
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

LEONARDO DA VINCI'S LIFE : When leonardo was first born at april 15,1452 he lived with his mother in vinci because his grandfather (on his dads side) forbid leonardo's dad (ser piero) and his mother(Caterina)to marry because his mother was a poor farm girl,Ser piero was a rich man.In 1457 he moved to his grandparents and uncels house.In that time his uncle Francesco took him on walks on the land.During those walks leonardo would stop and draw things he found intresting.He always carried his sketch book around.One day ser piero looked at leonardos sketch book.He was amsased by his 14 year olds drawings,so he sent him to apprentence to Verrocchio.he stayed untill he was 21.During that time he learnd to make his own paint,his own paint brushes,and to make a canves out of wood.When Verrocchio painted the babtisim of christ he had leonardo paint a angel,because of the angel Verrocchio never picked up a paint brush agin.After this leonardo finnaly left Verrocchio.At one time in his life he lived with a duke who became a good friend of leonardo.He was asked by the monkes to paint what we know today as "THE LAST SUPPER".At the same time he was designing a giant horse sculpter for the duke.Since leonardo loved to experament with his art he experamented on "THE LAST SUPPER",it started to pell away befor he even died.He never fineshed the horse,because of a small war that started and thay lost it.The other guys used leonardos clay model as target practice.Althou leonardo never saw the statue fineshed someone made it it is in mishagin.Leonardo moved from place to place after this he didnt have a home until around 1510 he moved in to a house near the king of france (of his time).Within the time of leonardo living thare the king viseted leonardo daily.The king was a very huge fan of leonardo.Legend has it leonardo died in the kings arems.