User:Du Macedo/sandbox

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This are just some, lists, practices, tests, as well as me organizing some private projects of mine


Party Logo Abbr. No. Official Leader Leader Deputies Senators Ideology Position
Liberal Party
Partido Liberal
PL 22 Valdemar Costa Neto Jair Bolsonaro
95 / 513
13 / 81
Right-wing populism Right-wing to far-right
Workers' Party
Partido dos Trabalhadores
PT 13 Gleisi Hoffmann Lula da Silva
68 / 513
8 / 81
Social democracy Centre-left
Brazil Union
União Brasil
UNIÃO 44 Antônio Rueda ACM Neto
58 / 513
7 / 81
Liberal conservatism Centre-right
PP 11 Ciro Nogueira Ciro Nogueira
50 / 513
6 / 81
Liberal conservatism Centre-right
Social Democratic Party
Partido Social Democrático
PSD 55 Gilberto Kassab Gilberto Kassab
44 / 513
15 / 81
Big tent Centre to centre-right
Brazilian Democratic Movement
Movimento Democrático Brasileiro
MDB 15 Baleia Rossi Baleia Rossi
44 / 513
11 / 81
Big tent Centre to centre-right
REP 10 Marcos Pereira Tarcísio Gomes
43 / 513
4 / 81
Conservatism Centre-right to right-wing
Democratic Labour Party
Partido Democrático Trabalhista
PDT 12 André Figueiredo Ciro Gomes
18 / 513
3 / 81
Labourism Centre-left
We Can
PODE 20 Renata Abreu Soraya Thronicke
15 / 513
7 / 81
Liberal conservatism Centre-right
Brazilian Socialist Party
Partido Socialista Brasileiro
PSB 40 Carlos Siqueira Geraldo Alckmin
14 / 513
4 / 81
Social democracy Centre-left
Brazilian Social Democracy Party
Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira
PSDB 45 Marconi Perillo Raquel Lyra
13 / 513
1 / 81
Liberalism Centre
Socialism and Liberty Party
Partido Socialismo e Liberdade
PSOL 50 Paula Coradi Guilherme Boulos
13 / 513
0 / 81
Socialism Left-wing to far-left
Communist Party of Brazil
Partido Comunista do Brasil
PCdoB 65 Luciana Santos Orlando Silva
7 / 513
0 / 81
Developmentalism Centre-left
AVT 70 Luis Tibé André Janones
7 / 513
0 / 81
Centrism Centre
SD 77 Euripedes Júnior Paulinho da Força
5 / 513
0 / 81
Humanism Centre
Democratic Renewal Party
Partido Renovação Democrática
PRD 25 Ovasco Resende
5 / 513
0 / 81
Right-wing populism Right-wing to far-right
Green Party
Partido Verde
PV 43 José Luiz Penna
5 / 513
0 / 81
Green politics Centre-left
CD 23 Comte Bittencourt
4 / 513
0 / 81
Social liberalism Centre
New Party
Partido Novo
NOVO 30 Eduardo Ribeiro Marcel Van Hatten
3 / 513
1 / 81
Classical liberalism Right-wing
Sustainability Network
Rede Sustentabilidade
REDE 18 Heloísa Helena Marina Silva
1 / 513
0 / 81
Green politics Centre toCentre-left
Brazilian Labour Renewal Party
Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro
PRTB 28 Leonardo Araújo Pablo Marçal
0 / 513
0 / 81
Right-wing populism Right-wing to far-right
National Mobilization
Mobilização Nacional
MOBI 33 Antonio Massarollo
0 / 513
0 / 81
Nationalism Centre-right
AGIR 36 Daniel Tourinho
0 / 513
0 / 81
Autistic people's interests Centre
Brazilian Woman's Party
Partido da Mulher Brasileira
PMB 35 Suêd Haidar
0 / 513
0 / 81
Antifeminism Right-wing
Christian Democracy
Democracia Cristã
DC 27 José Maria Eymael
0 / 513
0 / 81
Christian democracy Centre-right
Brazilian Communist Party
Partido Comunista Brasileiro
PCB 21 Edmilson Costa
0 / 513
0 / 81
Marxism-Leninism Far-left
Popular Unity
Unidade Popular
UP 80 Leo Péricles
0 / 513
0 / 81
Revolutionary socialism Far-left
United Socialist Workers' Party
Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado
PSTU 16 Zé Maria
0 / 513
0 / 81
Trotskyism Far-left
Workers' Cause Party
Partido da Causa Operária
PCO 29 Rui Costa Pimenta
0 / 513
0 / 81
Trotskyism Far-left

