
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

光和末,黃巾起。拜騎都尉,討潁川賊。遷為濟南相,國有十餘縣,長吏多阿附貴戚,贓汙狼藉,於是奏免其八;禁斷淫祀,奸宄逃竄,郡界肅然。==== 魏書曰:長吏受取貪饕,依倚貴勢,曆前相不見舉;聞太祖至,咸皆舉免,小大震怖,奸宄遁逃,竄入他郡。政教大行,一郡清平。初,城陽景王劉章以有功於漢,故其國為立祠,青州諸郡轉相仿效,濟南尤盛,至六百餘祠。賈人或假二千石輿服導從作倡樂,奢侈日甚,民坐貧窮,曆世長吏無敢禁絕者。太祖到,皆毀壞祠屋,止絕官吏民不得祠祀。及至秉政,遂除奸邪鬼神之事,世之淫祀由此遂絕。久之,徵還為東郡太守;不就,稱疾歸鄉里。魏書曰:於是權臣專朝,貴戚橫恣。太祖不能違道取容。數數幹忤,恐為家禍,遂乞留宿衛。拜議郎,常讬疾病,輒告歸鄉里;築室城外,春夏習讀書傳,秋冬弋獵,以自娛樂。

頃之,冀州刺史王芬、南陽許攸、沛國周旌等連結豪傑,謀廢靈帝,立合肥侯,以告太祖,太祖拒之。芬等遂敗。==== 司馬彪九州春秋曰:於是陳蕃子逸與術士平原襄楷會於芬坐,楷曰:“天文不利宦者,黃門、常侍(貴)族滅矣。”逸喜。芬曰:“若然者,芬原驅除。”於是與攸等結謀。靈帝欲北巡河間舊宅,芬等謀因此作難,上書言黑山賊攻劫郡縣,求得起兵。會北方有赤氣,東西竟天,太史上言“當有陰謀,不宜北行”,帝乃止。敕芬罷兵,俄而徵之。芬懼,自殺。魏書載太祖拒芬辭曰:“夫廢立之事,天下之至不祥也。古人有權成敗、計輕重而行之者,伊尹、霍光是也。伊尹懷至忠之誠,據宰臣之勢,處官司之上,故進退廢置,計從事立。及至霍光受讬國之任,藉宗臣之位,內因太后秉政之重,外有群卿同欲之勢,昌邑即位日淺,未有貴寵,朝乏讜臣,議出密近,故計行如轉圜,事成如摧朽。今諸君徒見曩者之易,未睹當今之難。諸君自度,結眾連党,何若七國?合肥之貴,孰若吳、楚?而造作非常,欲望必克,不亦危乎!”

金城邊章、韓遂殺刺史郡守以叛,眾十餘萬,天下騷動。徵太祖為典軍校尉。會靈帝崩,太子即位,太后臨朝。大將軍何進與袁紹謀誅宦官,太后不聽。進乃召董卓,欲以脅太后,==== 魏書曰:太祖聞而笑之曰:“閹豎之官,古今宜有,但世主不當假之權寵,使至於此。既治其罪,當誅元惡,一獄吏足矣,何必紛紛召外將乎?欲盡誅之,事必宣露,吾見其敗也。”卓未至而進見殺。卓到,廢帝為弘農王而立獻帝,京都大亂。卓表太祖為驍騎校尉,欲與計事。太祖乃變易姓名,間行東歸。魏曰:太祖以卓終必覆敗,遂不就拜,逃歸鄉里。從數騎過故人成皋呂伯奢;伯奢不在,其子與賓客共劫太祖,取馬及物,太祖手刃擊殺數人。世語曰:太祖過伯奢。伯奢出行,五子皆在,備賓主禮。太祖自以背卓命,疑其圖己,手劍夜殺八人而去。孫盛雜記曰:太祖聞其食器聲,以為圖己,遂夜殺之。既而悽愴曰:“甯我負人,毋人負我!”遂行。出關,過中牟,為亭長所疑,執詣縣,邑中或竊識之,為請得解。世語曰:中牟疑是亡人,見拘於縣。時掾亦已被卓書;唯功曹心知是太祖,以世方亂,不宜拘天下雄俊,因白令釋之。卓遂殺太后及弘農王。太祖至陳留,散家財,合義兵,將以誅卓。冬十二月,始起兵於己吾,世語曰:陳留孝廉衛茲以家財資太祖,使起兵,眾有五千人。是歲中平六年也。


