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The Spanish Plume or Iberian Plume is a weather pattern in which a plume of warm air is advectedmoved from the Iberian plateau to higher latitudes northwest Europe giving rise to unstable air and convective severe storms. This meteorological pattern can lead to extreme high temperatures and intense rainfall during the summer months, with potential for flash flooding, damaging hail storms and tornado formation. Over Europe, the main source for Elevated Mixed Layers (EMLs) is the Iberian Peninsula, and the respective EML is sometimes referred to as “Spanish plume” (Carlson and Ludlam 1968; Bennett et al. 2006). More recently, the overall synoptic pattern involving an EML (rather than the EML itself) has been referred to as Spanish plume (Morris 1986; Lewis and Gray 2010).[1]

Meteorological situation

Much of inland Spain is raised quite significantly above sea level - the Spanish Plateau Meseta Central but it still gets heated strongly by the sun in summer and so it still becomes very hot given its southerly latitude, even though the land (and air immediately above the land) is at a much higher altitude than say the beach resorts in Spain. The air is normally dry due to the low moisture over the Spanish mainland in summer and as it is strongly heated it is well mixed and cools quickly with height. When brisk southerly winds pass over Spain they scoop up this layer of very warm, well mixed air and blow it towards France and sometimes the UK. What happens is the Spanish air rides atop the airmasses that are already present over France and the UK, often capping any humid air and thus making conditions rather sticky down at the surface (such as over the last few days). The Spanish air may become moistened a bit by Atlantic airflows mixing into it from the west and Altocumulus castellanus cloud are commonly found within it - especially once Atlantic weather systems begin to lift the Spanish airmass. Therefore it is rather a special airmass to bring in and the reason we don't normally see Ac Cast when we don't get these deep southerly flows from Spain. A typical weather system moving into the UK from the Atlantic will most likely not contain slabs of air with temperature profiles which will allow Ac Cast to form anywhere near as readily, if at all. 


British Isles

classical Spanish plume, modified Spanish plume, and European easterly plume.[3]


The mechanism of creation of a low-level jet of low-stability, high θw air (the Spanish plume) and the resultant triggering of severe convection within a region of significant low-level vertical wind shear that leads to the development of a UK MCS is composed of the same key ingredients as identified by Laing and Fritsch (2000) for the development of MCCs globally. One difference is the relative importance of the upper-level trough (its strength and dynamical role appears to be possibly more important in the Spanish plume).[3]


The Spanish plume is a name given to a complex weather situation in northwest Europe,[5] which produces the conditions necessary for severe local storms.[6]

the Spanish plume situation has two main precursor components: an upper-level trough propagating towards Biscay and Iberia associated with a surface cold front and a low-level zone of strong temperature gradient over Iberia.[3]

ridge of high pressure from the Azores to United Kingdom, blocks westerly flow and southerly winds to move hot air from Spain or even North Africa.[7]

Strictly, the 'Spanish plume' is a plume or tongue of warm/dry ex-Saharan air, that has passed over the Iberian peninsula and been lifted by forced ascent,[6] with the moist, unstable air typically rising to around 10000 feet (medium-level) by the time it reaches the UK.[8] Initially providing a 'lid' (in American literature a situation referred to as a "the loaded gun")[9]) which inhibits deep/vigorous convection,[6] In a southerly airstream a plume of potentially very warm air from Spain is found aloft over southwest France, and confines the small-scale convection there to a layer only 1 or 2 km deep.[10]

its breakdown allows the sudden release of potential instability, with the fuel for the subsequent severe storms being provided by air of a high theta-W value often running in from the SSE. Thunderstorms, often severe, are most likely within the tongue of highest theta-W air (> 18 degC or so), and where there are low-level forcing agents: e.g. isobaric troughing, sea breezes, coastal convergence etc.[6]and-

characterised by very warm air that moves northwards across the Spanish Plateau from Africa,-sibley warm air driven north from Spain and Morocco.[11]

The classical Spanish plume is associated with an eastward propagating baroclinic cyclone that evolves according to idealised life cycle 1. Conditional instability is released from a warm moist plume of air advected northeastwards from Iberia that is capped by warmer, but very dry air, from the Spanish plateau.[3]

thermal low forms over the Iberian peninsula from solar heating.[12]

low pressure stalls in the atlantic to west or northwest of UK, with high pressure to the east.[citation needed]

