User:Kzollman/Copyvio Investigation

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Table for investigations

Stolen from User:Ngb. Ha!

Checked Resolve by Page Situation Status
Nov. 19, 2005 Nov. 26, 2005 Seacoast Church Talk page claims ownership Not confirmed
Nov. 18, 2005 Nov. 25, 2005 Impaled (band) Talk page claims ownership Confirmed(ish)
Nov. 18, 2005 Nov. 25, 2005 Shadhiliya Talk page claims ownership Not confirmed
Nov. 18, 2005 Nov. 25, 2005 Chip Clothier Talk page claims ownership Not confirmed
Nov. 16, 2005 Nov. 23, 2005 Virgo consortium Talk page claims ownership Not confirmed
Nov. 14, 2005 Nov. 21, 2005 Richard Beaulieu Talk page claims permission Confirmed
Nov. 14, 2005 Nov. 21, 2005 William Thomas Rogers Talk page says vague thing about permission Not Confirmed
Nov. 14, 2005 Nov. 21, 2005 Fall Prevention Talk page claims permission Not Confirmed
Nov. 12, 2005 Nov. 19, 2005 Paryushana Author claims permission Confirmed
Nov. 12, 2005 Nov. 19, 2005 Buttigieg De Piro Author claims permission, very impolitely Not confirmed
Nov. 12, 2005 Nov. 19, 2005 Walter Hartley Author claims permission on talk page Confirmed
Nov. 12, 2005 Nov. 19, 2005 Daron Hagen Author claims permission on talk page Confirmed
Oct. 22, 2005 Oct. 29, 2005 Multi-track_Diplomacy Author claims permission (sort of) on the talk page Confirmed
Oct. 22, 2005 Oct. 29, 2005 TDWG Author claims to have permission on the talk page Confirmed
Oct. 24, 2005 Oct. 31, 2005 Cavern Song Username is identical to author Email Bounced
Oct. 24, 2005 Oct. 31, 2005 Alf Tupper Author claims to have permission on the talk page Confirmed
Oct. 25, 2005 Nov. 1, 2005 MiniDome Author claims to have permission on the talk page Not confirmed
Oct. 27, 2005 Nov. 3, 2005 Network for Sustained... Author claims ownership, another says it is released Email Bounced

Form email

Hello -

My name is Kevin Zollman, I am an administrator for an open online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Our encyclopedia allows anyone to post an article on any topic. Recently someone has posted an article entitled _________ which was taken from your website:


The person who posted this has claimed that he/she has authorization to post this page from you. In order to ensure that this is not an impostor I am contacting you to verify that this is not a hoax. If you would like to give permission for Wikipedia to reproduce this material, we would love to have it. However, please keep in mind that in order to be on Wikipedia the author *must* agree to licenses the text under the Gnu Free Document License. A copy of this license can be found here:

Please note that your contributions may not remain intact as submitted; this license, and the collaborative nature of our project, also entitles others to edit, alter, and update them at will, i.e., to keep up with new information, or suit the text to a different purpose. However, the license also expressly protects authors "from being considered responsible for modifications made by others" while ensuring that those authors get credit for their work. There is more information on our copyright policy at:

We choose the GNU FDL license because it is the best available tool for ensuring that our encyclopedia is and can remain free for all to use, and for providing credit to everyone who donates text and images. It may or may not be compatible with your goals in creating the materials available on your website -- that is your choice. Please be assured that if you do not grant permission, your materials will not be used at Wikipedia; we have a very strict policy against copyright violations.

Thank you, Kevin Zollman