I DO change the beginning year of the Records of the Three Kingdoms fro 184 to 189 ; changing (184-280 CE) to (189-280 CE.) The beginning year was 189 (the year of [[The one main reason of my change is that the one Special:Contributions/Ordaz17

袁紹(Yuan Shao)

袁紹(Yuan Shao) ---- Main campaignes of Yuan Shao began in 189, not in 184, on the contrary of the wishes of some wiki incompetant scholars.三國志/卷06 董卓(Dog Zhuo) 袁紹(Yuan Shal) 袁術(Yuan Shu) 劉表(Liu Biao)

袁紹字本初,汝南汝陽人也。高祖父安,為漢司徒。自安以下四世居三公位,由是勢傾天下 (Yuan's private name is 本初 and from the town 汝陽 of 汝南 prefecture. His ggfather 袁安 was 司徒 of Han dyansty. 3 generations of his f after 袁安, for 40 years, they ranked at 三公; by that their power could shake the world.

紹有姿貌威容,能折節下士,士多附之,太祖少與交焉。以大將軍掾為侍御史 === (His body looks great amd pompous and prestiguous; He was polite and decent such that he usually bowed to any his lower officials(下士); Many individuals gathered arround him; 太祖(Cao Cao), when young, had friendship with him; Yuan Shao became 侍御史 by the connection of 大將軍(He Jin).

稍遷中軍校尉,至司隸 --- Afterwards Yuan Shao became 中軍校尉, and rechead the position to 司隸.

靈帝崩,太后兄大將軍何進與紹謀誅諸閹官 --- When 靈帝(Emperor Ling) died in 189, 何進(He Jin) of the brother(兄) of Empress He (太后) plotted to kill many(諸) eunuches(閹官) in coperation with 紹(Yuan Shao).

太后不從。乃召董卓,欲以脅太后。常侍、黃門聞之,皆詣進謝,唯所錯置。時紹勸進便可於此決之,至於再三,而進不許。令紹使洛陽方略武吏檢司諸宦者。=== Empress He rejected their scheme; They summoned 董卓(Dong Zhuo) to intimidate(脅) her. Ears of 常侍 and 黃門 heared this, these eunuches went to 進(He Jin) to petition, and they submitted to him; At his point 紹(Yuan Shao) said to He Jin that this is the oppurtunity to wipe out the eunuches; and asked him several times; He Jin did not listened; Instead He Jin ordered Yuan Shao to detain 諸宦者(the enuches), using the forces(武吏) of Capital(洛陽).

又令紹弟虎賁中郎將術選溫厚虎賁二百人,當入禁中,代持兵黃門陛守門戶。中常侍段珪等矯太后命,召進入議,遂殺之,宮中亂 === And He Jin ordered also Yuan Shu, an Yuan's brther, official of 虎賁中郎, to aggregate 200 soft tempered soldiers of Shu's own; and these soldiers entered Capital; kept the gates and doors of the Capital. 段珪, a official of 中常侍, and others, using the order of (太后) Empress He, ordered He Jin to come; and they killed He Jin; Capital fell into disorder.

