
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Building activities & PM

Characterization of five-year observation data of fine particulate matter in the metropolitan area of Lahore

Assessment of the long-term impacts of PM10 and PM2.5 particles from construction works on surrounding areas

Sources, characteristics, toxicity, and control of ultrafine particles: An overview Chapter 15 - Ultrafine Particles Pollution and Measurements Ambient exposure to coarse and fine particle emissions from building demolition Nanoparticles from construction wastes: A problem to health and the environment The exposure to coarse, fine and ultrafine particle emissions from concrete mixing, drilling and cutting activities Emissions, physicochemical characteristics and exposure to coarse, fine and ultrafine particles from building activities Particulate matter emissions from activities of building refurbishment

UFP & building processes New Directions: Airborne ultrafine particle dust from building activities – A source in need of quantification

Concentrations and source insights for trace elements in fine and coarse particulate matter Release of ultrafine particles from three simulated building processes Ultrafine particles in cities Concentration dynamics of coarse and fine particulate matter at and around the signalised traffic intersections Particles, Air Quality, Policy and Health

PM & microbes Particulate matter emission sources and meteorological parameters combine to shape the airborne bacteria communities in the Ligurian coast, Italy Longitudinal survey of microbiome associated with particulate matter in a megacity's_PM25_and_PM10_Pollutants_during_a_Severe_Smog_Event Inhalable Microorganisms in Beijing's PM2.5 and PM10 Pollutants during a Severe Smog Event Dominant role of emission reduction in PM2.5 air quality improvement in Beijing during 2013–2017: a model-based decomposition analysis Effects of haze pollution on microbial community changes and correlation with chemical components in atmospheric particulate matter COVID-19: Implications for Food, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation, and Environmental Safety in Africa: A Case Study in Ghana Diverse bacterial populations of PM2.5 in urban and suburb Shanghai, China Airborne bacteria and sick building syndrome (SBS) Spatial-temporal variability and heath impact of particulate matter during a 2019-2020 biomass burning event in Southeast Asia Characteristics of inhalable bioaerosols on foggy and hazy days and their deposition in the human respiratory tract Bioaerosol nexus of air quality, climate system and human health Differences in microbial community composition and factors affecting different particulate matter during autumn in three cities of Xinjiang, China Oxidative Potential Sensitivity to Metals, Br, P, S, and Se in PM10 Samples: New Insights from a Monitoring Campaign in Southeastern Italy Characteristics of airborne bacterial communities in indoor and outdoor environments during continuous haze events in Beijing: Implications for health care Survey of background microbial index in inhalable particles in Beijing Impact of haze events on airborne bacterial consortia–a case study Ventilation strategies for healthy indoors in hospitals Potential Human and Plant Pathogenic Species in Airborne PM10 Samples and Relationships with Chemical Components and Meteorological Parameters Effects of Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter and Its Carrier Microbes on Pulmonary Microecology in Patients with COPD Airborne microbial community structure and potential pathogen identification across the PM size fractions and seasons in the urban atmosphere Factors determining the diffusion of COVID-19 and suggested strategy to prevent future accelerated viral infectivity similar to COVID ECOLOGY OF THE COVID-19 -SECTION 1: ENVIRONMENTAL, DEMOGRAPHIC, AND GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE DIFFUSION OF THE COVID-19 IN SOCIETY Overlooked Significant Impact of Trace Metals on the Bacterial Community of PM2.5 in High‐Time Resolution Chemical and biological components of atmospheric particulate matter and their impacts on human health and crops: a review Environmental, demographic, and geographical factors affecting the diffusion of COVID-19: A case study Airborne Bacteria structure and chemical composition relationships in winter and spring PM10 samples over southeastern Italy

PM not from combustion


On neutrality

Sometimes you agree with this extreme end of the spectrum.

Sometimes you agree with that extreme end of the spectrum.

Sometimes you are in between.

The right (/north/upper/brown/cyan/whatever..) thinks you are the left...

The left (/south/lower/violet/orange/whatever..) thinks you are the right...

Those who are neutral(?) think you are either left... or right...

At the end of the day, you are nothing.

But ... isn’t Wikipedia the place on earth with the largest group of people who aims for neutrality?


On minority view


“The notion that the Earth revolves around the Sun had been proposed as early as the third century BC by Aristarchus of Samos, who had been influenced by a concept presented by Philolaus of Croton (c. 470 – 385 BC).” minority view

“In medieval Europe, however, Aristarchus' heliocentrism attracted little attention—possibly because of the loss of scientific works of the Hellenistic period.” minority view

“It was not until the sixteenth century that a mathematical model of a heliocentric system was presented by the Renaissance mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic cleric, Nicolaus Copernicus, leading to the Copernican Revolution” (1543) probably still minority view

“In the following century, Johannes Kepler introduced elliptical orbits, and Galileo Galilei presented supporting observations made using a telescope.” (1609) ?

1616 ban against Copernicanism” don’t know what view it was but it’s banned

“Galileo's trial in 1633don’t know what view it was but he’s put under house arrest for the last few years of his life

“In 1687, Isaac Newton published Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which provided an explanation for Kepler's laws in terms of universal gravitation and what came to be known as Newton's laws of motion. This placed heliocentrism on a firm theoretical foundation ... Meanwhile, the Catholic Church remained opposed to heliocentrism as a literal description, but this did not by any means imply opposition to all astronomy” ?

“In 1758 the Catholic Church dropped the general prohibition of books advocating heliocentrism” majority view

  • At the very beginning, only one person, or a few persons, know the truth. They are lonely. What they believe is “minority view”.
  • It can take a LONG time for everyone to know it and believe in it. It can take a LONG time for it to become a “majority view”.
  • As information flows more freely nowadays, perhaps less time is needed, but it still takes time.
  • ALL scientific discoveries start as “minority views”. Tomorrow’s majority views = Today’s minority views (i.e. all tomorrow’s majority views related to new discoveries come from today’s minority views; although not all today’s minority views will become tomorrow’s majority views)
  • Implications on scientific/social/etc. advancement?
    • Importance of minority views
    • Importance of scientific works preservation
    • Importance of free flow of information ...

Minority views were “bad information” when they were still minority views. They may even be banned. Who can be the judges of the future? Who can be so confident that their views are absolutely correct and will never be overturned, and will still be “majority views” 1000 years later? By preservation, it doesn’t mean we are drawing a conclusion that a view is good or bad / right or wrong. We just make it “visible” and not “disappeared” or “banned”.

As long as it’s “visible”, people can still discuss about it, learn more about it, ask questions about it, dispute about it, relate it / compare it to other views, refine it, make improvement of it, etc. That’s where knowledge comes from. If it’s “not there” and people don’t even know about it, everything stops there.

In other words, the most advanced view now, if judged by people who live 500 years later, is rubbish.