Plume of warm air that moves north from the Spanish plateau moves north this plume meets usual westerly flow of cooler air from Atlantic, and rises over the cooler air causing thunder storms.[5] can cover large areas

airmass is very warm at low levels which allows it to pick up moisture, with warm dry air above, which forms a "cap" preventing deep convection.[7] Warm dry air from Iberian plateau sits on top of warm humid air acts as a lid[13] Temperature inversion Capping inversion

spanish plume brings elevated layer of mixed air from Iberia ahead of upper level trough. if moist boundary level air available then

convection begins in areas of high Convective available potential energy[14] and low Convective inhibition.

CAPE Convective available potential energy is found to be highly variable both spatially and temporally, the highest values being produced during Spanish plume events.[15]

Equivalent potential temperature commonly referred to as theta-e


In summer, the greatest threat is posed by the so called “Spanish plume” (Morris, 1986), a regional weather pattern that brings hot and moist air from the Mediter- ranean Sea to Central Europe. Any cold air outbreak from the northwest is then likely to induce intense thunderstorm development often accompanied by damag- ing hail, downbursts, or tornadoes. This scenario is similar to the meteorological conditions conducive to tornado formation in the US tornado alley during spring and early summer.[16]

(the “Spanish plume”, Morris, 1986), combined with an orogenic low-level wind shear can easily intensify thunderstorms and thus, also lead to tornadoes[17]

favourable situation no storms developed because a proceeding dry spell over France parched the soil and led there to an unusually high θ, rendering the lid ineffective and producing an abnormally deep and dry layer of small-scale convection.[10]

An Elevated Mixed Layer mainly evolves in arid regions, where intense diabatic causes a well mixed air mass with lapse rates approaching the dry adiabats throughout a deep layer, e.g. up to 500 hPa is the Iberian Peninsula. In summer, when a trough over the eastern Atlantic digs far to the south, very hot and dry air gets advected northwards from Morocco and Algeria or gradually evolves over the Iberian Peninsula, when a long period of high pressure allows the air mass over Spain to modify. In case the trough from the E-Atlantic further approaches Europe, this very hot and dry air mass starts to move towards the northeast, covering most parts of central Europe, dependent on how intense and persistent the advection is. This plume of well mixed air is called Spanish plume ... While crossing the Mediterranean, some modifications of the lower levels occurs, however the mid-levels remain well mixed with almost dry adiabatic lapse rates. That is the stratification for robust potential instability release, which causes some of the highest CAPE over central Europe during the summer months. Due to the close connection of the Spanish plume with an approaching trough, dynamics, shear and abundant instability overlap and cause organized thunderstorms.[18]

Spanish plume. In Western Europe with a height SW flow in the boundary layer moist and warm air to the north-den is driven with high theta-e values ​​are observed (> 55 ° C), which contribute to the building of a high potential instability. Because the air-mass of the very dry and warm Iberian plateau is, the plume characterized by a well-mixed and dry air to the base layer at secondary level. This warm air layer has a strong suppressive effect of convection which only strong triggers such as fronts and strong convergence regions are able to generate convection.-

western France to UK Belgium and nl north Germany lifting from frontogenesis, germany and alp areas lifting from lee-cyclogenesis.[9]

A layer of potentially warm air (see potential temperature) that originates over the Iberian Peninsula and flows north towards France. It forms a capping inversion that restricts small-scale convection in the lowest layers, which become extremely humid. The arrival of an eastward-moving upper trough leads to the breakdown of the inversion and the development of multicell or supercell thunderstorms over France, which often cross the English Channel into southern England. Similar to the Mexican plume in the southern United States.[19]

modified Spanish plume

Suggest that a significant number of UK MCSs do not form during a classical Spanish plume event.[3] The modified Spanish plume is associated with a slowly moving mature frontal system associated with a forward tilting trough (and possibly cut-off low) at 500 hPa that evolves according to idealised life cycle 2. As in the classical Spanish plume, conditional instability is released from a warm plume of air advected northwards from Iberia.[3]

