
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

KendallSmith1988 was born on a day of the week within a certain month in a certain year. He has many likes, but he also has many dislikes. Some things he likes and dislikes at the same time. These are the things he feels sort of indifferent about kinda, maybe. For no apparent reason there will be a random Kevin Bacon link placed in this page. KendallSmith1988 has done this because it is his will. You see, whatever KendallSmith1988 truly wishes to be will be, because KendallSmith1988 is actually a god. He has proven this to several mortals and if you do not believe this then it is because KendallSmith1988 has not yet willed it to be. Don't worry, he will get to you too. He just takes frequent breaks because he is lazy.

Origin Mythology

Many scholars argree that KendallSmith1988 is a god that has taken on human form. However the question arises as to how and why he did this. There is a myth that seeks to answer this question. It begins with KendallSmith1988 who being as powerful as he is, gathered together a small amount of his energy and created the Big Bang. You should know what resulted from that. After that, he created lifeforms just by thinking about what he wanted to see. They slowly began to learn and grow much according to the theory of evolution. Scientists and scholars have this basically right except koalas are actually evolved from carnivorous rabbits. Yes, every time a rabbit eats another rabbit, it slowly starts to become a koala. Anyway, KendallSmith1988 from time to time wills men and women to conceive children. After children are conceived, KendallSmith1988 transfers his spirit into these children. These children are often seen as strange, because people see him while performing his divine duties and people mistake these actions for things like magic and other weird things. This is part of the reason why the Salem witch trials came about. According to the myth KendallSmith1988 continues to take on human form even to this day because humans entertain him. One would think that war and death would turn such a being away from mortal form, but KendallSmith1988 obviously finds some happiness in human life. If he can do it, why can't we all? Oh, that's right, we're inferior to him!

Dr. Albert's Page

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