency ultra-low frequency frequency
USD dollar United States dollar dollar
VHF frequency very high frequency frequency
VLF frequency very low frequency frequency

Other phrases

Wrong word used (proper usage in parenthesis)




The next three should only be attempted by a competent physicist:

(Brief explanation: current = flow of charge; thus "flow of current" = flow of flow of charge)
  1. current flow (current, flow)
  2. current flowing (current)
  3. current passing (current)















"reigned in" (reined in)


"spitting image" (spit and image)








These expressions are normally hyphenated. Note that the hyphenation of an expression is subject to its context (see hyphen).

  • award-winning
  • case-insensitive
  • case-sensitive
  • day-to-day
  • full-time
  • out-and-out
  • out-of-door
  • out-of-doors
  • out-of-the-way
  • out-of-band
  • out-of-body
  • out-of-bounds
  • out-of-town
  • out-of-state
  • out-of-wedlock
  • out-of-pocket
  • out-of-order
  • out-of-place
  • part-time
  • left-handed
  • n-year-long
  • (n)-year-old
  • right-handed
  • state-of-the-art