European easterly plume

The less frequent European easterly plume is associated with an omega block centred over Scandinavia at upper levels. Conditional instability is released from a warm plume of air advected westwards across northern continental Europe. Unlike the Spanish plume environments, the European easterly plume is not a warm sector phenomena associated with a baroclinic cyclone. However, in all environments the organisation of convection is associated with the interaction of an upper-level disturbance with a low-level region of warm advection.[3] - 27/06/2011

Downburst Microburst Theta-EW plume 18C WBPT plume Altocumulus castellanus cloud


difficult to forecast severe weather, resolution of models and atmospheric forcing of storm initiation by factors such as orography, airmasses, cap erosion and strength..

"One thing we have found out is that the Met Office EURO4 model is hopeless at dealing with Spanish Plumes and imported thunderstorms to the point of being useless to meteorologists. It missed each of the main plumes last week, whilst the American GFS picked it up nearly 10 days before."[20]

Precursor conditions

noted that ground moisture important factor in generating moisture in boundary layer, and that soil moisture deficits can hamper cloud and storm development.[20]

contributory factor in 2014 Spanish plumes may well have been the wet winter of 2013-2014.[20]

"The other (rather weak correlation) is between a developing or weak El Nino and a thundery Summer across Western Europe. This link is still being investigated and is still subject to some debate."[20]

Role in Mesoscale convective system formation

Case studies of Mesoscale convective systems usually associate them with the Spanish plume (classic) synoptic pattern in the United Kingdom, however, in their climatology of UK MCSs, Gray and Marshall (1998) found only 25 (plus possibly an additional two) of their 32 cases are associated with a Spanish plume.[3] They noted that the upper-level trough extended south towards Iberia and formed a cut-off low in a third of these cases and in one further case the cold advection into Iberia was provided by a cut-off low. These are modifications of the classical Spanish plume conceptual model. The remaining four cases studied (comprising two pairs of MCSs that formed on consecutive days and hence only two synoptic environments) formed in strongly blocked flow over the UK with a cut-off low situated over north-west Iberia in one case and to the west of the UK in the other case. These results suggest that a significant number of UK MCSs do not form during a classical Spanish plume event.[3]

MCS occur infrequently in the UK, average number of two{{dubious]] per year 1981-1997, forming between mid-May and the end of August and are usually associated with the Spanish Plume pattern.[21][22] Of the 32 MCSs studied in the UK, 25 are associated with a Spanish plume.[21] 2 more are probably from this set up but without data.[21] another being a variation of.

storms on 5-6 July 1991 and 12-13 August 1997.[21]

A total of 32 MCSs were diagnosed to have occurred over the U K in the 17 years from 1981 to 1997. This provides a mean occurrence of just under two systems per year. The systems, along with some statistics, are shown in Table 2. The annual frequency of MCSs is plotted in Fig. 1. It is interesting to note peaks in 1983, 1992 and 1997, and zeros in 1984,1988,1990, 1995 and 1996. These peaks, unexpectedly, correspond to years of strong El Niño events. No firmcorrelation between UK weather and the El Niño Southern Oscillation is known to exist, and the number of systems observed is too small to put this apparent correlation down to anything bar coincidence at present.[21]

Within the northern hemisphere there is a pronounced poleward migration as the jet stream shifts northward.[23]

Three of them had been caused by a "Spanish plume", a warm weather front heading north from Iberia which has risen over cooler Atlantic air as they meet over the British Isles, leading to powerful thunderstorms, he added. "They (the plumes) happen from time to time and we get some massive thunderstorms and large hailstones," he said. "But today had the added factor of high wind-shear (sideways movements). What that does is cause the thunderstorms to become more prolonged, and when that happens they can get more intense. "Today they were rotating; it is called a super cell thunderstorm. "To get one is pretty rare, to get three is very unusual indeed."[24]


2 per year average UK, 6!? per year average Europe

1% of storms in UK.[24]

Extreme temperatures

help to set extreme temperatures[25] The "spanish plume" is responsible for the highest temperatures in the Netherlands (> 35 ° C).-


