User:Jaspergeli/Organismal phyla

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Organismal Phyla

Animal phyla

Protostome Bilateria
Others (Radiata or Parazoa)
Phylum Meaning Common name Distinguishing characteristic Species described
Acanthocephala Thorny head Thorny-headed worms Reversible spiny proboscis that bears many rows of hooked spines approx. 1,100
Annelida Little ring Annelids Multiple circular segment 17,000+ extant
Arthropoda Jointed foot Arthropods Segmented bodies and jointed limbs, with Chitin exoskeleton 1,200,000+ extant; 20,000+ extinct
Brachiopoda Arm foot Lampshells Lophophore and pedicle 300-500 extant; 12,000+ extinct
Bryozoa Moss animals Moss animals, sea mats, ectoprocts Lophophore, no pedicle, ciliated tentacles, anus outside ring of cilia 5,000 extant
Chaetognatha Longhair jaw Arrow worms Chitinous spines either side of head, fins approx. 100 extant
Chordata With a cord Chordates Hollow dorsal nerve cord, notochord, pharyngeal slits, endostyle, post-anal tail approx. 75,000+
Cnidaria Stinging nettle Cnidarians Nematocysts (stinging cells) approx. 11,000
Ctenophora Comb bearer Comb jellies Eight "comb rows" of fused cilia approx. 100-150 extant
Cycliophora Wheel carrying Symbion Circular mouth surrounded by small cilia, sac-like bodies 3+
Echinodermata Spiny skin Echinoderms Fivefold radial symmetry in living forms, mesodermal calcified spines approx. 7,000 extant; approx. 13,000 extinct
Entoprocta Inside anus Goblet worms Anus inside ring of cilia approx. 150
Gastrotricha Hairy stomach Gastrotrich worms Two terminal adhesive tubes approx. 690
Gnathostomulida Jaw orifice Jaw worms approx. 100
Hemichordata Half cord Acorn worms, hemichordates Stomochord in collar, pharyngeal slits approx. 130 extant
Kinorhyncha Motion snout Mud dragons Eleven segments, each with a dorsal plate approx. 150
Loricifera Corset bearer Brush heads Umbrella-like scales at each end approx. 122
Micrognathozoa Tiny jaw animals Limnognathia Accordion-like extensible thorax 1
Mollusca Soft Mollusks / molluscs Muscular foot and mantle round shell 90,000+ extant; 80,000+ extinct
Nematoda Thread like Round worms, thread worms Round cross section, keratin cuticle 25,000–1,000,000
Nematomorpha Thread form Horsehair worms, Gordian worms approx. 320
Nemertea A sea nymph Ribbon worms, Rhynchocoela approx. 1,200
Onychophora Claw bearer Velvet worms Legs tipped by chitinous claws approx. 200 extant
Orthonectida Straight swimming Orthonectids Single layer of ciliated cells surrounding a mass of sex cells approx. 26
Phoronida Zeus's mistress Horseshoe worms U-shaped gut 11
Placozoa Plate animals Trichoplaxes Differentiated top and bottom surfaces, two ciliated cell layers, amoeboid fiber cells in between 1
Platyhelminthes Flat worm Flatworms approx. 25,000
Porifera * Pore bearer Sponges Perforated interior wall 7,700 extant
Priapulida Little Priapus Penis worms approx. 20
Rhombozoa Lozenge animal Rhombozoans Single anteroposterior axial cell surrounded by ciliated cells 100+
Rotifera Wheel bearer Rotifers Anterior crown of cilia approx. 2,000
Sipuncula Small tube Peanut worms Mouth surrounded by invertible tentacles 144–320
Tardigrada Slow step Tardigrades, Water bears Four-segmented body and head 1,000+
Xenacoelomorpha Strange form without gut Ciliated bilaterian 400+
Total: 33 2,000,000+

