
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reforms and Rural Development (ANGOC) was formed in 1979, as an indigenous, autonomous Asian network of development NGOs who operate at the regional, national, and local levels. ANGOC acts an NGO focal point for NGO involvement in World Conference for Agrarian Reforms and Rural Development (WCARRD),, follow up activities es in Asia in coordination with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Center for Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP). ANGOC acts as a clearing house for NGO's. The aims of ANGOC are: 1. To identify and bring together NGOs and coalitions who agree to use the WCARRD Declaration of Principles and Programmes of Action as a tool and starting point for involvement in integrated rural development. 2. To act as a forum and clearing house among NGOs and to exchange experience, expertise and information, etc; 3. To act as a catalyzer and serving agency for regional programmes on training, research, publications, etc; 4. To act as a liaison group for Asian NGOs with NGO consortia emerging in other regions (Africa, Latin America); with UN agencies, particularly FAO; with intergovernmental agencies such as CIRDAP; and with other governmental bodies, donor groups, and other groups, ICG, LAWASIA, etc; 5. To act as a monitor and watchdog at regional and national levels on urgent national and regional issues and to forge solidarity among NGO forces and become effective democratic pressure groups.

Founding Board of Directors: Chairman: Dr. D.L. Umali, Members: Dr. Antonio J. Ledesma, Dr. Antonio L. Ledesma, Mr. M.V Rajasekharan, Mr. L.M. Samarsinghe, Mr. Mohan Jacob Thazhathu, Mr. Noel D. Vasquez,

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dr. D.L. Umali, Chairman, Mr. Chandra de Fonseka, Vice Chairman, Dr. Antonio J. Ledesma, CENDHRRA Mr. Radhakrishnan, Secreatry, Gandhi Peace Foundation, Mr. L.M. Samarsinghe, Chairman, National NGO Council of Sri Lanka, Mr. Mohan Jacob Thazhathu, MYRADA, Mr. Edgardo T. Valenzuela, Executive Secretary/ Treasurer.