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Amateur Radio Operator (HAM) Emergency Communicator Emergency Services Officer, Communications Officer Ground Team Leader Search and Rescue SAR

James R. Weber

James has always been interested in Providing Emergency Communications during a disaster or other declaration of need, since his time in the US ARMY as a Station Technical Controller at Site R, Loop and Random length antennas are his preferred antennas for emergency communications, with a PAC-12 for Quick Response when a vertical or horizontal antenna will suffice.

Biography Info: James upgraded in 2006 to a FCC Part 97 Radio Technician license KCØYEF. James has upgraded to General Class Operator 2007.

Civil Air Patrol: joined April 2007 and September 2007 was Promoted to Second Lieutenant. Ground Team Leader, first find within 24 hours of UDF certification. Emergency Services Officer, Communications Officer [Technician Rating AUG 2007], Information Technology Officer, Finance Officer and was a Communications Unit Leader (CUL).

ARES TEAM observer.

Certifications: Civil Air Patrol; GT2, GTL, UDF, GT2, GES, SET, GT3, CUL, MRO, ICS 003 15.A 0022 120 208 241 244 275 292 317 331 547 NIMS 100 200 300* 400* 700 800 *classroom not available online.

Aug 2007 elected Vice President Phelps County Amateur Radio Technical Society.

Traffic Handlers Quiz KCØYEF 03/20/2007 35.75/40 89.38 % Communications Officer, Information Technology Officer and Emergency Services Officer. 2001 US ARMY; NBC NCO, "Task Force Santa Fe" NSA NATO Belgium providing force protection. 2000 Aspen Mountain Rescue Team Member MRA.

1988/9 Nuclear Biological Chemical Defense School. 1983 ARMY Basic Training and 32D Station Technical Controllers Course.