
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

I am a new Wikipedia user. After discovering this great website I started experimenting with different WikiEngines on my PowerBook, with the goal of finding one to use as a combination Personal information manager, Journal, time log, scrap book, etc.

My requirements for a WikiEngine are:

  • Capable of storing vast amounts of data. I didn't want to run out of room or start hitting some arbitrary limits after working with the tool for a period of months or years.
  • It must be an Open Source product. Having access to source provides maximum protection against obsolescence.
  • It must be relatively easy to install.
  • It must provide a way for the end-user to customize the appearance of pages that it generates.
  • It should generate XHTML that will validate.

After installing and testing a variety of WikiEngines, my current favorite is MoinMoin. I have it installed on several computers. It's very easy to extend. Furthermore, I can synchronize content between different computers.

Please feel free to visit my home page or contact me.