劉備(Liu Bei) section of Records of the Three Kingdoms

三國志/卷32 先主 劉備

先主姓劉,諱備,字玄德,涿郡涿縣人,漢景帝子中山靖王勝之後也。勝子貞,元狩六年封涿縣陸城亭侯。坐酎金失侯,因家焉。 先主祖雄,父弘,世仕州郡。雄舉孝廉,官至東郡範令. === Liu Bei, name is Bei, personal name is 玄德; he is from 涿縣 of 涿郡 prefecture. He is a descendent of 中山靖王 named 劉勝, a son of 漢景(Emperor). 劉勝's son 劉貞; he was promoted to 陸城亭侯 in year of 元狩6th year. By 酎金, he was divested of his office and came home. Great father of Liu Bei was 雄; father was 弘; they lived at their hometown. Father 雄 was promoted to 孝廉; his rank reached to 範令.

先主少孤,與母販履織蓆為業。舍東南角籬上有桑樹生高五丈馀,遙望見童童如小車蓋,往來者皆怪此樹非凡,或謂當出貴人 === Liu Bei was orphan at young age, living with mother; He got his living by selling straw sandals and weaving grass mats. Near the house stood a huge mulberry tree, and seen from afar its curved profile resembled the canopy of a wagon. Noting the luxuriance of its foliage, a soothsayer had predicted that one day a man of distinction would come forth from the family

先主少時,與宗中諸小兒於樹下戲,言:「吾必當乘此羽葆蓋車。」叔父子敬謂曰:「汝勿妄語,滅吾門也!」===When young; he usually spent time playing with family childs under the tree, he said that "I shall ride on Emperor charriot". Uncle 子敬 said frightened that; you shut up; are you goint to extermiate all the family?;


When he was 15; Mom made him play with a relative 劉德然, 公孫瓚(Gongsun Zan) of 遼西; and 盧植 a same hometown man and had been 九江太守. 元起, the father of 德然, usually gave money to Liu Bei, the same amount of his son. One day wife of 元起 said that Liu is not my family; why did you gave him money; At that 元起 said that Liu is one of relatives and that he is so special; 瓚(Gongsunzan) got dep friend ship with Liu and he is older so that Liu calle him "brother". Liu has no fond of reading; his fond was playwing with dogs, horses, playing music; and liked decent clothes. His height was high and his hands touches knee; His eyes could see backward past his ears. Liu Bei remained solemn and displayed little emotion. He liked to make friends ship with 豪俠. Though he was younger than others, others were eager to be friedns with Liu. Great merchants of the 中山 named 張世平 and 蘇雙 were great riches and they usually went town and town to sell horses and one day they reached Liu hometown; thinking Liu was so prospersous; they donated large money; and Liu by reasons could gathers large followers;

靈帝末,黃巾起,州郡各舉義兵,先主率其屬從校尉鄒靖討黃巾賊有功,除安喜尉 ==== At the last years of Emperor Ling, Yellow TUrban Rebellions began; Against this every town arised voluntary punitive soldiers. Liu also volunteered; followed 鄒靖 (ranked 校尉) and made punitive campaignes aginst rellvions with good achievemt; for this reason Liu became 安喜尉.

督郵以公事到縣,先主求謁,不通,直入縛督郵,杖二百,解綬係其頸著馬枊 === A official 督郵 arrived Liu's resident, so Liu asked him to meet; His ask was denied that Liu directly penetrated to 督郵's camp and beet 督郵 200 strokes and bound 督郵 on a stroke, Liu throw up his public office and ran away.

頃之,大將軍何進遣都尉毌丘毅詣丹楊募兵,先主與俱行,至下邳遇賊,力戰有功, 除為下密丞。复去官。後為高唐尉,遷為令=== Afterwards, 大將軍 何進(He Jin) sent 都尉毌 丘毅 to 丹楊 and ordered him to collect soliers there; Liu Bei was volunteeared and joined; The soldied arrived at 下邳 and met with yellow rebellions; Liu achievemtn was good that he was promoted to 下密丞. However he again throw that office(??) and afterwards he became 高唐尉, and was promoted to 令.

