User:Davide Denti (OBC)/sandbox/Cyprus

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The media of Cyprus refers to mass media outlets based on the island of Cyprus, including both the Republic of Cyprus (RoC) and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Television, magazines, and newspapers are all operated by both state-owned and for-profit corporations which depend on advertising, subscription, and other sales-related revenues.

In the 2015 Freedom of the Press report of Freedom House, the Republic of Cyprus was ranked "free" and scored 25/100 in press freedom, 5/30 in Legal Environment, 11/40 in Political Environment, and 9/30 in Economic Environment (the lower scores the better).[1] Reporters Without Borders rank the Republic of Cyprus 24th out of 180 countries in the 2015 World Press Freedom Index, with a score of 15.62[2]


In the 1960-1975 Cyprus, the media (owned by the government) were deemed not free. The power-sharing agreement among Turkish and Greek communities collapsed in 1963 after Makarios' attempt at pushing through Constitutional amendments. The Turkish community withdrew from the power-sharing agreements, and media remained under control of the Grek-dominated government. [3]

The 1974 failed Greek coup triggered the Turkish military intervention and resulted in the division of the island. The partition removed the Turkish population from the Greek Cypriots' political sphere, and media controls were slowly relaxed. The editorial independence of the state-owned media (on the BBC model) was slowly reinforced in the 1976-1977 period, when media in the Republic of Cyprus were deemed "partly free". Few small but free independent media outlets also emerged.[3]

By 1977, governmental controls on the media in the Republic of Cyprus had been removed and the media started to be deemed "free". The 1989 Press Law allowed privatisation and reinforced journalists' protections.[3]

Legislative framework

Republic of Cyprus

The Constitution of Cyprus guarantees freedom of speech and of expression (art. 19):

«Every person has the right to freedom of speech and expression in any form. This right includes freedom to hold opinions and receive and impart information and ideas without interference by any public authority and regardless of frontiers.»[4]

These are generally respected in practice by the government. The press of the Republic of Cyprus is seen as "vibrant" and does not shy from criticising authorities.[5]

The 1989 RoC Press Law supports press freedom by guaranteeing the circulation of newspapers, journalists' right not to reveal sources, and public access to information. Libel and defamation are decriminalised and remain as civil offenses.[5]

Cypriot and foreign journalists have the right to free access to state sources of information, freedom to seek and acquire information from any competent authority of the Republic and the freedom to make this public. Information can only be withhold for state or public security, constitutional or public order, public morals or the protection of the honour and rights of third parties.[4]

Cyprus does not have a specific freedom of information (FOI) law (the only EU member state, with Spain, in such a condition), although a draft law was being prepared in late 2013.[5]

Cypriot and foreign journalists have the right to protect their sources and not to give testimony without liability, unless when the published information concerns a criminal offence. In that case the journalist may be requirest to reveal her/his source, given that the information is clearly related to the criminal offence, it cannot be obtained otherwise, and there exist a superior and imperative public interest that require that the information be revealed.[4]

A right to reply exists for persons, organisations or public institutions that are named or indirectly referred to in a report or article, if they consider it as untrue or misleading. Their reply must be published, free of charge, within three days of its receipt, giving it the same prominence as the initial report.[4]

The law provides for freedom of speech and press, and the government generally respects these rights in practice. An independent press, an effective judiciary, and a functioning democratic political system combine to ensure freedom of speech and of the press. The law prohibits arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home, or correspondence, and the government generally respects these prohibitions in practice.[6]

In 2015 a bill criminalizing denial of war crimes recognised by the Parliament (punished with prison terms of up to five years and a €10,000 fine) raised concerns (e.g. by the OSCE RFoM) about compliance with international freedom of expression standards.[7]

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

The law protects press freedom in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but authorities remain hostile and journalists risk being arrested, tried and sentenced under the “unjust actions” section of the criminal code. The government has often targeted journalists working on sensitive issues, although such incidents have declined in 2013. Norther Cypriot media show a hostile bias towards homosexuality (which is still illegal under Section 171 of the penal code); in January 2012 the daily Kibris exposed the identities of two men arrested under section 171, accompanying with derogatory comments.

