User:Dsp13/List of current members of the National Assembly of Malawi

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(only the first 10 or so done) This is a list of the current members of the unicameral National Assembly of Malawi.[1]

Member Constituency Party
Adams, W. J. Lilongwe City South-West Democratic Progressive Party
Aipira, S. L. Mangochi West Malawi Congress Party
Asibu, A. Mangochi - South West United Democratic Front
Banda, A. J. Lilongwe-Mpenu Nkhoma Independent
Banda, E. E. Nkhata Bay - South Democratic Progressive Party
Banda, E. F. Nkhotakota Central Malawi Congress Party
Banda, L. M. F. Mchinji South West Democratic Progressive Party
Banda, G. K. M. Kasungu-East Democratic Progressive Party
Banda, H. C. Nkhotakota-North Democratic Progressive Party
Banda Msulira, G. K. Blantyre - City East Democratic Progressive Party
Bande, J. F. Kasungu - North East Malawi Congress Party
Belekanyama, L. K. W. Lilongwe - Msinja South Malawi Congress Party
Bhagwanji, E. Lilongwe City West Democratic Progressive Party
Bimphi, H. J. Ntchisi-North Democratic Progressive Party
Bokosi, G. K. Kasungu-South East Democratic Progressive Party
Bondo, M. K. Lilongwe Kumachenga Malawi Congress Party
Bonongwe, B. Mulanje South East Democratic Progressive Party
Bwanali, R. Mangochi Malombe Democratic Progressive Party
Chalera, P. S. P. Lilongwe Msinja North Malawi Congress Party
Chaponda, T. G. Mulanje - South West Democratic Progressive Party
Chatipwa Mandevu, A. Nkhotakota South East Democratic Progressive Party
Chazama, C. E. B. Blantyre North East Democratic Progressive Party
Chazama, P. L. Z. Mwanza West Democratic Progressive Party
Chikaonda, H. P. Dedza East Democratic Progressive Party
Chikusa, B. Dowa North Democratic Progressive Party
Chilapondwa, J. U. Ntchisi South Democratic Progressive Party
Chilewani, V. C. Nsanje South West Democratic Progressive Party
Chilondola, P. Z. Dedza North Malawi Congress Party
Chilumpha, K. Nkhotakota South Independent
Chilunga, J. D. Zomba - Msondole Democratic Progressive Party
Chimalira, D. Ntcheu South Democratic Progressive Party
Chimbalu, V. M. Kasungu South Independent
Chimulirenji, E. H. Ntcheu North East Democratic Progressive Party
Ching'oma, E. P. Lilongwe East Malawi Congress Party
Chingola, J. V. Ntcheu - Central Democratic Progressive Party
Chinkhondo, P. Dedza West Malawi Congress Party
Chirwa, C. P. L. Zomba Chingale Democratic Progressive Party
Chirwa, R. K. Chikwawa East Democratic Progressive Party
Chisale, E. T. S. Mchinji East Democratic Progressive Party
Chiete, A. Mchinji North Malawi Congress Party
Chiume, E. M. Nkhata Bay North Democratic Progressive Party
Chiumia, G. Nkhata Bay West Democratic Progressive Party
Chiwaya, C. T. Mangochi - Central United Democratic Front
Chiwoko, C. W. Lilongwe- Mapuyu North Democratic Progressive Party
Chiyembekeza, A. J. Thyolo South West Democratic Progressive Party
Daudi, H. Dowa South East Democratic Progressive Party
Dausi, N. H. Mwanza Central Democratic Progressive Party
Dzoole, M. V. G. Lilongwe Msozi South Malawi Congress Party
Gama, W. M. R. Blantyre West Democratic Progressive Party
Gambatula Nkhata, G. M. Kasungu North North-East Democratic Progressive Party
Ganda, S. S. Nsanje lalanje Democratic Progressive Party
Gawanani, C. E. Dowa Ngala Democratic Progressive Party
Ghambi, V. W. Karonga North Democratic Progressive Party
Gondwe, G. E. Mzimba - North Democratic Progressive Party
Gowelo, T. T. Blantyre City West Democratic Progressive Party
Gwengwe, W. A. Lilongwe - South East Malawi Congress Party
