
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Anne Balsamo is a new media artist focusing on the connection between culture and technology. [1]

She is a Professor of Media Studies as well as the Dean of the School of Media Studies at the New School for Public Engagement. [2]


Balsamo has been a entrepreneur, author. educator, and artist. She attended graduate school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign during which she earned her PhD in Communications Research.[1]

Her work as an artist mainly focuses on the connection that binds culture and technology. The nature of her work investigates technology and the role it plays in society and culture. [3]

Currently she is a Professor of Media Studies as well as the Dean of the School of Media Studies at the New School for Public Engagement. She also teaches courses at USC on interactive media, design and technology. Balsamo also has concurrent appointments at the Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism and the Interactive Media Division of the School of Cinematic Arts. Also, at the Annenberg Innovation Lab, she oversees Emergent Technologies. She also is the editor for am ebook series, Imprint, also associated with Annenberg Press.

Previously she was one of the principal scientists at Xerox PARC, where she was a part of a research group called RED. She then went on to co-found Onomy Labs, which design cultural technologies that are interactive to users. [4]


  • Anne Balsamo, "Myths of Information: On the Meaning of New Information Technologies," Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol. 8, no. 3 (1996): 341-348.
  • Anne Balsamo, Technologies of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women. Duke University Press, 1996.
  • Anne Balsamo, "Notes toward a Reproductive Theory of Technology," Playing Dolly: Technocultural formations, fantasies, & fictions of assisted reproduction, eds. E. Ann Kaplan and Susan Squier, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1999: 87-100.
  • Anne Balsamo, "Engineering Cultural Studies: The Postdisciplinary Adventures of Mindplayers, Fools, and Others," Science + Culture: Doing cultural studies of science, technology and medicine, eds. Sharon Traweek and Roddey Reid, Routledge, 2000: 259-274.
  • Anne Balsamo, "Teaching in the Belly of the Beast: Feminism in the Best of all Places," Wild Science: Feminist cultural studies of science, technology and medicine, eds. Kim Sawchuk and Jeannine Marcessault, Routledge, 2000: 185-214.
  • Anne Balsamo, "Taking Culture Seriously: Educating and Inspiring the Technological Imagination,", Dec. 2005.
  • Anne Balsamo, "Signal to Noise: On the Meaning of Cyberpunk Subculture," Communication in the Age of Virtual Reality, eds. Frank Biocca and Mark Levy, Laurence Earlbaum Press, 1995: 347-368.


  1. ^ a b Facultylist. [NewSchool.]
  2. ^ [iSchool.]
  3. ^ [USC.]
  4. ^ [[1]]

Category: New Media artists Category:American artists Category: Contemporary art