為賊所破,往奔中郎將公孫瓚,瓚表為別部司馬,使與青州刺史田楷以拒冀州牧袁紹。數有戰功,試守平原令,後領平原相。 郡民劉平素輕先主,恥為之下,使客刺之。客不忍刺,語之而去。其得人心如此。=== He was defeated by enemy and ran away to 中郎將 公孫瓚(Gongsunzan). 公孫瓚 asks Emperor to make Liu be ranked at 別部司馬; and along with 田楷(Tian Kai), a officer(刺史) of 青州 region, to attack Yuan Shao(袁紹), the 牧 of 冀州 region. Liu acchievemtn is good; Liu was got to posion of 平原令 briefly, after was promoted to 平原相. A country man named 劉平 made little of Liu Bei, and thought it was disgrace to serve under the Lie Bei, so he sent his military guest to Liu and tried to Liu. The guest failed his duty and nstead said his mission to Liu and left. THis show how Liu fame is in his town.

袁紹攻公孫瓚,先主與田楷東屯齊。曹公徵徐州,徐州牧陶謙遣使告急於田楷,楷與先主俱救之。 時先主自有兵千馀人及幽州烏丸雜胡騎,又略得饑民數千人。既到,謙以丹楊兵四千益先主,先主遂去楷歸謙。謙表先主為豫州刺史,屯小沛。=== Yuan Shao attacked Gonsun zan, then Liu went east along with 田楷, encamped on 齊. Cao Cao attack 徐州; 陶謙(Tao Qian), 牧 of that region, sent messenger to 田楷 and said his critical condition; 田楷 and Liu sent releaf force to Tao. At that time Liu has 1,000 solders and also some barbaric solders including 烏丸 tribe of the region 幽州, and has tousands famine civil followers. At Liu's arrival, Tao added 4,000 soldes of 丹楊兵 origin, afterwards Liu left 田楷 to join Tao, and lived under Tao. Tao asked Emperor to make Liu to be promoted to a office 刺史 of regin(豫州), and camped on Xiaopei.

Section Huangfu Song (皇甫嵩) (chapter 71) of Book of the later Han

Huangfu Song section of the Book of the Later Han.

皇甫嵩字義真,安定朝那人,度遼將軍規之兄子也。父節,鴈門太守。嵩少有文武志介,好詩書,習弓馬。初舉孝廉、茂才。[一]太尉陳蕃、大將軍竇武連辟,並不到。靈帝公車征為議郎,遷北地太守 === Common name of 皇甫嵩 is 義真, is a persion of 安定朝那 region; He is a nephew of 皇甫規, the 度遼將軍 general; His father 節 was a viceroy of 鴈門 region; When young he has good will on 文武(literature and military both), he is fond of poetry; archering and horse-riding. At first he became 孝廉; afterwards was promoted to 茂才; [1] 陳蕃 of 太尉 official, and 竇武 of 大將軍 official both tried to make him their subordinate; he declied their request. 靈帝(Emperor Ling) summoned him and made him a 議郎; later made him a viceroy of 北地 prefecture.

初,鉅鹿張角自稱「大賢良師」,[一]奉事黃老道,畜養弟子,跪拜首過,[二]  符水□說以療病,病者頗愈,百姓信向之。角因遣弟子八人使於四方,以善道教化天下,轉相誑惑。十餘年閒,觿徒數十萬,連結郡國,自青、徐、幽、冀、荊、楊、兗、豫八州之人,莫不畢應。==== Before a man named 張角 of 鉅鹿 called himself as 大賢良師 or 大賢郎師; did the 黃老道Taoism; collected and educated his followers; Zhang Jue made his followers to bow to him; and made them to coffess their own misconducts; using lucky charms and chanting a charm; he could heel patients; patients became healthy; and they became to have faith on him; Thereafter Zhang Jue sent his eight followers to all directions; made them to enlighten all the worlds using their taoism; they made people bewildered; During 10 years; his followers grew to many 10 tousands in number; each faction of them now touched each other; Every people of eight regions of (青、徐、幽、冀、荊、楊、兗、豫) became his followers;

遂置三十六方。方猶將軍號也。大方萬餘人,小方六七千,各立渠帥。訛言「蒼天已死,黃天當立,歲在甲子,天下大吉」。以白土書京城寺門及州郡官府,皆作「甲子」字。==== Zhang Jue made 36 pangs; a pang is a sort of region of a general(?); Large pang compassed 10,000 men; Small one 6k or 7k men; each pang made their top general(渠帥)(?); Saying that blue world was dead already, now that yellow world is arising; Saying a new cycle was beginning and would bring universal good fortune to all members; and they persuaded people to chalk the symbols for the first year of the new cycle on the main door of their dwellings.