Gwengwe, S. Dedza Central Malawi Congress Party
Hara, G. C. Mzimba North East Democratic Progressive Party
Hiwa, C. J. Ntcheu West Democratic Progressive Party
Jangiya, M. Machinga Likwenu United Democratic Front
Jere, O. M. Kasungu West Democratic Progressive Party
Jonas, S. Lilongwe City Central Democratic Progressive Party
Jooma, R. P. Mangochi-Monkey Bay Democratic Progressive Party
Kachali, K. H. Mzimba - South West Democratic Progressive Party
Kachere, R. B. Neno-South Democratic Progressive Party
Kachikho A. A. N. Phalombe - North Democratic Progressive Party
Kalelo, J. S. D Lilongwe City North Independent
Kaliati, P. A. Mulanje West Democratic Progressive Party
Kaliati, S. Machinga-Central United Democratic Front
Kalilani, J. A. N. Dowa Central Democratic Progressive Party
Kalinde, A. Thyolo North Democratic Progressive Party
Kamanya, G. Lilongwe Msozi North Independent
Kamba, H. F. Machinga South United Democratic Front
Kamu, K. T. Machinga-East United Democratic Front
R. A. Gaffar Blantyre - Kabula Democratic Progressive Party
A. Gobede Chikwawa - North Democratic Progressive Party
P. R. Gonani Zomba - Chisi Democratic Progressive Party
G. Gondwe Mzimba - North Democratic Progressive Party
J. J. Guga Thyolo - North Democratic Progressive Party
J. E. Joswah Phalombe - South Democratic Progressive Party
K. H. Kachali Mzimba - South West Democratic Progressive Party
A. A. N. Kachikho Phalombe - North Democratic Progressive Party
L. E. S. Kadam'manja Chiradzulu - North Democratic Progressive Party
B. M. Kalambo Karonga - North Democratic Progressive Party
P. A. Kaliati Mulanje - West Democratic Progressive Party
J. A. S. Kampezeni Neno - North Democratic Progressive Party
D. C. Katsonga Mwanza - Central Democratic Progressive Party
B. Kaunda Blantyre - City South East Democratic Progressive Party
S. V. Kaunda Nkhata Bay - Central Democratic Progressive Party
C. Khembo Chikwawa - East Democratic Progressive Party
A. S. Lipande Ntcheu - North Democratic Progressive Party
Dr. K. Lipenga Phalombe - East Democratic Progressive Party
E. F. Malenga Balaka - South Democratic Progressive Party
O. W. B. Masanza Mulanje - Limbuli Democratic Progressive Party
C. Mchacha Thyolo - West Democratic Progressive Party
M. Mia Chikwawa - Nkombezi Democratic Progressive Party
H. Mumba Mzimba - Hora Democratic Progressive Party
H. A. R. Mussa Chiradzulu - East Democratic Progressive Party
U. Mussa Salima - South Democratic Progressive Party
Mwafulirwa P. P., Hon. Karonga - South Democratic Progressive Party
Mwaila R. M., Hon. Blantyre - West Democratic Progressive Party
Mwamondwe G. A. R., Hon. Blantyre - City Central Democratic Progressive Party
F. T. Mwenifumbo Karonga - Central Democratic Progressive Party
S. S. Nchingula S. S., Hon. Mwanza - West Democratic Progressive Party
M. E. A. Ngaunje Ntcheu - Bwanje South Democratic Progressive Party
D. R. Ngulinga Machinga - Likwenu Democratic Progressive Party
G. A. Phiri Chikwawa - West Democratic Progressive Party
H. D. Phoya Blantyre - Rural East Democratic Progressive Party
A. M. Sangala Blantyre - Malabada Democratic Progressive Party
S. W. Selenje Zomba - Thondwe Democratic Progressive Party
M. W. M. Shaba Kasungu - North Democratic Progressive Party
R. C. Shaba Mzimba - South East Democratic Progressive Party
A. M. Shawa Mzimba - East Democratic Progressive Party
Kaira G. H., Hon. Mzimba - Mzuzu City Independent
P. K. M. Kaluba Chitipa - South Independent
B. H. Kawonga Mzimba - North East Independent
