
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Dear Wikipedians:

I've been trying to work out the details of some of the calculations found in arXiv:physics/0411233, I got very very close to one of the final results but seem to have gotten stuck on a small bit of detail that didn't add up, which I was hoping to get your help with punching through.

The general formula for calculating time elapsed (T) for the stay-at home twin purely from the proper time elapsed () for the traveling twin, and purely from the traveling twin's non-inertial frame of reference, was given in the paper as:


In the extreme (and classic when talking about any traveling twin problems) case of the infinite acceleration happening in an instant mid-trip for the traveling twin, the paper modeled it using Dirac's Delta as:


where is the rapidity of the ending half of the journey, is the rapidity of the starting half of the journey, and is Dirac's Delta centered at , where is the instant the infinite acceleration (so-called "turn-around") happened for the traveling twin.

According to the paper, plugging (2) into (1), and after some work with hyperbolic functions, one finds , which is one of the classical twin paradox results. I did get this result, but only when starting from the following expression:

Plugging (2) into (1), we have:

This is based on the fact that