User:Iazyges/Tiberius A

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


  • Regarding his Germanic origin, if the origin of the name is disputed, then the Germanic origin is too, since IIRC it hinges on the name. Thus I would definitely qualify the reference (e.g., "most scholars consider him to have been of Germanic origin because .... but others ...." etc.). BTW, good job in finding the alternative suggestions, I was not aware of them.
  • Half of the pre-reign portion still is about events and people other than Tiberius. We need to know who Justinian and Leontios were, but why do the terms of the 688 treaty, for example, or where Leontios campaigned, have any relevance to Tiberius, who ruled under vastly different conditions? This part should be still shortened IMO per WP:SS. Only those events and persons who are necessary for understanding the context of Tiberius' actions/reign are relevant.
  • Some scholars, such as Walter Kaegi, identify Heraclius as Tiberius' son, rather than his brother. Kaegi is clearly incorrect here; both primary sources, Theophanes and Nikephoros clearly identify him as his brother, as do all other modern sources I am aware of.
  • attempted to strengthen the Byzantine military by reorganizing its structure, as well as reorganizing the Cibyrrhaeotic Theme this is still a troublespot. The way it is written, the reorganization of the Cibyrrhaeots was distinct from the reorganization of the military structure. Or is it that the only specific reorganization we know of is that of the Cibyrrhaeots?
  • On re-reading this, the settlement of a Mardaite garrison in Cyprus is highly dubious. First, the island was supposed to be demilitarized, any such action would lead to reaction from the Umayyads. Second, the way this is phrased in Bury, it is clear that this is a conjecture by Sathas, who extrapolates from later terms (the reference to the stradioti, a much later term, should be a clear warning signal here). I've made a brief search and immediately this resulted in a reference that disputes that theory. I stress again that although Bury is still very handy for narrative history, his work is also 130 years old and must be treated with caution, especially where it is clear that he bases himself on another scholar's conjecture rather than primary sources...
  • Tiberius attempted to contain the Arabs at sea by way of creating new military provinces, with the creation of the Theme of Sardinia and separating the Theme of Sicily from the Exarchate of Ravenna. this should be added to the reorganization mentioned earlier. Also, I am not at all sure that Sardinia was a theme; IIRC it was ruled by a dux or archon, and never a strategos. Treadgold mentions its presence in an Arab list of provinces, but Treadgold is also somewhat at pains to produce a coherent and consistent administrative-military structure with neat round numbers, where none likely existed (keep that in mind with Treadgold in the future). Ekkehard Eickhoff in his study Seekrieg und Seepolitik zwischen Islam und Abendland (p. 100) explicitly says that 'Sardinia probably never was a regular theme'. See also Haldon & Brubacker, pp. 730-731. Given that Byzantine rule over Sardinia was largely nominal, that makes sense. So I would recommend removing the mention of a 'Theme of Sardinia' altogether.
  • Be consistent in using either the transliterated patrikios or the anglicized "patrician" throughout. Personally I prefer the former, since the latter means something different in English today.
  • Tiberius is often referred to as Tiberius III by modern conventions, and is also sometimes called Tiberius II, when the original Tiberius is excluded from the regnal count. clarify that this is because the 'original' Tiberius was a Roman emperor, and Tiberius II and Tiberius III are 'Byzantine' emperors, so that the numbering is not always carried over
  • Tiberius also banished the future emperor Philippikos Bardanes, the son of a patrician, to the island of Cephalonia,[27] according to Byzantine chronicler Theophanes the Confessor he was exiled for spreading word that he had had a dream in which he was emperor.[28] either merge these two to avoid repetition of the banishment/exile, or separate them by replacing the comma with a full stop.
  • Grierson is not just a numismatist, but a historian; the work which is cited here has nothing to do with numismatics. Also, "Byzantist" -> "Byzantinist"
  • and presided over the Council of Hieria in 754,[31][32] remove the 'and'
  • In the references, publications from the same author in different dates should proceed chronologically, from the earlier to the later date, e.g. Head 1969 should be mentioned before Head 1970
  • 'Byzantine Historian' usually means a historian who was active in the Byzantine Empire. Be consistent and use 'Byzantinist', or simply 'historian'.
  • as later Emperor Theodosius III (r. 715–717). -> as the later emperor Theodosius III (r. 715–717).
  • relink Ephesus to Metropolis of Ephesus.
  • The map is very rudimentary and entirely unreferenced. File:ByzantineEmpire717+extrainfo+themes.svg, File:Caliphate 740-en.svg, or something else should do the trick.

That's it right now. Once these have been taken care of, I will do a re-read, in case something escaped my attention, and then hopefully support.


G'day, I had a look at this due to the age of the review. My review comments do not consider content or sources as I do not know enough about this topic to comment on those. (Has confirmed whether or not you have successfully addressed their concerns?). I have the following suggestions:

  • suggest trying to split the lead into two paragraphs if possible (possibly the second paragraph could begin with "Tiberius did not attempt..."
  • the date range in the infobox should have a spaced endash
  • there are a few overlinked terms, for instance: Cyprus, Taurus Mountains, Slavs, Rhinotomy
  • that he was a droungarios --> "and that he was a droungarios"
  • in the Bibliography the hyphenation of the ISBNs is inconsistent
  • suggest adding endashes for the date ranges in the titles of Brubaker, Garland, Grierson, Head, Kaegi and Treadgold
  • De Imperatoribus Romanis is overlinked in the Bibliography
  • suggest starting a new paragraph here: After approximately six months
  • and the 21 August date is instead the date where Tiberius was captured in Sozopolis --> "and 21 August is instead when Tiberius was captured in Sozopolis"?
  • in the Bibliography, suggest translating the title of the Lilie work; also is there an OCLC or ISBN for this work
  • Byzantine Historian Graham Sumner has suggested --> "Byzantine historian Graham Sumner has suggested"
  • if you can address these points, I will take another run through from a copy editing perspective
  • location for publication for Garland? AustralianRupert (talk) 10:39, 12 June 2020 (UTC)
  • same as above for Kazhdan?
  • same as above for Ostrogorsky?
