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Bold [1][2]

Homosexual couples

Lesbian couples

Low sexual desire discrepancies (low sexual desire and low sexual frequency) are common amongst lesbian couples, similar to heterosexual women in a relationship. [3][4] The sexual frequency between lesbian couples are reported as less frequent in comparison to gay male, heterosexual, married and unmarried couples.[5] To support this notion, a study looked at 1,500 lesbian women who were in a relationship where a large 78% were initially uninvolved in sexual activities.[6] Blumstein and Schwartz reported in ‘American Couples’ that in a sample of lesbian women in a relationship, half of the lesbian sample had low levels of sexual contact and stated that they were dissatisfied with their sexuality. As well as this, the lesbian sample had reported strong sexual desire and frequency at the beginning of their relationship and a pattern appeared with a decrease of sexual activity within long term relationships. [7] However, this study comes with various criticisms, (see Lesbian bed death:criticisms).

In same-sex relationships for women, those with low sexual desire discrepancies mean that women experience low sexual activity and low satisfaction for their sexual relationship. Although, at early stages of their relationship, it is common to find high relationship satisfaction and no issues with low desire discrepancy thus, meaning that a good sexual satisfaction should exist. [8] As well as lesbian women commonly reporting low sexual desires in their relationship, they also report low arousal, more issues with lubrication,[9] low sexual satisfaction and low sexual frequency as the relationship length increases.[10][11] However, research suggests that given the fact that lesbian couples in a relationship are seen to have lower sexual activity, they are likely to be as satisfied with their sexual frequency similar to heterosexual women in their relationship[12] highlighting the fact that low desire discrepancies may not necessarily be an issue for women.

An explanation for low desire discrepancies for lesbian couples can be explained by “lesbian bed death” myth, which argues that sexual activity will significantly reduce in same-sex relationships as the length of the relationship increases which supports the idea that lesbian couples experience high SDD at early stages in their relationships compared to later on.[13][14][15][16] However, see Lesbian bed death:criticisms. Other explanations for low SDD's in lesbian couples could possibly be due to the fact that women are more "sensual rather than sexual" so are less likely to incorporate in such sexual activities,[17] or perhaps due to the absence of a male figure to elicit sexual drive. [18]

Gay Couples

To date, there is only a limited hand of research on gay couples sexual desire and sexual frequency.

Gay males desire for a sexual partner stems from a males physical attractiveness and features and signs of youth. They also favour sexual activities as the fundamental component of a gay relationship. [19] Research by Blumstein and Schwartz depicts that gay men had higher levels of sexual frequencies in comparison to lesbian women throughout all stages of their relationship.[20] Supporting this, it was also found that white homosexual male couples reported higher levels (47%) of copulating more than once in a week compared to lesbians (32%). This was also found amongst gay Black homosexual couples reporting 65% amongst males and 56% amongst females.[21] During the first two years of a gay couples relationship, two-thirds of gay couples had sexual intercourse three of more times a week compared to lesbian couples in a two year relationship. Even so, during a ten year relationship 11% of gay couples copulated compared to 1% of lesbian couples signifying that gay couples have higher frequencies of sex.[22]. Given that males desire higher levels of sex in comparison to females,[23] it is thus common to find that gay males, in comparison to heterosexuals and lesbians, have the highest frequencies of sex across all stages of their relationships. Thus, this signifies that gay couples encounter in higher levels of sexual intercourse.

Given that there is a lack of research on sexual desire amongst homosexual male couples, it is difficult to make definitive assumptions. However, there is research on sexual satisfaction amongst gay couples. Sexual satisfaction and sexual frequency are correlated amongst gay couples. A study showed that most gay couples were sexually satisfied with their partner, with 83% of men reporting "satisfied" and 7% "very satisfied". [24] Amongst young gay male couples in (average length was 15 months), the median rating for sexual satisfaction on a 7-point scale was 5.8 [25] and Black gay male couples reported 5.5 on the 7 point scale.[26] As well as this, males have higher testosterone levels in comparison to females.[27] Testosterone is able to fuel sex drive amongst men and women. Gay couples, therefore together obtain more testosterone thus, ultimately could be a suggestions as to why gay couples have more sexual encounters than lesbian and heterosexual couples.[28] Thus, suggesting that gay couples desire discrepancy involves high sexual desire and high sexual frequency. However, research is needed to confirm this. Despite such reports, literature states that gay men can vary between sexual desire and sexual frequencies, [29] conveying that gay male couples may not always obtain high sexual desires and high sexual frequencies. Even so, sexual frequency amongst gay couples can also reduce over time, similar to lesbian couples and heterosexual couples. [30][31] This conveys that currently, there is no definitive conclusion on desire discrepancy amongst gay couples.


Age is an important factor in understanding human sexuality [32]

Old Age

SDD declines from adolescence into older age where the sexual desire and sexual frequency both decrease. [33][34][35] Data signifies that female sexual desire is not affected by age[36] however majority of data shows that sexual desire is affected by age and decreases as age increases.[37][38] For older women, sexual desire can be determined by one’s relationship context, i.e. whether she has a partner or not, but a man’s sexual desire is not determined by this.[39] With aged men (from 40 to 70 years of age), sexual desire, sexual thoughts and sexual dreams gradually decline with age [40] However, Diokono and researchers depicted that almost 74% of married men above the age of 60 were sexually active[41] and 63% of men aged between 80 to 102 years were also sexually active.[42]

There are several reasons for the changes in sexual desire discrepancies, that is low sexual desire and low sexual frequencies. Looking at a biological perspective, as an individual ages, sex hormones change. [43] With men, levels of testosterone reduce with age[44] and by the time a man is 80, testosterone levels is likely to be one sixth of a young man.[45] However, testosterone level has been regarded to not correlate with sexual drive/desire, but bioavailable testosterone levels were correlated with sexual desire and erectile functions. (Total testosterone levels is the sum of bioavailable testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)).[46] In women, ovaries create 95% of estradiol (a sex hormone), but during menopause estradiol is terminated by the ovaries.[47] This means estrogen levels decline as a women becomes older, which creates changes to a women's hormone levels and can ultimately reduce vaginal lubrication.[48] This, thus, signifies that a reduction in sexual intercourse amongst older women may be because sexual intercourse can become uncomfortable.

