
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


  1. Inland free-tailed bat
    1. ... that the inland free-tailed bat can survive the most extreme range of body temperatures of any mammal known?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Inland free-tailed bat
  2. Pteropus
    1. ... that flying fox teeth are used as currency on Makira?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Pteropus
  3. Little brown bat
    1. ... that the pup of a little brown bat can weigh nearly a third as much as its mother at birth?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Little brown bat
  4. Oscar de Beaux
    1. ... that Oscar de Beaux, in his 1930 publication "Biological ethics", was one of the first people to argue that conserving nature is ethical?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Oscar de Beaux
  5. Jane Collective
    1. ... that when arrested for performing illegal abortions, members of the Jane Collective protected their clients' identities by swallowing their names and contact information?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Jane Collective
  6. Stellaluna
    1. ... that Janell Cannon's children's book Stellaluna won a Grammy Award for best spoken word album?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Stellaluna
  7. Mags Portman
    1. ... that sexual-health doctor Mags Portman and activist Greg Owen worked together to provide accessible HIV medication, preventing thousands of new HIV infections in the United Kingdom?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Mags Portman, Greg Owen
  8. Greg Owen
    1. ... that sexual-health doctor Mags Portman and activist Greg Owen worked together to provide accessible HIV medication, preventing thousands of new HIV infections in the United Kingdom?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Mags Portman, Greg Owen
  9. Eileen Shore
    1. ... that researchers Eileen Shore and Frederick Kaplan discovered the mutation responsible for a disease that turns muscle into bone?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Eileen Shore, Frederick Kaplan
  10. Frederick Kaplan
    1. ... that researchers Eileen Shore and Frederick Kaplan discovered the mutation responsible for a disease that turns muscle into bone?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Eileen Shore, Frederick Kaplan
  11. Tom Cade
    1. ... that conservationist Tom Cade was so successful in his efforts to save the peregrine falcon that it was removed from the US Endangered Species List in 1999?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Tom Cade
  12. Nydia Blas
    1. ... that photographer Nydia Blas has said she is intrigued by the use of photography to influence public opinion, for example the use of photographs by anti-lynching activists?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Nydia Blas
  13. Andrew Tallon
    1. ... that art historian Andrew Tallon used lasers to collect one billion data points of the interior and exterior of Notre-Dame de Paris, which could be used for its reconstruction?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Andrew Tallon
  14. Kathleen Hite
    1. ... that Kathleen Hite, scriptwriter for Gunsmoke, accepted a job as a secretary at CBS so she could badger company officials into letting her write?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Kathleen Hite
  15. Oriana Wilson
    1. ... that Oriana Wilson discovered a new species of bat, which was then named after her?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Oriana Wilson
  16. Larry Kahn
    1. ... that the tiddlywinks rivalry of Larry Kahn and Dave Lockwood is so intense, it has been compared to that of Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazer?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Larry Kahn and Dave Lockwood
  17. Dave Lockwood
    1. ... that the tiddlywinks rivalry of Larry Kahn and Dave Lockwood is so intense, it has been compared to that of Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazer?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Larry Kahn and Dave Lockwood
  18. Isabelle Story
    1. ... that Isabelle Story, a member of Eleanor Roosevelt's press corps, published a weekly column called "Chatting With The First Lady"?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Isabelle Story
  19. Megabat
    1. ... that in two species of megabat, males have been observed to produce milk?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Megabat
  20. Josephine Groves Holloway
    1. ... that after Josephine Groves Holloway's petition to form an official Girl Scout troop for African-Americans was rejected, she formed her own troop and encouraged her friends to do the same?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Josephine Groves Holloway
  21. Maggy Hurchalla
    1. ... that after 78-year-old Maggy Hurchalla was ordered to pay US$4 million for interfering with a mining company, her kayaks were seized?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Maggy Hurchalla
  22. Shadrack Frimpong
    1. ... that Shadrack Frimpong started a communal cocoa farm in Ghana, where villagers could work in exchange for free tuition at an all-girls school?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Shadrack Frimpong
  23. Robert N. McClelland
    1. ... that surgeon Robert N. McClelland tried to save the lives of both John F. Kennedy and his assassin?"
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Robert N. McClelland
  24. Halloween darter
    1. ... that the common name of the Halloween darter refers to the orange and black coloration that individuals develop during the breeding season?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Halloween darter
  25. Coffin Cave mold beetle
    1. ... that the Coffin Cave mold beetle may not actually be found in Coffin Cave?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Coffin Cave mold beetle
  26. Tricolored bat
    1. ... that in Nova Scotia, the tricolored bat roosts exclusively in the dangling fronds of bony beard lichen?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Usnea trichodea
  27. Christmas Island flying fox
    1. ... that the Christmas Island flying fox matures more slowly than nearly all other bats?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Christmas Island flying fox
  28. Christmas darter
    1. ... that the Christmas darter is considered a priority species by the state of South Carolina, but of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Christmas darter
  29. Joseph Henry Loveless
    1. ... that the identification of the body of outlaw Joseph Henry Loveless more than 100 years after his death is the oldest successful identification by the DNA Doe Project?
    2. Template:Did you know nominations/Joseph Henry Loveless