User:Dtbooth/3D bioprinting/Bibliography

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

[28] Datta, Pallab, Bugra Ayan, and Ibrahim T. Ozbolat. "Bioprinting for vascular and vascularized tissue biofabrication." Acta biomaterialia 51 (2017): 1-20.

[29]T.J. Hinton, Q. Jallerat, R.N. Palchesko, J.H. Park, M.S. Grodzicki, H.-J. Shue, M.H. Ramadan, A.R. Hudson, A.W. Feinberg, “Three-dimensional printing of complex biological structures by freeform reversible embedding of suspended hydrogels” Sci. Adv., 1 (2015), 10.1126/sciadv.1500758

[30] Gupta, P., & Mandal, B. B. (2021). Tissue‐Engineered Vascular Grafts: Emerging Trends and Technologies. Advanced Functional Materials, 2100027

[31]A. Munaz, R.K. Vadivelu, J. St John, M. Barton, H. Kamble, N.-T. Nguyen “Three-dimensional printing of biological matters” J. Sci. Adv. Mater. Devices, 1 (2016), pp. 1-17,

[32]R. Devillard, E. Pagès, M.M. Correa, V. Kériquel, M. Rémy, J. Kalisky, M. Ali, B. Guillotin, F. Guillemot “Chapter 9 – cell patterning by laser-assisted bioprinting” Methods Cell Biol. (2014), pp. 159-174, 10.1016/B978-0-12-416742-1.00009-3


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