Asthma epidemics associated both temporally and spatially with thunderstorm activity.-


increased risk of small boat sinking, especially wood boats as the high temperatures can cause the wood to shrink and seams to open.[26]


Damaging hail storms which can wipe out crops, and damage buildings, especially vulnerable are glasshouses,[27] polytunnels and agricultural buildings. Large insurance claims for vehicles as large hail can destroy bodywork and break windows.[28] as clouds begin to rise temperatures fall by around 10˚C per kilometre in the atmosphere as the clouds rise they pass into this cooler air where the moisture can freeze, cloud tops can reach around minus 60˚C hail is kept aloft in the cloud by up-draughts and grows until it falls to the ground and repeatedly lifted in the convection of the cloud.[29]

Return of the westerlies

so called European Monsoon Is a recognisable trend now occurring, whereby the prevailing westerly winds from the Atlantic, which weaken at the end of spring, pick up again at the beginning of June[30]

return of the westerlies/European Monsoon reduces meridional flow of spanish plume[citation needed], so that May-June-July plume is more northerly with a region to the north of the Alps, forming a thunderstorm track from the Massif Centrale into Southern Germany.[9] the summer months of June-July-August favouring a track through the Po Valley[9] and the end of the summer period August-September-October, further south in the area of gulf of Genoa.[9]

weakened jet, Rossby wave

- - - - - -

Rossby waves are often forced by topography...Rossby waves cannot propagate vertically if the mean zonal winds are easterly, or if they are westerly and exceed a certain speed.This has important implications for the dynamics of the middle atmosphere (defined as the stratosphere and mesosphere). In the summertime the zonal winds in the middle atmosphere are easterly, and so energy from topographically forced Rossby waves cannot reach the middle atmosphere. In the wintertime, however, the zonal winds in the middle atmosphere are westerly, allowing Rossby waves to reach the middle atmosphere and deposit energy. This explains the sudden stratospheric warming episodes (as much as 40-50 K within a few days) observed in the Northern Hemisphere wintertime. This phenomenon is not as pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere because there are not as many topographical features in that hemisphere to generate topographically forced Rossby waves.-

West African monsoon

west african heat lows... Tropical influences: West African Monsoon Coupling between the West African monsoon and the mid-latitude circulation occurs through a variety of processes. African Easterly Waves and associated convective perturbations can propagate from Sahel to the tropical Atlantic Ocean where the presence of a subtropical trough can sometimes recurve the trajectory of moist tropical air toward the mid latitudes. In favourable conditions (especially during late summer - early autumn), this can amplify baroclinic processes near Morocco and the Spanish peninsula. During the peak of the West African monsoon, in July and August, the Heat Low over the Sahara has a very variable position from Algeria to Libya, Mauritania to Chad. The induced atmospheric circulation can have some influence on the Mediterranean region and southern Europe. The activity of the West African Monsoon modulates the intensity of the subtropical westerly jet, and the descending branches of the associated Hadley and Walker circulations. The associated anticyclonic surface circulation has some impact on the mid-latitude circulation. All these questions must be tackled in close coordination with the THORPEX African regional plan. Heat lows A thermal low is a warm, shallow, non-frontal depression which forms above continental regions, mostly in the subtropics, but also in the lower mid-latitudes. It occurs during the summer months because of the intense surface heating over land. The main areas of occurrence are regions with arid or semi-arid surfaces where there is little surface evaporation. The basic physical process responsible for generating a thermal low is the vertical expansion of the lowermost layers of the atmosphere due to convective heating, which produces divergence above these layers. The divergence aloft results in a lowering of the surface pressure. Thermal lows are more frequent in spring and summer and their genesis and lysis are modulated by the daily cycle of temperature. Their occurrence is therefore depending on the amplitude of this cycle and on the land sea temperature difference. Many of them remain shallow depressions confined to the lower troposphere, Modelling studies suggest that they are also generated over sea, but in autumn and winter, when the land-sea temperature difference is reversed (Lionello et al., 2006).The thermal low occurring above the Iberian Peninsula is the most prominent example of its type in Europe, but less intense thermal troughs have been observed also at higher latitudes in Europe. Typically, shallow convection forms in the low, but precipitation is not generated in this dry environment. Strong surface pressure gradients occur at the periphery of the low and these cause low-level winds to blow from the coastal zones towards the interior of the peninsula (Hoinka and Castro, 2003). Although the Iberian Peninsula is surrounded by sea, there is no significant moisture transport towards the semi-arid peninsula's centre where most thermal lows are located. Some of the key questions related to forecast are: • What determines the strength of the heat low? • How far are land - and sea-breezes influenced by the thermal low? • Under which circumstances interacts the Iberian thermal low with the Saharian one? • Which role plays the synoptic-scale environment on the thermal low's evolution? • Which large-scale conditions favour the generation of a thermal low? Also, the export of low—stability air from Spain over northwestern Europe (the so-called ‘Spanish plume’) can lead to severe weather over a number of days.-

