User:Electron9/Comparison of serial communications programs

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

A serial communications program is a software program which mainly uses asynchronous serial communication to communicate with another device, computer etc. This article compares a selection of popular clients.


Name Developer Status First release Based on License Source available
OpenSSH The OpenBSD project Active December 1, 1999 ossh BSD Yes
Telix Colin Sampaleanu Inactive 1986 Shareware


The operating systems or virtual machines the SSH clients are designed to run on without emulation; there are several possibilities:

  • Partial indicates that while it works, the client lacks important functionality compared to versions for other OSs but may still be under development.

The list is not exhaustive, but rather reflects the most common platforms today.

Name MS-DOS Mac OS X Mac OS Classic Windows Cygwin BSD Linux Solaris Palm OS Java OpenVMS Windows Mobile z/OS AmigaOS AIX HP-UX iPhone,[Note 1] iPod Touch Android Maemo
OpenSSH Yes Included No Yes Included Included Included[Note 2] Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes[Note 3] Yes Yes[Note 4] No Yes
Telix Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Name Mac OS X Mac OS Classic Windows Cygwin BSD Linux Solaris Palm OS Java OpenVMS Windows Mobile z/OS AmigaOS AIX HP-UX iPhone,[Note 1] iPod Touch Android Maemo
  1. ^ a b Unless otherwise noted, iPhone refers to non-jailbroken devices.
  2. ^ The majority of Linux distributions have OpenSSH as an official package, but a few do not.
  3. ^ Openssh 3.4 was the first release included since AIX
  4. ^ Only for jailbroken devices.

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Name User interface SSH1 SSH2 Additional protocols Tunneling Session
multiplexing[Note 1]
Kerberos IPv6
TELNET rlogin Port
SOCKS[Note 2] VPN[Note 3] Terminal SFTP/SCP Proxy client[Note 4]
OpenSSH command line Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ProxyCommand
ZOC Terminal TDI or command line Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? No Yes Yes SCP SOCKS 4
  1. ^ Accelerating OpenSSH connections with ControlMaster.
  2. ^ The ability for the SSH client to perform dynamic port forwarding by acting as a local SOCKS proxy.
  3. ^ The ability for the SSH client to establish a VPN, e.g. using TUN/TAP.
  4. ^ Can the SSH client connect itself through a proxy? This is distinct from offering a SOCKS proxy or port forwarding.

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Cite error: A list-defined reference named "scp_bin" is not used in the content (see the help page).


Name Keyboard mapping Session tabs ZMODEM transfers Find text in buffer Mouse input support[Note 1] Unicode support URL hyperlinking Public key authentication Smart card support Hardware encryption FIPS 140-2 validation Scripting
OpenSSH ? ? ? ? ? Yes ? Yes Yes[Note 2] Yes No[Note 3] No
ZOC Terminal full Yes Yes Alt+F Yes UTF-8 No Yes No No No Yes
  1. ^ The ability to transmit mouse input to text mode applications such as Midnight Commander
  2. ^ OpenSSH needs to be patched to ask for the pin of the smartcard. If you don't want to patch OpenSSH you can use ssh-agent (the link is in french)
  3. ^ Validated [1] when operated on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 in FIPS mode

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Cite error: A list-defined reference named "puttyConnectManager" is not used in the content (see the help page).

Cite error: A list-defined reference named "puttyHyperlink" is not used in the content (see the help page).

See also
