
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Ed Kidgell

A musician of note

[ha ha ha.....]

I have many interests, perhaps too many, and I tend not to focus enough on the important ones - but I guess many of us have that problem. Anyway, welcome to this snippet-space of info regarding myself.

As I mentioned I am a musician, but I earn my living in the IT world, in other words I work for money doing IT stuff but I get my kicks playing music. Have been a pro then semi-pro then almost-semi-pro muso - currently playing from 2-4 gigs per month [not enough,I know] and enjoying every minute of it. There's nothing quite like playing in a band that gets into that zone every night, you know, the place where all of us are completely in sync, where the whole is greater that the sum of it's parts. Inspiring.

The IT part of my life is taken up by configuring IBM System p servers [POWER5 RISC chips - killer] and attached Storage as well as random IBM System x Intel boxes plus a smattering of System i [mostly upgrades to existing systems]. I also spend some time managing software sales.

Due to many reasons this is a very interesting space to work in.

Where I live

I currently reside in the restful suburb of Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort, situated in the north-east of Johannesburg, South Africa. Been here for ten years - very nice area. I mean, it's no Sandhurst, but we're very happy here.