中平元年,大方馬元義等先收荊、楊數萬人,期會發於鄴。元義數往來京師,以中常侍封諝、徐奉等為內應,約以三月五日內外俱起。未及作亂,而張角弟子濟南唐周上書告之,於是車裂元義於洛陽。==== In 184, (the first year of 中平), 馬元義(Ma Yuanyi) of a large pang, at first, using the many toushands people of 荊 and 楊 regions; made a revolt in 鄴; 馬元義 travelled from and to Capital; with the helps of 封諝 and 徐奉 and etc of 中常侍 rank; made them responde inside of Capital; made a promise to act inside and outside simultanously in the day of 5th March; However before this really happened; 唐周(Tang Zhou), a follower of zhang Jue of 濟南 region; revealed their scheme by sending a letter to Emperor; therefore 馬元義 was captured and transpoerted to Capital; there he was quartered to 4 pieces by charriot;

靈帝以周章下三公﹑司隸,使鉤盾令周斌將三府掾屬,案驗宮省直衛及百姓有事角道者,誅殺千餘人,推考冀州,逐捕角等。角等知事已露,晨夜馳□諸方,一時俱起。=== Emperor Ling sent the letter of 唐周 to 三公, 司隸; made 周斌 of 鉤盾令 rank, to protect the Capital using soldiers of 三府; and inspect peoples to find out who had the faith of Zhang Jue; made them killed and the deaths are 1,000. And made to search the 冀州, and made to pursue Zhang Jue and etc; Zhang Jue's faction came to know that their shceme was open; they ran away day and night; and they sent messages to all dicrections to call to revolt all together simuteously.

皆著黃巾為摽幟,[三]時人謂之「黃巾」,亦名為「蛾賊」。[四]殺人以祠天。角稱「天公將軍」,角弟寶稱「地公將軍」,寶弟梁稱「人公將軍」,所在燔燒官府,劫略聚邑,州郡失據,長吏多逃亡。旬日之閒,天下向應,京師震動。=== They wear yellow turban to distinguish themselves; they was called by name "yellow turban"; or called by name "蛾賊"(flower thieves); Zhang Jue killed a man to sacrifice to heaven; called himself as 天公將軍(Lord of Heaven); his brother 寶(Zhang Bao) as 地公將軍(Lord of Earch), another brother 梁(Zhang Liang) as 人公將軍(Lord of People); whereever they went; they burned all offices buildings; plundered all the townes; As each towns has no office place(?); all officials ran away; Within a month; whole world responded; the Capital tell into disorder;

詔□州郡修理攻守,簡練器械,自函谷﹑大谷﹑廣城﹑伊闕﹑轘轅﹑旋門﹑孟津﹑小平津諸關,並置都尉。[一]召腢臣會議。嵩以為宜解黨禁,益出中藏錢﹑西園廄馬,以班軍士。帝從之。 ==== Governmaent sent directions to all the villages to 修理攻守,簡練器械; established gates at 函谷,大谷﹑廣城﹑伊闕﹑轘轅﹑旋門﹑孟津﹑小平 villages; assigned their top officials; Furthermore government summoned ministers to make a meeting; Huangfu Song (皇甫嵩) asked Emperor to unlock 黨 safe; and to give money of 中藏 and horses off 西園; to military forces; Empeor allowed his advice;