Plant phyla

Division Meaning Common name Distinguishing characteristics Species described
Anthocerotophyta Anthoceros-like plant Hornworts Horn-shaped sporophytes, no vascular system 100-300+
Bryophyta Bryum-like plant, moss plant Bryophytes, mosses Persistent unbranched sporophytes, no vascular system approx. 12,000
Charophyta Chara-like plant Charophytes approx. 1,000
Chlorophyta Green plant Chlorophytes approx. 7,000
Cycadophyta Cycas-like plant, palm-like plant Cycads Seeds, crown of compound leaves approx. 100-200
Ginkgophyta Ginkgo-like plant Ginkgophytes, ginkgo, maidenhair tree Seeds not protected by fruit (single living species) only 1 extant; 50+ extinct 13
Gnetophyta Gnetum-like plant Gnetophytes Seeds and woody vascular system with vessels approx. 70
Lycopodiophyta Lycopodium-like plant Clubmosses & spikemosses Microphyll leaves, vascular system 1,290 extant
Magnoliophyta Magnolia-like plant Flowering plants, angiosperms Flowers and fruit, vascular system with vessels 300,000
Marchantiophyta Marchantia-like plant Liverworts Ephemeral unbranched sporophytes, no vascular system approx. 9,000
Pinophyta, Pinus-like plant, pine plant, cone-bearing plant Conifers, pines Cones containing seeds and wood composed of tracheids 629 extant
Pteridophyta Pteris-like plant, fern plant Ferns & horsetails Prothallus gametophytes, vascular system approx. 9,000
Total: 12

Fungal phyla

Division Meaning Common name Distinguishing characteristics
Ascomycota Bladder fungus Ascomycetes, sac fungi
Basidiomycota Small base fungus Basidiomycetes
Blastocladiomycota Offshoot branch fungus Blastocladiomycetes, blastoclads
Chytridiomycota Little cooking pot fungus Chytridiomycetes, chytrids
Glomeromycota Ball of yarn fungus Glomeromycetes
Microsporidia Small seeds Microsporidians
Neocallimastigomycota New beautiful whip fungus Neocallimastigomycetes
Zygomycota Pair fungus Zygomycetes
Total: 8

Protist phyla

Phylum/Division Meaning Common name Distinguishing characteristics Example
Amoebozoa Amorphous animal Amoebas Amoeba
Bigyra Two ring
Choanozoa Funnel animal
Ciliophora Cilia bearer Ciliates Paramecium
Euglenozoa True eye animal Euglena
Foraminifera Hole bearers Forams Complex shells with one or more chambers Forams
Loukozoa Groove animal
Metamonada Giardia
Myzozoa Suckling animal
Mycetozoa Slime molds
Ochrophyta Yellow plant Diatoms Diatoms
Oomycota Egg fungus Oomycetes
Radiozoa Ray animal Radiolarians
Total: 19

Bacterial phyla

  1. Acidobacteria, phenotipically diverse and mostly uncultured
  2. Actinobacteria, High-G+C Gram positive species
  3. Aquificae, only 14 thermophilic genera, deep branching
  4. Armatimonadetes
  5. Bacteroidetes
  6. Caldiserica, formerly candidate division OP5, Caldisericum exile is the sole representative
  7. Chlamydiae, only 6 genera
  8. Chlorobi, only 7 genera, green sulphur bacteria
  9. Chloroflexi, green non-sulphur bacteria
  10. Chrysiogenetes, only 3 genera (Chrysiogenes arsenatis, Desulfurispira natronophila, Desulfurispirillum alkaliphilum)
  11. Cyanobacteria, also known as the blue-green algae
  12. Deferribacteres
  13. Deinococcus-Thermus, Deinococcus radiodurans and Thermus aquaticus are "commonly known" species of this phyla
  14. Dictyoglomi
  15. Elusimicrobia, formerly candidate division Thermite Group 1
  16. Fibrobacteres
  17. Firmicutes, Low-G+C Gram positive species, such as the spore-formers Bacilli (aerobic) and Clostridia (anaerobic)
  18. Fusobacteria
  19. Gemmatimonadetes
  20. Lentisphaerae, formerly clade VadinBE97
  21. Nitrospira
  22. Planctomycetes
  23. Proteobacteria, the most known phyla, containing species such as Escherichia coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  24. Spirochaetes, species include Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme disease
  25. Synergistetes
  26. Tenericutes, alternatively class Mollicutes in phylum Firmicutes (notable genus: Mycoplasma)
  27. Thermodesulfobacteria
  28. Thermotogae, deep branching
  29. Verrucomicrobia

Archaeal phyla

  1. Crenarchaeota, second most common archaeal phylum
  2. Euryarchaeota, most common archaeal phylum
  3. Korarchaeota
  4. Nanoarchaeota, ultra-small symbiotes, single known species
  5. Thaumarchaeota