Other factors for low SDD in older individuals may be illness. The effects on sexual ability and partaking in sexual intercourse can be caused by illnesses such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.[49][50]

An attitude on an individuals self and towards their sexual partner can too effect sexual behaviour and sexual desire.[51] A negative perspective of sex in older men and women are common attitudes for older women and men.[52] With regards to "attitudes" in culture, sex appeal factors in America tend to be placed on youthful appearances such as smooth clear skin rather than aged skin. [53] There is also a stereotype that older people are physically unattractive, unable to achieve sexual arousal and have a lack of sexual interest.[54] Another cultural attitude is that sexual acts amongst older women who are post-menopausal are deemed to be inappropriate due to the fact that sexual intercourse is for reproduction and women can no longer reproduce therefore they should not be sexually active.[55]


Men desire the same frequency of sexual intercourse in their current relationship and this is persistent one year later. However women have low sexual desires as the relationship length continues. [56][57]

Women's sexual desire is seen to be much weaker than men's,[58][59] with sexual urges portraying to be less strong than men's sexual urges. [60] Reasons for women's low sexual desire may be due to the understanding that sexual intercourse leads to pregnancy where the women may not wish to become pregnant thus, their sexual desire is low.[61][62] Engaging in sexual intercourse as a result, requires a woman to invest 9 months in pregnancy, however with a man is only based on how much time he wishes to commit to the partner. Thus, there are differential costs to engage in sexual activity which can affect a woman's sexual desire.

Another reason why women are more likely to have low sexual desire and less sexual activity compared to men may be because when enduring in copulation with a male, women's experience of achieving an orgasm is low.[63] Therefore, a females gratification for sexual intercourse may be lower than a males, where a male is able to enjoy sex persistently compared to a female, signifying why males sexual desire is usually higher.[64]

Another reason for this difference may be due to differences in levels of testosterone between men and women. Males possess significantly higher levels of testosterone levels in comparison to females. [65][66] Studies have shown the importance of testosterone levels and its affect on sexual desire. For example, female-to-male transsexuals were administered with testosterone and reportedly experienced higher levels of sexual arousal and desire. The opposite occurred for male-to-female transsexuals who received androgen deprivation (antiandrogens), who reportedly experienced a decrease in sexual desire. [67] Even so, a study looked at women who had their ovaries removed. The females received high doses of testosterone as a treatment therapy. There were increased levels of sexual motivation, sexual fantasies, masturbation, as well as reports of increased sexual intercourse with the testosterone treatment. [68]

Looking at the evolutionary perspective, the evolutionary theory depicts that partners sexual desire are usually deemed to be high during the start of the relationship. This high sexual drive can instigate individuals to become closely connected to one another. This sexual desire is ultimately reduced throughout the course of the relationship in order to focus on producing children.[69] Women ultimately may incur in decreases of sexual desire once they feel they have achieved a connection with their partner. However, with men this is not the case and will continually wish to participate in sexual activity.[70] But, men can experience decreases in sexual desires but due to the expectations by women of male sexual principles, it may not be reasonable for a man to confess to this matter as they should invariably possess high sexual desires.[71]

An important point by McCarthy and McDonald highlighted that there are variations in men's sex drive signifying that solid conclusions should not be made. [72] As well as this, both males and females have reported in engaging in sexual activities with the low sexual desire levels therefore highlighting that sexual desire and sexual behaviour are not always intertwined. [73]


  1. ^ Be bold guideline. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 16, 2010.
  2. ^ Broughton, John (2008). Wikipedia : the missing manual (1st ed. ed.). Beijing: O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-51516-2. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help)
  3. ^ Nichols, M. (1995) Sexual desire disorder in a lesbian couple: the intersection of therapy and politics. In R. Rosen & S. Leiblum (Eds.) Case studies in sex therapy (pp. 161-175). New York: Guilford Press
  4. ^ Loulan, J. (1987) Lesbian passion. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink.
  5. ^ Schwartz, Philip Blumstein & Pepper (1983). American couples : money, work, sex (1st ed. ed.). New York: Morrow. ISBN 0-688-03772-0. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help)
  6. ^ Loulan. I. (1988). Research on the sex practices of 1566 lesbians and the clinical applications. Women and Therapy, 7, 221-234.
  7. ^ Schwartz, Philip Blumstein & Pepper (1983). American couples : money, work, sex (1st ed. ed.). New York: Morrow. ISBN 0-688-03772-0. {{cite book}}: |edition= has extra text (help)
  8. ^ Bridges, Sara K.; Horne, Sharon G. (January 2007). "Sexual Satisfaction and Desire Discrepancy in Same Sex Women's Relationships". Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. 33 (1): 41–53. doi:10.1080/00926230600998466.
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  15. ^ Bridges, S.K., & Horne, S.G. (2007). Sexual satisfaction and desire discrepancy in same sex women’s relationships. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 33, 41–53
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