List of Governors of Bahia (1889-)

# Portrait President
Term of office Elections Prior office Political party Portrait Vice President
Political party
1 Virgílio Clímaco Damásio
18 Nov 1889-23 Nov 1889 appointed by the federal government CRFS
2 Manuel Vitorino
23 Nov 1889-25 Apr 1890 appointed by the federal government PRF
3 Hermes Ernesto da Fonseca
26 Apr 1890-15 Sep 1890 appointed by the federal government Provincial President of Mato Grosso (1875-1878) Ind. Virgílio Clímaco Damásio
4 Virgílio Clímaco Damásio
15 Sep 1890-24 Nov 1890 line of succession Vice Governor (1890) CRFS
5 José Gonçalves da Silva
24 Nov 1890-24 Nov 1891 appointed by the federal government PRF
6 Tude Neiva
24 Nov 1891-23 Dec 1891 appointed by the federal government Ind.
7 Leal Ferreira
23 Dec 1891-28 May 1892 appointed by the federal government Ind.

Lula III (2023-Present)

Post Image Name Party State Took office Left office

President of the Republic
Lula da Silva PT

(FE Brasil)

SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Vice President of the Republic

Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services

Geraldo Alckmin PSB SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Secretaries of the Presidency
Chief of Staff Rui Costa PT

(FE Brasil)

BA 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Secretary of Institutional Affairs Alexandre Padilha PT

(FE Brasil)

SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Secretary of Social Communication Paulo Pimenta PT

(FE Brasil)

RS 1 Jan 2023 15 May 2024
Laércio Portela (Interim) Independent PE 15 May 2024 Incumbent
Secretary General of the Presidency Márcio Macêdo PT

(FE Brasil)

SE 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Extraordinary Secretary of Support for Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul Paulo Pimenta PT

(FE Brasil)

RS 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Attorney General Jorge Messias PT

(FE Brasil)

PE 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Comptroller General Vinícius Marques de Carvalho Independent SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent
Secretary of the Institutional Security Bureau Gonçalves Dias Independent SP 1 Jan 2023 19 Abril 2023
Ricardo Cappelli (Interim) PSB RJ 19 Abril 2023 4 May 2023
Marcos Antonio Amaro dos Santos Independent SP 4 May 2023 Incumbent
President of the Central Bank Roberto Campos Neto Independent RJ 28 Feb 2019 Incumbent
Federal Ministers

Minister of Agriculture
Carlos Fávaro PSD MT 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Cities
Jader Barbalho Filho MDB PA 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Communications
Juscelino Filho UNIÃO MA 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Culture
Margareth Menezes Independent BA 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Defence
José Múcio PRD PE 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Education
Camilo Santana PT

(FE Brasil)

CE 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Business
Márcio França PSB SP 13 Sep 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Marina Silva REDE


SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Finance
Fernando Haddad PT

(FE Brasil)

SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mauro Vieira Independent RJ 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Fishing and Aquaculture
André de Paula PSD PE 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Health
Nísia Trindade Independent RJ 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship
Silvio Almeida Independent SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Indigenous Peoples
Sônia Guajajara PSOL


SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Integration and Regional Development
Waldez Góes PDT AP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Justice and Public Security
Flávio Dino PSB MA 1 Jan 2023 1 Feb 2024
Ricardo Lewandowski Independent RJ 1 Feb 2024 Incumbent

Minister of Labour and Employment
Luiz Marinho PT

(FE Brasil)

SP 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services
Esther Dweck Independent RJ 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Mines and Energy
Alexandre Silveira PSD MG 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Planning and Budget
Simone Tebet MDB MS 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Ports and Airports
Márcio França PSB SP 1 Jan 2023 6 Sep 2023
Sílvio Costa Filho REPUBLICANOS PE 13 Sep 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Racial Equality
Anielle Franco PT

(FE Brasil)

RJ 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Science, Technology and Inovation
Luciana Santos PCdoB

(FE Brasil)

PE 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Social Development and Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger
Wellington Dias PT

(FE Brasil)

PI 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Social Security
Carlos Lupi PDT RJ 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Sports
Ana Moser Independent SC 1 Jan 2023 6 Sep 2023
André Fufuca PP MA 13 Sep 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Tourism
Daniela Carneiro UNIÃO RJ 1 Jan 2023 14 Jul 2023
Celso Sabino UNIÃO PA 13 July 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Transport
Renan Filho MDB AL 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

Minister of Women
Cida Gonçalves PT

(FE Brasil)

MS 1 Jan 2023 Incumbent

List of Presidents of Brazil

# Portrait President
Term of office Elections Prior office Political party Portrait Vice President
Political party
1 Deodoro da Fonseca
15 November 1889-23 November 1891 coup d'ètat
President of Rio Grande do Sul Armed Forces Floriano Peixoto
Armed Forces
2 Floriano Peixoto
23 November 1891 – 15 November 1894 line of succession Vice President (1891) Armed Forces none
3 Prudente de Morais
15 November 1894 – 15 November 1898 1894 Senator for São Paulo (1890-1894) PR Federal Manuel Vitorino
PR Federal
4 Campos Sales
15 November 1898 – 15 November 1902 1898 President of São Paulo (1896-1897) PRP Rosa e Silva
PR Federal
5 Rodrigues Alves
15 November 1902 – 15 November 1906 1902 President of São Paulo (1900-1902) PRP Afonso Pena
6 Afonso Pena
15 November 1906-14 June 1909 (died in office) 1906 Vice President (1903-1906) PRM Nilo Peçanha
7 Nilo Peçanha
14 June 1909-15 November 1910 line of succession Vice President (1902-1909) PRF none
8 Hermes da Fonseca
15 November 1910-15 November 1914 1910 Minister of War


PRC Venceslau Brás
9 Venceslau Brás
14 November 1914-15 November 1918 1914 Vice President (1910-1914) PRM Urbano Santos
Rodrigues Alves
did not take office 1918 Senator for São Paulo PRP Delfim Moreira
10 Delfim Moreira
15 November 1918-28 July 1919


line of succession Vice President (1918-1920) PRM none
11 Epitácio Pessoa
28 July 1919-15 November 1922 1919 Senator for Paraíba PRM
Delfim Moreira

Bueno de Paiva
12 Arthur Bernardes
15 November 1922-15 November 1926 1922 President of Minas Gerais PRM Estácio Coimbra
13 Washington Luís
15 November 1926-24 October 1930 1926 Senator for São Paulo PRP Melo Viana
Júlio Prestes
did not take office 1930 President of São Paulo (1927-1930) PRP Vital Soares
Military Junta 24 October 1930-3 November 1930 Armed Forces
14 Getúlio Vargas
3 November 1930-29 October 1945 1934
President of Rio Grande do Sul (1928-1930) Independent position abolished
15 José Linhares
29 October 1945-31 January 1946 (Acting) line of succession President of the Supreme Federal Court


Independent position abolished
16 Eurico Gaspar Dutra
31 January 1946-31 January 1951 1945 Minister of War
PSD Nereu Ramos
17 Getúlio Vargas
31 January 1951-24 August 1954

