
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Native toSyria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey
Native speakers
Menex'qe-Baraghej ?
  • Menex'qe
    • Southern
      • Qaye'
Early forms
Old Qaye'
  • Middle Qaye'
Standard forms
  • Syrian Qaye'
  • Turkmen Qaye'
  • Persian Qaye'
  • Syrian Qaye'
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Qaye' is a fictional language spoken by the fictional Qaye'rayten ethnic group of the middle East.


The first speaker of Proto-Qaye' branched of from the speakers of Proto-Saraxaq around 1400 CE in Central Asia, the homeland of the Southern Menex'qe family. They were pushed out by the Mongols and the Turks, and the Qaye'rayten then migrated to Central Asia and the Middle East, with their highest concentrations in Syria and Turkey. The speakers of the language numbered its greatest at about 50,000 in the early 1800s, but after 1990, the number of speakers went from about 29,000 to 18,000 in 2016.


Qaje' shares strong affinities to Saraxaq, especially the Eastern Ukrainian dialect, and the two were known to have a common ancestor, probably spoken in modern day Kazakhstan. Affinities to Xhajak'qe were noticed in the late 1800s, and they formed together the Menex'qe family. Sometimes, Turkmen Qaye' is listed as its own language because it is so divergent, and is thought to be the most like Proto-Southern Menex'qe; however, it bears closer affinity to Qaye' than Saraxaq, so sometimes it is listed as a language in the southern group, dialect of Qaye', and sometimes it forms its own subgroup in the Southern group, which is called Qaye', then broken down into the Northern (Turkmen) and Southern (Persian and Syrian) Qaye' languages. Menex'qe has also been said to be related to the Baraghej family, but that grouping remains controversial. Overall, Menex'qe is thought to be a Paleosiberian language, as the porto-speakers only settled in South Central Siberia 2,000 years ago.


There have been several theories to where the Menex'qe languages started. It is believed that, because of genetics and the fact the Menex'qe could be related to the Baraghej languages, that since Baraghej languages are spoken in the Sakha Republic, and so is Xhajeq'ke, that it came from there, and therefore could be classified as a Paleosiberian language. However, it has been postulated that Menex'qe is either related to the Uralic languages or the Turkic languages, with the latter being more widely accepted, which would mean a Menex'qe-Turkic, or Menex'qe-Baraghej-Turkic language family, some linguists omit Baraghej and others don't. However, it is know that some proto-Menex'qe speakers did inhabit South Central Siberia because there is admixture with groups from that area with the speakers of Xhajek'qe, Qhaje', or Saraxaq, which would mean a back migration for the Xhajek'qe speakers, or that the genetic affinity to the people of the Russian Far East would be caused by the Yakuts, a group with roots in South Central Siberia, intermarrying with indeginous populations.


Qaye' is agglutinative in morphology, and has a free word order, however the default order is SOV word order, as Qaye' tends to be Head-final. It has 6 cases, ergative, absolutive, dative, locative, genitive, and comitative. It is usually suffixing.

Table of Qaye' cases

Case Suffix
Absolutive -xej
Ergative -aq'ej
Dative -'a'je
Locative -i'je
Genitive (1st person) -to'jaj
Genitive (2nd person) -to'je
Genitive (3rd person) -to'jau
Comitative -u'je


English Qhaje'
Egg -caajequh
House -tehjə
Water -qaaca
Book ketamtw'
Grass t'aqam
Tree noxh