於是發天下精兵,博選將帥,以嵩為左中郎將,持節,與右中郎將朱鑈,共發五校﹑三河騎士及募精勇,合四萬餘人,嵩﹑鑈各統一軍,共討穎川黃巾。  注[一]大谷﹑轘轅在洛陽東南,旋門在汜水之西。==== Afterwards government gathered competant soliers of Empire; selected good officials around world; made Huangfu Song the rank of 左中郎將, along with 朱鑈 a rank of 右中郎將; using the cavalry forces and foot solders of 五校 and 三河, in total reached 40,000 in number;

後漢書卷七十五 劉焉袁術呂布列傳第六十五

呂布字奉先, 五原九原人也. 以弓馬驍武給幷州. 刺史丁原爲騎都尉, (原)屯河內[1], 以布爲主簿, 甚見親待. 靈帝崩, 原受何進召, 將兵詣洛陽, 爲執金吾. 會進敗, 董卓誘布殺原而幷其兵.

呂布's common name is 奉先; a person of 九原 of 五原 prefecture; He is fond of archering, horse riding and his braveness is high so that he got office at 幷州 region; 丁原, the 刺史 of that region; became 騎都尉, and resided at 河內 village; 丁原 got Lu Bu as a 主簿; he treated Lu so affectionately.

Emperor Ling dies; 丁原(Ding Yuan) was summoned by He Jin, so Ding along with his army went to Capital; and was promoted to 執金吾. When He Jin was killed; Dong Zhuo inticed Lu Bu to kill Ding and they both took Ding's army;

卓以布爲騎都尉, 誓爲父子, 甚愛信之. 稍遷至中郞將, 封都亭侯. 卓自知凶恣, 每懷猜畏, 行止常以布自衛. 嘗小失卓意, 卓拔手戟擲之. 布拳捷得免, 而改容顧謝, 卓意亦解. 布由是陰怨於卓. 卓又使布守中閤, 而私與傅婢情通, 益不自安.

Dong made Lu as 騎都尉; they vowed to became father and son; their relations are so close affeactive and of belief; Lu was promoted to higher; reached 中郞將; and reached 都亭侯; Dong knew his own creulity and atrociyy well; that he was always anxious of suspicions and was feerful; whenever he went somewher and resided somewhere; he always carried with Lu Bu and make Lu to guard Dong;

Oneday Lu Bu acted on the contrary of briefly Dong's will, Dong threw one hand weapon(手戟) to Lu. Lu was brave and agile; he can escape the throw; and Lu petitiooned to Dong's pardon; Dong's anger was losened; After this incident Lu felt bitter against Dong in his deep mind; and Dong made Lu to guard 中閤; Lu privately got close love affairs with Dong's maid; Lu became more and more anxious about Dong;

因往見司徒王允, 自陳卓幾見殺之狀[一]. 時允與尙書僕射士孫瑞密謀誅卓, 因以告布, 使爲內應.

Oneday Lu visited 王允(Wang Yun) of 司徒 rank; he got a chance to talk about the incident of Dong's throwing of weapon; which was so deathful event; these days Wang was secretly preparing, along with 孫瑞 of 書僕射士 rank, to kill Dong Zhuo; there Wang said this scheme to Lu; and Wang asked Lu to be accomplice;

布曰:「如父子何?」曰:「君自姓呂, 本非骨肉. 今憂死不暇, 何謂父子? 擲戟之時, 豈有父子情也?」布遂許之, 乃於門刺殺卓, 事已見卓傳. 允以布爲奮威將軍, 假節, 儀同三司, 封溫侯.

Lu said "Dong is my father, how can I do such a thing" "Lu's surname is Lu, so you and he is not related in a strict sense, Now you have under the threat of death by Dong, how could you call him a father. When he threw you that weapon, he cerainly had not any feel of beiing of father.

At last, Lu agreed to participate Wang's scheme; and slashed and killed Dong at the gate. these accident was explained earlier in Dong Zhuo biography. (23 Apri 192)

Wang made Lu 奮威將軍, 假節, 儀同三司 and made him become 溫侯.