(died in office)

1950 Senator for Rio Grande do Sul (1946-1951) PTB Café Filho
18 Café Filho
24 August 1954-8 November 1955 line of succession Vice President (1951-1954) PSP none
19 Carlos Luz
8 November 1955-11 November 1955


line of succession President of the Chamber of Deputies (1955) PSD none
20 Nereu Ramos
11 November 1955-31 January 1956 (Acting) line of succession Vice President of the Senate (1955) PSD none
21 Juscelino Kubitschek
31 January 1956-31 January 1961 1955 Governor of Minas Gerais (1951-1955) PSD João Goulart
22 Jânio Quadros
31 January 1961-25 August 1961 (Resigned) 1960 Federal Deputy for Paraná (1959-1960) PTN João Goulart
23 Ranieri Mazzilli
25 August 1961-7 September 1961 (Acting) President of the Chamber of Deputies (1958-1965) PSD none
24 João Goulart
7 September 1961-2 April 1964


line of succession Vice President (1956-1961) PTB none
25 Ranieri Mazzilli
2 April 1964-15 April 1964 (Acting) President of the Chamber of Deputies (1958-1965) PSD none
26 Humberto Castelo Branco
15 April 1964-15 March 1967 1964 Chief of the Army General Staff (1963-1964) Independent José Maria Alckmin
27 Artur da Costa e Silva
15 March 1967-30 October 1969 1966 Minister of War


ARENA Pedro Aleixo
Pedro Aleixo
did not take office line of succession Vice President (1967-1969) ARENA none
Military Junta 31 August 1969-30 October 1969 Armed Forces
28 Emílio Garrastazu Médici
30 October 1969-15 March 1974 1969 Head of the National Information Service (1967-1969) ARENA Augusto Rademaker
29 Ernesto Geisel
15 March 1974-15 March 1979 1974 Chair of Petrobras (1969-1973) ARENA Adalberto Pereira dos Santos
30 João Figueiredo
15 March 1979-15 March 1985 1978 Head of the National Information Service (1974-1978) ARENA Aureliano Chaves
Tancredo Neves
did not take office 1985 Governor of Minas Gerais (1983-1984) PMDB José Sarney
31 José Sarney
15 March 1985-15 March 1990 line of succession Vice President (1985) PMDB none
32 Fernando Collor
15 March 1990-29 December 1992 1989 Governor of Alagoas PRN Itamar Franco
33 Itamar Franco
29 December 1992-1 January 1995 line of succession Vice President (1990-1992) PMDB none
34 Fernando Henrique Cardoso
1 January 1995-1 January 2003 1994
Minister of Finance (1993-1994) PSDB Marco Maciel
35 Lula da Silva
1 January 2003-1 January 2011 2002
Federal Deputy for São Paulo (1987-1991) PT José Alencar
36 Dilma Rousseff
1 January 2011-31 August 2016


Chief of Staff of the Presidency (2005-2010) PT Michel Temer
37 Michel Temer
31 August 2016-1 January 2023 line of succession Vice President (2011-2016) MDB none
38 Jair Bolsonaro
1 January 2019-1 January 2023 2019 Federal Deputy for Rio de Janeiro (1991-2018) PSL Hamilton Mourão
39 Lula da Silva
1 January 2023-present 2022 President of the Republic
PT (Brazil of Hope) Geraldo Alckmin


Portfolio Minister Party Kaśa Took office Left office
High Chief

Pwanui Śífe

Haź Kwa U FU Haź Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Second Chief

Fośara Śífe

Secretary of Justice

Fayut na Akispa

Naya Kada Cui SS Kaxta Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of International Affairs

Fuśkanagayu na Akispa

Ãkoda Itaźa HMP Ãkoda Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Health

Tsumathasayǝ na Akispa

Sẽgo Saya Kwi FU Haź Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Administration

