
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


I am big fan Sonic and my freand Tom send me a litter and a cd case and the litter said "dear Tim I can't run away from it. I can't get the black eyes and red dots. destoy the desk .ther desk dont play it. It want you to play it." i opin the cd case and to my surprise the cd desk had ritten in black marker Sonic.eze so being a big Sonic. I put the cd in the my comper and it start with classic Sonic when i puch start for 50 secands the the tattle was runned sever and Sonic had black eyes and red dots and the fer was hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when i say hyper-realistic it so real that you can feal the fer the water turn to red like blood hyper realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood when i say hyper-realistic blood you can feal the blood the sreen before it turn to black it stay black for ten secands after ten secands it show a barney the puple dyasore it was so hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic it was lick he was thare ir stay was for five munates it want to black again it stay black for 50 secands. It want to four save sreen. the back grond red clonds and black sky and four save dark ren and four carator were on it and on top of the save sreen was ren steck and the four carator name teal, kneak, Dr Robutnick and barney the puple dyasore. i though it was starge to play dr robutnick and barney the puple dyasore any ways i press start and a evil leave and it fade ot black. it stay black for 30 sacands it went to teal in a happy stat and the grass was hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when i mean hyper-realistic it so real that its like you can feal the grass if you tunch the sreen. I had teal walk tough the hyper-realistic grass for about ten munates the teal walk to a dead animals on the grass with blood was hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic so hyper-realistc when I mean hyper-realistic I mean it so real that you can feal the blood of the sreen teal be came worry. I made teal walk tough then a forst came out of nowear and more dead animal and more hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood when I mean hyper-reallistic blood you can feal the blood on the sreen and the five more muntes of dead animal with more hyper realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistc blood so hyper-realistic when I mean hyper-realistic blood you can feal the blood when you thuch the sreen and the tree was hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when i mean hyper-realistic it is so real that you can feal the tree then sonic apair with its back away from teal and it eyes closed and teal walk close to sonic i was not contoling teal and the sonic eyes opin and it black eyes and red dots and it turn black it stay black for 30 sacands the red text sead hade and seak and the teal and the forst was on fire. The fire was hyper-realistic so hyper- realistic so hyper-realistic when i mean hyper-realistic it so real it like you were in the fire then i made teal run then sonic with black eyes and red dots apear beand teal and flying tower teal and then teal start to cry it crying for 30 sacands and then sonic apear i heard a screem it turn black. It stay black for 30 sacands it went to the save sreen and teal was in the red staick but it fer was black and it eyes were red and blood comeing from it eyes then I agnore the seen. I press start it it went to black it stay black 30 sacands then thare kneals at a fair the fair hyper-realistic so hyper-realistc so hyper-realistc so hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when i mean hyper-realistic it so real that you were thare I made kneal walk though the for for five manates then blood came on the floor the blood was so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood when i mean hyper-realistc blood the blood so real that that you can feel the blood kneals was worryed like teal for five manates walking in hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood so blood so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic blood when i mean hyper-realistic blood you can feel the blood off the sreen then sonic apear with black eyes and red dots it fade to black it stay black the red text you can't run then it went to anuther fear the fear was hyper-realistic when i mean hyper-realistic so real it lile you where there. Kneal try to punch sonic then sonic disapear with is black smoke Kneal try to punch again sonic then sonic disapear with is black smoke and Kneal try to punch again sonic then sonic disapear with is black smoke and Kneal try to punch again sonic then sonic disapear with is black smoke the sonic apear at kneal back and kneal fall and started to cry kneal stay crying for 30 secands then a srceem then it went to black it stay black for 30 sacands it went back to save sreen kneal on ren sreen with insead of red fer it fer was drak red and it eyes were black and blood come out of it and the I know it was Dr Robotnick. I it was stange to be Dr Robotnick then i press start then that evil laghf and it fade to black it stay black for 30 sacands then it went to a anoter forst the forst was hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when I mean hyper-realistic is so real the were thare and Dr Robotnick then I made Dr robotncik walk then five manates then blood was on the floor the blood was hyper-realistc so hyper-realistic blood so hyper-realistic when I mean hyper-realistic blood it so real that you can feal the blood. I made Dr Robotnick walk though the blood for five manates then sonic with black eyes and red dots apear then a srceem it turn black the a red text sead time to die Rr Robotnick it went to a save sreen now Dr Ronotnick was in the red stick with gary skin and grass were broke with blood on it the last one was barney the pupple dyasore. I press start it went to black again it stay black for 30 sacands then barney was the school. the school was hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when I mean hyper-realistic it was like it so real it like you were thare the he walk to a dead chald on the floor with blood. The blood was realistic blood so hyper-realistic that you can feal the blood if tunch the screen then barney stop and he was scared then he wilk for a five manates more dead childred on the floor and the sonic wath black eyes and red and a srceem it fade to black it stay black. It stay black for sacands then sonic aprear with fer that hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic when I mean hyper-realistc it so hyper-realistic so hyper-realisitc it so hyper-realistic so hyper realistc so hyper-realistic so hyper-realistic so hyper so hyper-realistic so hyper realistc when I mean hyper-realistic it so real that you can feal the fer if you tunch the sreen it had black eyes and red dot and the blood came then it sead i an god then a red text came from the red text sead ready for round two tom and then it went to save sreen barney was on red stick with fer was dark red and the eyes were black and blood came from it eyes and the it fade to black it stay black for ten manates and then I head a vouce sead made this intesting tom and I turn aruand and on my bed ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... It was a doll of sonic it had black eyes and red dots and blood comeing down its eyes .