Bapu Khamisa Thyolo - East Independent
E. A. Makowa Mwale Nkhotakota - South East Independent
J. C. Malewezi Ntchisi - North East Independent
N. A. Masebo Chitipa - North Independent
I. Mezalumo Mulanje - South Independent
B. Mhango Karonga - North West Independent
B. J. Mpinganjira Mulanje - Central Independent
G. C. Mponda Blantyre - South West Independent
R. M. Msowoya Karonga - Nyungwe Independent
O. M. Mulwafu Chitipa - East Independent
E. Z. Munthali Rumphi - West Independent
L. M. Musongole Chitipa - Central Independent
J. C. Mzembe Rumphi - North Independent
P. F. Nkhwazi Nkhata Bay - North Independent
R. H. Nyalugwe Mulanje - South East Independent
Dr. K. M. Thindwa Rumphi - East Independent
A. K. Banda Nkhata Bay - South Peoples Progressive Movement
S. B. Kasambala Nkhata Bay - North West Peoples Progressive Movement
R. G. Kavuta Nkhata Bay - West Peoples Progressive Movement
F. G. Nyirongo Mzimba - Luwerezi Peoples Progressive Movement
M. Phiri Neno - East Peoples Progressive Movement
G. J. NyaMkandawire (Mrs. Mhango) Mzimba - Solora PETRA
H. Bande Nsanje - Central Republican Party
E. Chilenje Nsanje - North Republican Party
H. L. Genti Nsanje - South Republican Party
C. M. Luya Chikwawa - South Republican Party
S. S. J. Malamba Nsanje - Lalanje Republican Party
A. Asibuh Mangochi - South West United Democratic Front
O. A. L. Banda Chiradzulu - South United Democratic Front
R. C. N. Chanthunya Balaka - West United Democratic Front
J. A. J. Chikalimba Zomba - Changalume United Democratic Front
W. A. J. Chikalimba Zomba - Lisanjala United Democratic Front,
B. J. Chilomo Phalombe - North East United Democratic Front
C. T. Chiwaya Mangochi - Central United Democratic Front
J. C. Chiyendausiku Ntcheu - West United Democratic Front
T. Dafter Thyolo - Thava United Democratic Front
F. A. Jumbe Chiradzulu - Central United Democratic Front
M. F. Kalisinje Mangochi - Lutende United Democratic Front
E. Kalonga Mulanje - Bale United Democratic Front
H. F. Kamba Machinga - South United Democratic Front
Bob Khamisa Thyolo - Central United Democratic Front
E. P. Koloviko Blantyre - North United Democratic Front
J. Lali Mangochi - Nkungulu United Democratic Front
B. H. Lijenda Zomba - Mtonya United Democratic Front
M. P. C. Lunji Nkhotakota - North East United Democratic Front
T. P. Machado Ntcheu - South United Democratic Front
L. K. Mangulama Zomba - Chingale United Democratic Front
Masiku B. G., Hon. Blantyre - City West United Democratic Front
E. Mathanda Mulanje - Pasani United Democratic Front
I. I. Matola Mangochi - North United Democratic Front
A. Mbaya Mangochi - East United Democratic Front
M. M. Milanzi Mangochi - Malombe United Democratic Front
A. E. Mtukula Ntcheu - Bwanje North United Democratic Front
Mulli F., Hon. Phalombe - Central United Democratic Front
A. A. Muluzi Machinga - North East United Democratic Front
J. Mussa Machinga - East United Democratic Front
Y. Mussa Zomba - Central United Democratic Front
A. M. Mwechumu Mangochi - North East United Democratic Front
S. Namacha Mulanje - North United Democratic Front
Rev. W. R. Ndomondo Machinga - South East United Democratic Front
Dr. G. A. Nga Mtafu Likoma Islands - Likoma Islands United Democratic Front
L. E. Patel Mangochi - South United Democratic Front
M. J. Salijeni Thyolo - South United Democratic Front
M. B. Sato Ntcheu - North East United Democratic Front
H. M. Shaba Blantyre - Bangwe United Democratic Front
G. C. J. Stambuli Nkhotakota - Central United Democratic Front
A. Steppe Chiradzulu - West United Democratic Front
