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There is a page named "User:KazakhPol" on Wikipedia
- intended to past Wiki-friends, but I just dont care that much anymore. KazakhPol 09:02, 8 September 2007 (UTC) Too bad. I had hoped we could have given...432 bytes (67 words) - 08:00, 16 November 2023
- See what the critics are saying... "KazakhPol does almost nothing on Wikipedia but push the POV that certain Islamic groups and political parties are...2 KB (165 words) - 16:01, 21 June 2007
- KazakhPol/Projects/Terrorism in Central Asia KazakhPol/Projects/Terrorism in Central Asia U.S.: Diplomat Sees Growing Terrorism Challenge In Central Asia...2 KB (22 words) - 18:25, 14 July 2009
- KazakhPol's to-do list Bold=done. Ref=reference. EL=external link. POV=article is biased. FAC=article is inaccurate. Relevant pages Hizb ut-Tahrir (29...7 KB (743 words) - 07:49, 2 June 2007
- celebrations of the 1500th anniversary of Turkestan (in south Kazakhstan region), Kazakh special services in conjunction with the law enforcement agencies rendered...12 KB (1,928 words) - 02:14, 28 December 2006
- Terrorism in Tajikistan-related links Central Asia: Hizb Ut-Tahrir’s Calls For Islamic State Find Support Kyrgyzstan: Imam Extends Welcome To Hizb Ut-Tahrir...2 KB (298 words) - 01:01, 9 April 2007
- Terrorism in Turkmenistan links The Law of Turkmenistan On the Fight Against Terrorism Turkmenistan will not offer its territory for anti-terrorist operation...669 bytes (55 words) - 18:45, 29 December 2006
- Terrorism in Kyrgyzstan-related links Banned Hizb ut-Tahrir holds festivities in Kyrgyzstan Secretary of Russia's Security Council and Kirghiz President...7 KB (922 words) - 06:38, 19 January 2007
- Terrorism in Uzbekistan-related links Uzbekistan: Effect Of Tashkent Explosions Still Felt Two Years Later Uzbekistan: Dissident Imam Reaches Safety After...3 KB (330 words) - 18:36, 29 December 2006
- Ilyas Dzhansugurov (May 1, 1894 - February 26, 1938) was a Kazakh classic poet of the Kazakh literature. He is a first Chairman of the Union of writers...17 KB (2,454 words) - 06:36, 16 December 2024
- been under Russian rule, such as the Tatars, Chechens, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, etc. Note that -ev (Russian unstressed and non-Russian) and -yov (Russian...9 KB (766 words) - 20:29, 8 February 2022
- 20:24, 8 November 2006 (UTC) Thanks for updating Irakli Okruashvili. KazakhPol 20:22, 11 November 2006 (UTC) And hello to you too, Kober. First of all...49 KB (6,070 words) - 17:21, 7 November 2023
- User:KazakhPol started at 23:23, 13 March 2007 Kurgan-Tyube clan by User:KazakhPol started at 23:19, 13 March 2007 Kulyab clan by User:KazakhPol started...118 KB (21,927 words) - 03:32, 4 June 2010
- spokesman of the Government of Kazakhstan. Thanks, KazakhPol 18:34, 8 November 2006 (UTC) Thank you. KazakhPol 22:05, 9 November 2006 (UTC) Attila (possibly...38 KB (5,337 words) - 19:47, 20 May 2024
- = Kazakh SSR\n| flag alias = Flag of the Kazakh SSR.svg\n| flag alias-1937 = Flag of Kazakh SSR (1937-1940).svg\n| flag alias-1940 = Flag of Kazakh SSR...659 KB (73,224 words) - 19:34, 17 June 2023
- February 2015 (UTC) Reason: Unsourced BLP Kairat Lama Sharif: PROD; notified KazakhPol (talk · contribs) 00:33, 8 February 2015 (UTC) Reason: Unsourced BLP Tuula...20 KB (2,820 words) - 15:55, 20 October 2016
- Rakkopilli, a Voltic bagpipe Manton, Lincolnshire Čybyzga, some kind of Kazakh instrument? Oxi, Amazonian coca-based drug Francois Balthasar Solvyns, Indiologist...72 KB (6,661 words) - 11:24, 7 October 2023
- script subtag mismatch (help), Kazakh: İrbit) Irkutsk Ürküt (Altay: Ürküt, Tatar: Örket) Izhevsk İjav (Tatar: İjaw, Kazakh: İjaw) Izberbash İzbirbaş (Kumyk:...100 KB (8,050 words) - 19:26, 11 October 2024
- Rama's Arrow (talk · contribs) started at 01:11, 13 June 2007 Fehmi Naji by KazakhPol (talk · contribs) started at 20:12, 12 June 2007 Ratra by Intothefire (talk ·...98 KB (18,675 words) - 01:59, 9 November 2009
- 突厥) Uyghuric/Karluk Uyghur, Wéiwúěr, 维吾尔 Uzbek, Wūzībiékè, 乌孜别克 Kipchak Kazakh, Hāsàkè, 哈萨克 Kyrgyz, Kēěrkèzī, 柯尔克孜 Tatar, Tǎtǎěr, 塔塔尔 Oghuz Salar, Sǎlá...21 KB (1,649 words) - 17:06, 31 December 2023
- imperialism in Asia Central and West Asia (5 articles) Dzungar Khanate Kazakh Khanate Khanate of Bukhara Khanate of Sibir Safavid dynasty East Asia (8
- Dluzewski, M. 2005. Sklad mineralno-litologiczny jako wskaznik zródla osadów pól wydmowych pólnocnej Sahary (Mineral and lithological composition as an indicator