Saharan dust transport

Possible historical examples

List of

    • 1999, 28-29 May, [34]
    • 2000, 1-2 August [35]
    • 2000, 11 Sept MCS not explicitly spanish plume.[34] prelude to Autumn 2000 western Europe floods, This resulted in some flooding on 15 September around Portsmouth and Southsea as a pumping station at Eastney failed after 58 mm (2.3 in) of rain fell in 4.5 hours, being the heaviest rain since 1986 in the area. Total rainfall was also measured at 65mm in Havant making this a 1 in 108 year storm event.[36]
    • 2002, 30-31 July[37]
  • 2003, 5-6 August

In Britain, only the South East and parts of East Anglia experience 1–2 nights of >1000 J kg−1 CAPE, and as mesoscale convective systems (MCS) are most commonly associated with Spanish plumes, and occur twice per year on average (Gray and Marshall, 1998), it is possible that 1000 J kg−1 may be a suitable threshold for highlighting true plume events. While Spanish plume events (Figure 8(a)) often yield the highest CAPE in Britain, they are also infrequent.[38]

23 May -

2016, 23 June (Brexit referendum day)

    • Browning, KA, and Hill, FF, 1984: Structure and Evolution of a Mesoscale convective system near the British Isles. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc, 110, p. 897-913.
    • Young, MV, 1995: Severe thunderstorms over south-east England on 24 June 1994: A forecasting perspective. Weather, 50, p. 250-256.-
    • van Delden, A., 1998: The synoptic setting of a thundery low and associated prefrontal squall line in western Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vienna, Austria. Vol 65, no. 1-2, p. 113-131.[41]

Similar regional set-ups


  • July 2002 Finland derecho 5 July 2002[42] known as storm "Unto" in Finnish.[43]
  • August 2010 Lithuania-Estonia - Finland derecho 8 August 2010 fatalities 1 Finland, 4 Lithuania[44]

[45] (known in Finland as "Sylvi").[46] Heat wave, with record temperatures 37.2C in summer 2010 storms Asta (30 July), Veera (4 Aug), Lahja (7 Aug) and Sylvi (8 Aug) caused massive damages in Finland with total damages over €100 million, 35,000 kilometres of electric power network were destroyed or damaged, complicating the everyday lives of about 480,000 citizens.[47] Sonisphere festival in Pori[48][49] - -

Alpine orographic initiated convection

  • convection forced by orographic related to Alps
  • interaction of plumes with mountains, lifting airmass
  • 12 July 1984 Munich, Bavaria, Germany Tennis ball sized hail fell on Munich and surrounding areas on this date.[50] It was the greatest loss event in the history of the German insurance industry: 200,000 cars were damaged and the storm cost an estimated 166 million Deutschmark.[51] For years afterwards people jokingly referred to those cars whose bodywork was not repaired as 'Munich Design'. shared similar elements with the traditional spanish plume, however orographic element.-
  • 28–29 June 2006 Villingen-Schwenningen and suburbs, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Supercell thunderstorms, severe damage by grapefruit-sized[52] hailstones, causing € 150 million damage, more than 100 injuries. ?

See also


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  50. ^ [1]
  51. ^ [2]
  52. ^ GmbH, Munich, Germany (2006-06-29). "Schweres Unwetter - Es sieht aus wie im Krieg - Panorama". Retrieved 2010-04-08.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)