
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hello my name is Lily Mayfield and I am a pansexual trans woman! I have been programming forever in Python. I love making things, doing art, just doing projects and absorbing info in general. Here is everything I do:

My userboxes

AnarchistThis user is an Anarchist. Anarchism
This user enjoys philosophy.
pl-1Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
fr-0Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français ou seulement avec des difficultés notables.
es-0Este usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende muy difícilmente).
progThis user is a programmer.
Github logo
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
This user is a switch.
This user identifies as a femme.
This user identifies as pansexual.
This user plays on as lily-m .
This user is a shogi player.
Alexander coin This user is interested in
Hellenistic Greece
This user is interested in the Paris Commune.
This user is interested in the Spanish Revolution.
This user is interested in