
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Total population
more than 200 000
Moroccan arabic and Zenetic berber
Islam (majority)

The Iznassen or Beni Iznassen or Beni Iznaten (Arabic: بني يزناسن, Berber : ⵢⴰⵜ ⵉⵣⵏⴰⵙⴻⵏ or ⵢⴰⵜ ⵉⵣⵏⴰⵜⴻⵏ) are a set of tribes of Zenetic Berber origin, from the northeast of Morocco, at the level of north of the closed border between Morocco and Algeria.


The Beni Iznassen are a group of tribes of Zenetic Berber origin.

In the 19th century, they welcomed in the north of their territory a group of 4 Arab tribes of the Angad, who settled in the plain of the Triffa.

In 1859, the people of Beni Iznassen were the target of a French military expedition, directed by the general of Martimprey from colonial Algeria, giving rise to warlike responses on a territory straddling Morocco and Algeria.

This expedition was made up of French soldiers and Harkis, and took place 15 years after the battle of Isly. .

Reports claim without tangible proof that Morocco received powder and weapons from England.


The Beni Iznassen area represents a triangular area bounded by the Moulouya to the west, the wad Kiss to the east and the Angad plain to the south. It thus includes the mountainous complex of Beni Iznassen and the arabic plain of Triffa.

The Beni Iznassen area thus includes the cities of Berkane, Ahfir, Beni Drar, Fezouane and Tafoughalt, as well as several rural villages.

Tribal composition

The confederation is made up of 4 main tribes:

  • Ikhaleden
  • Imankouchen
  • I'atiqen
  • Iourimechen

Languages ​​

The Beni Iznassen are Berber speakers and Arabic speakers. They speak Moroccan Arabic and Zenetic from the Moroccan East, a Berber dialect close to the Rifain.

Since the French colonizations of the 19th century and of the 20th century, of the battle from Isly to the pacification of Morocco, via the French expedition of 1859, the arabophony took over the berberophony mainly among the Aït Khaled as well as at the southern margins of the three other tribes (Ahfir, Beni Drar, Berkane, etc ...).