Etá-tsumat na Akispa

Kata Kwi Fayuya HP Hada Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Military Affairs

Zasgai Gayu na Akispa

Wacei Aź Karĩ SS Yali Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Economy

Ikunomí na Akispa

Zaza Mu Lits HP Yali Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Finance

Kuźkat na Akispa

Sawi Ka-Męz FU Sawi Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Conservation & Climate

Zumaturak ta Klima na Akispa

Hada Lu Pi'wẽ LP Hada Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Human Rights

Ifeźa Wiśpak na Akispa

Akdẽga Nak Sui HMP Ãkoda Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Public Safety & Police

Mapōkáśkita ta Politsi na Akispa

Sawi Nak Mu FU Sawi Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Infrastructure

Tarkanakat na Akispa

Xara Suts Ila KM Haź Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Urban Affairs

Wakagayu na Akispa

Akdẽga Yasa Nui SS Ãkoda Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Antarctic Affairs

Ataibuyakãgayu na Akispa

Cinã Mazu Faiga SS Kaxta Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Labour

Harit na Akispa

Gaźa Lĩ Maz HP Ãkoda Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Pensions

Hasalalit na Akispa

Fiwə Maś Kalĩ HP Ãkoda Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Fishing & Oceans

Śaliliganat ta Tanigayu na Akispa

Xaga Lui Tsai SS Sawi Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Education

Takalǝ na Akispa

Luśə Manĩ Guye HMP Sayu Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Rural Affairs

Akãdagayu na Akispa

Olĩ Lųk Masali KM Ãkoda Kaśa 23 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Universities & Research

Yuniba ta Tataktap na Akispa

Zayę́ Mai Kuya SS Cak Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Community Affairs

Matsǝgayu na Akispa

Yanã Tufaś Hiri FU Turai Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Energy & Fuel

Ineźí ta Kasut na Akispa

Ugwa Kaś Yalį FU Inę Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Culture & Arts

Utsats ta Surtak na Akispa

Waya Mõra Eśka KM Haź Kaśa 1 August incumbent
Secretary of Communications

Kumunikaśǝ na Akispa

Fari Paś Kale'e HP Inę Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent
Secretary of Sports Turai Hai Tsese HP Turai Kaśa 1 August 2023 incumbent

