User:Katie alsop/wicca rock

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wicca music or Wicca rock is music influenced by Wicca[1] written by Wiccan musicians living in some of the most naturally beautiful forest regions of the world, in Canada.[2] It is said by some to be an emerging sub-genre of alternative music[3]

The emergence drew some note when a band called Themisbegan touring Canada and the USA. The Themis repertoire promotes things that are Wiccan such as the divinity of nature; the Lord and Lady (dual deity aspect of Wicca)[4] and an ethical credo [5] that resembles Wiccan philosophies.

Another Canadian band, a group of vocalists from Vancouver Canada, theChalice and Blade, also perform original pieces based on the beliefs of Wicca and "sing songs which show (their) reverence for the earth and the balance of the God and Goddess" -Chalice and Blade

The "Ethics of Wicca music"also mirrors the global ethic standardadopted by the United Nations and by the 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago.[6].

Comparing Wicca Music ethicswith the Global Ethic StandardWicca Music's ecological and ethical aspects suggests that Wicca Music (and Wicca in part) satisfies the Council for a Parliament of World Religions'Declaration for a Global Ethic's request for universal adoption.

"All historical experience demonstrates the following: Our earth cannot be changed unless in the not too distant future an alteration in the consciousness of individuals is achieved. This has already been seen in areas such as war and peace or economy and ecology. And it is precisely for this alteration in inner orientation, in the entire mentality, in the "heart," that the religions bear responsibility in a special way. Here we remain aware, however, that a universal consensus on many disputed individual ethical questions (from bio- and sexual ethics through mass media and scientific ethics to economic and political ethics) will be difficult to attain. Nevertheless, even for many questions still disputed, differentiated solutions should be attainable in the spirit of the fundamental principles jointly developed here.

In many areas of life a new consciousness of ethical responsibility has already arisen. Therefore, we would be especially pleased if as many as possible national or international professional organizations, such as those for physicians, scientists, business people, journalists, and politicians, would compose up to date codes of ethics."[7](Download Full PDF Document from

Wicca Music Subculture

Evidenced in lyrics of Wicca songs like "I am The Shadow" by Themis[8], "Love of Life" by Themis [9], and "Ancient Trees" by Chalice and Blade [10] Wiccan musicians advocate a culture promoting ecology; of non-violence and respect for life; the divinity of mother nature; solidarity with 'earth'; a just economic order; tolerance, healing and truthfulness and equal rights and partnership between men and women (although Wiccan women have a higher rank)[11].

According to an article published by WebRadio Canada[12],

[Wicca rock is] still a fairly new genre of music... it is catching on quickly in North America ... With the public's growing awareness of the harmful effects of polluting and abusing the environment, more and more people connect with the Wiccan message of respecting the beauty and mystery of nature. Wiccans and non-Wiccans alike can experience and appreciate Mother Nature's precious earth and every drop of life each of us is given.

Wicca Music and the Religion

Wicca Rock may not be religious neutral to many of the Christian faith. Some conservative Christians feel that even gospel music or Contemporary Christian Music is unholy. [13]

Perhaps less about political correctness and more about ecology beliefs which are common to all religions, Wicca music, according to both'Themis'and 'The Chalice and Blade', advances that the cycles of nature are the holy days; the earth is the true temple; and the plants and creatures their musical partners and inspirations.[14] "We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation. Our bible is the wind and the rain." -Ruffian Angel, song writer and lead singer of Themis

We thrive in the song and spirit of the birds and other creatures of the wild -- our music is written from a love of all life. -A Wiccan Music Creed

Light over Dark

Unlike much Gothic Rock,and even alternative rock, Wicca music is bright and cheerful[15], promoting positive Wicca ideals.

"The Craft is a joyous creed; it is also a socially and ecologically responsible one... Love of life in all its forms, is the basic ethic of the Craft." -The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Wicca 101

Converse to Gothic rock which comes from the dark, Wicca music comes from the light side.[16]

In 2007, Themis, with a strong pro-ecology message morphed from a Punk rock background into the Wicca music realm. [17] The band's followers advance the idea that modern Wicca should be more about nature, ecology and feminism and less about witchcraft and spirtualism. (...the new music direction is about loving life, nature and Earth as a living thing) "We thrive in the song and spirit of the birds and other creatures of the wild -- our music is written from a love of all life. The cycles of nature are our holy days: the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers so we respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation."Our bible is the wind and the rain."

See also