State cabinet

 The Presidential Standard of Brazil
Governo da Bahia
Cargo Nome Partido Político
Governador da Bahia
Gómìnà Ìpínlẹ̀ Bahia
Jerônimo Rodrigues PT (FE Brasil)
Vice-governador da Bahia
Igbákejì Gómìnà Ìpínlẹ̀ Bahia
Geraldo Júnior MDB
Secretário de Administração
Akọ̀wé ti Ìṣàkóso
Edelvino Góes -
Secretário de Agricultura
Akọ̀wé ti Ọgbin
Secretário da Casa Civil
Akọ̀wé ti Ilé Alágbádá
Afonso Florence PT (FE Brasil)
Chefe de Gabinete do Governador
Gómìnà ká Oloye Oṣiṣẹ
Adolpho Loyola PT (FE Brasil)
Secretário de Cultura
Akọ̀wé ti Àṣà
Bruno Monteiro -
Secretário de Desenvilvimento Econômico
Akọ̀wé ti Ìdàgbàsókè Ọrọ̀ Ajé
Angelo Almeida PSB
Secretária de Desenvolvimento Urbano
Akọ̀wé ti Ìdàgbàsókè Ìlú
Jusmari Oliveira PSD
Secretária de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social
Akọ̀wé ti Ìrànlọ́wọ́ ati Ìdàgbàsókè Àwùjọ
Fabya Reis -
Secretário de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Akọ̀wé ti Ìmọ̀tuntun, Ìmọ̀ Sáyẹ́ǹsì ati Ìmọ̀-ẹ̀rọ
André Joazeiro -
Secretária de Eduacação
Akọ̀wé ti Ẹ̀kọ́
Adélia Pinheiro -
Secretário da Fazenda
Akọ̀wé ti Iṣuna
Manoel Vitório -
Secretário de Infraestrutura
Akọ̀wé ti Amayederun
Sérgio Brito PSD
Secretário de Desnvolvimento Rural
Akọ̀wé ti Ìdàgbàsókè Ìgbèríoko
Osni Cardoso PT (FE Brasil)
Secretária de Políticas para as Mulheres
Akọ̀wé ti àwọn Imulo fun àwọn Obìnrín
Elisangela Santos Araújo PT (FE Brasil)
Secretário de Relações Institucionais
Akọ̀wé ti Àjọṣepọ̀
Luiz Caetano PT (FE Brasil)
Secretária de Saúde
Akọ̀wé ti Ìlera
Roberta Santana -
Secretário de Segurança Pública
Akọ̀wé ti Àkọsílẹ Aabo
Marcelo Werner -
Secretário de Trabalho, Emprego, Renda e Esporte
Akọ̀wé ti Iṣẹ́, Oojọ, Owó ọ̀yà ati Idaraya
Davidson Magalhães PCdoB (FE Brasil)
Secretário de Turismo
Akọ̀wé ti Ìrìn Àjò Afẹ́
Maurício Bacelar -
Secretária de Promoção da Igualdade Racial e dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais
Akọ̀wé ti Igbega ti Imudọgba Ẹya ati àwọn Ènìyàn Ìbílẹ̀ ati àwọn Agbègbè
Ângela Guimarães -
Secretário de Planejamento
Akọ̀wé ti Eto
Cláudio Peixoto -
Secretário de Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização
Akọ̀wé ti Ẹ̀wọ̀n Ìṣàkóso ati Àtúnṣe
José Antônio Maria Gonçalves -
Secretário de Meio Ambiente
Akọ̀wé ti Àyíká
Eduardo Sodré Martins -
Secretário de Justiça e Direitos Humanos
Akọ̀wé ti Ìdajọ ati àwọn Ẹ̀tọ́ Ọmọnìyàn
Filipe Freitas -
Secretária de Infraestrutura Hídrica e Saneamento
Akọ̀wé ti Omi Amayederun ati Ìmọ̀toto
Larissa Gomes Moraes -
Secretário de Comunicação Social
Akọ̀wé ti Àwùjọ Ìtàkurọ̀sọ
André Curvello -
Procuradora-geral do Estado
Agbẹjọ́rò Gbogbogbo ti Ìpínlẹ̀
Bárbara Camardelli Loi -

Current cabinet

 The Presidential Standard of Brazil
Cabinet of Brazil
Office Name Political party
President of the Republic

Presidente da República

Vice President of the Republic

Vice-presidente da República

Chief of Staff

Ministre-chefe da Casa Civil

Secretary of Institutional Affairs

Secretárie de Assuntos Institucionias

Secretary of Social Communication

Secretárie de Comunicação Social

Secretary-General of the Presidency

Secretárie-geral da Presidência

Attorney General of the Union

Advogade-geral da União

President of the Central Bank

Presidente do Banco Central

Comptroller General of the Union

Ministre-chefe da Controladoria-geral da União

Chief Minister of the Institutional Security Office

Ministre-chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional

Minister of Agriculture

Ministre da Agricultura

Minister of Cities and Housing

Ministre de Cidades e Moradia

Minister of Communications

Ministre das Comunicações

Minister of Culture

Ministre da Cultura

Minister of Defence

Ministre da Defesa

Minister of Economic Development

Ministre de Desenvolvimento Econômico

Minister of Education

Ministre da Educação

Minister of Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Ministre do Empreendedorismo e Pequenos Negócios

Minister of Environment and Climate Change

Ministre do Meio Ambiente e Mundaças Climáticas

Minister of Finance

Ministre da Fazenda

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Ministre das Relações Exteriores

Minister of Health

Ministre da Saúde

Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship

Ministre dos Direitos Humanos e Cidadania

Minister of Indigenous Peoples

Ministre dos Povos Indígenas

Minister of Justice

Ministre da Justiça

Minister of Labour and Employment

Ministre do Trabalho e Emprego

Minister of Land Reform and Family Farming

Ministre da Reforma Agrária e Agricultura Familiar

Minister of Management and Public Service

Ministre da Gestão e Serviço Público

Minister of Mines and Energy

Ministre de Minas e Energia

Minister of National Memory

Ministre da Memória Nacional

Minister of Planning and Budget

Ministre do Planejamento e Orçamento

Minister of Racial Equality and Quilombo Communities

Ministre da Igualdade Racial e Comunidades Quilombos

Minister of Regional Development

Ministre do Desenvolvimento Regional

Minister of Science and Innovation

Ministre da Ciência e Inovação

Minister of Social Welfare

Ministre do Bem-estar Social

Minister of Sports

Ministre dos Esportes

Minister of Tourism

Ministre do Turismo

Minister of Transports

Ministre dos Transportes

Minister of Women

Ministre das Mulheres

Hawikã Mapoyoram

Hawi Republic
Hawikã Mapoyoram
Flag of Hawia
Location of Hawia (dark green)
and largest city
Official languageHawi
Ethnic groups
  • 94% Hawi
  • 6% other
  • 56% Ikerekekwá
  • 40% no religion
  • 3.1% Catholicism
  • 0.9% other
GovernmentUnitary council-republic
• Pwanui Šifē
Sayu Makwa Salēnan
• Šifētsma
  • Hada Lu Pi'wen
  • Sawi Lai Kowan
  • Zui Kaš Hizi
  • Haž Kaye Mai
  • Kuš Marin Koya
  • Laza Pwai Šafikwa
• Settlement
5th millennium BCE
• Unification by Queen Hawi
2nd century BCE
• Southern Revolt
190-180 BCE
• Reunification
105 BCE
• Sa'twa Regency
• Kezh Restoration
• Seven Crowns Period
• Royal Wars
• Gizha Dynasty established
1 December 1581
• First contact with Europeans
30 July 1793
• Sula-Bertrand Pact
12 May 1821
• Republic established
5 January 1859
• French Occupation
16 April 1931
• Independence
16 April 1946
• Current constitution
3 August 1955
• Total
103,127 km2 (39,818 sq mi) (105th)
• Water (%)
• Estimate
• Census
• Density
3.66/km2 (9.5/sq mi)
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Total
$89.078 billion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
$78.570 billion
• Per capita
very high
CurrencyKuzhara (K$) (KUZ)
Time zoneUTCUTC with no offset (GMT)
Driving sideright
Calling code+544
Internet TLD.ha

The Hawi Republic (Hawi: Hawikã Mapoyoram) is an insular nation on the Antarctic ocean, being the only nation-state in the continent. It consists of the main island of Kwani, the smaller island of lagwani as well as smaller uninhabited rocks and islets.

The government of Hawia is based on traditional means of governance indigenous to the island, that greatly resemble a directorial republic.

The islands that currently make up the Hawi Republic were first settled around the 5th century BCE by people from southern South America. Since at least the 3rd century BCE the island's population has been in complete isolation from the rest of the world until the arrival of a French fleet lead by François Gaulle.

The country receives its name from the from an old Hawi idiom, "Hawikatsakwatani" which is generaly thought to mean "a place of abundance and peace where all meet".

The country is subdided into 18 wards or kaśa, based on the traditional territories of the 18 tribes united under the first Hawi Queen. This wards are named after the tribe that traditionally inhabited it, those are: Haź, Kalĩ, Sayu, Sawi, Hada, Laza, Yali, Kuś, Zui, Kaxta, Inę, Cak, Usali, Ãkoda, Ganik, Kwazõ, Turai and Sakpa.