Status and self-regulation of journalists

Journalists, gathered in the [[Cyprus Union of Journalists], resort to self-regulation to address complaints about professional standards,[5] based on a 1997 Code of Conduct and a Ethics Commission monitoring its implementation.[4][8]

The Cyprus Media Complaints Commission (CMCC), established in May 1997, is a press council responsible for the self-regulation of the written and electronic news media, independent from from government interference or judicial supervision.[9]

Media outlets

Print media

The print press in the Republic of Cyprus include 7 daily newspapers and 31 weeklies, often linked to political parties. [5] As of 2009 there were 9 dailies with an average circulation of 100,000.[3]

EU citizens can issue print publications without restrictions or authorisations, only by registering before a District Court Registrar of the Republic, which forward it to the Press and Information Office (PIO), which issue a receipt. This is to be renewed in case of change of ownership.[10] Non-EU citizens require a permit from the Minister of the Interior to publish a newspaper or a magazine in Cyprus. The permit is conditional and non-transferable, and may be revoked if the conditions are breached. Editorial and printing activities must be carried out in Cyprus.[10]

In Northern Cyprus several local dailies are available, such as Kibris, Avrupa and Afrika although mainland Turkish papers are generally preferred. [5]


Radio broadcasting

A mixture of state and privately run radio services; the public broadcaster operates 4 radio stations; in addition a number of private radio stations are available; in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus, there are 4 public radio stations as well as privately owned radio broadcast stations (2007).[11]

Cyprus has a thriving radio landscape, with 93% of Greek Cypriots tuning in every day.[12] Most stations broadcast in FM, and there's a mixture of state and private-run stations. This article lists all radio stations broadcasting in the southern part of Cyprus, and overviews the major stations broadcasting from the Northern part of the island (occupied by Turkey since 1974). The British sovereign military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia also operate radio transmitters. In addition to domestic broadcasts, Cyprus hosts international broadcast centres beaming content to the Middle East.

The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation charter mandates a diverse radio programme with national coverage. It currently produces 4 radio programmes.[13] The table below only includes high-power transmitters and omits low-power transmitters that serve as gap-fillers for areas with difficult reception.[14]

Four medium wave stations broadcast to the Middle East from Cyprus. The BBC Arabic service transmitter is located at Zygi, Limassol. Another BBC MW transmitter is located within the sovereign bases area. The rest broadcast from Cape Greco, Famagusta. Although not the target audience, all stations can be received from within Cyprus.

When Turkish Cypriots withdrew from all official positions in the Republic of Cyprus in the aftermath of the intercommunal clashes in 1963-1964, Bayrak assumed the role of the public broadcaster for the Turkish Cypriot enclaves first, and Northern Cyprus after 1974. It currently produces 6 radio programmes, on FM, MW and SW.[15]

Television broadcasting

A mixture of state and privately run TV services; the RoC public broadcaster operates 2 TV channels; 6 private TV broadcasters, satellite and cable TV services including telecasts from Greece and Turkey are available; in Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus, there are 2 public TV stations, and privately owned TV broadcast stations (2007).[11]

Television in Cyprus was introduced in 1956. Private TV was introduced on the 26th of April, 1992, by LOGOS TV which started its transmissions in STEREO and TELETEXT from day one. The first private TV station of Cyprus was owned and operated by the Church of Cyprus. In August, 1995, the same station introduced the first ISP in Cyprus, LOGOSNET. The Republic of Cyprus currently uses the PAL colour system, and has converted terrestrial transmissions to digital in 1 July 2011, in line with EU policy. The analogue switch-off has led to several local TV stations shutting down for being unable to sustain the costs of compulsory nationwide digital transmission. [5]

Because of the political division of the island, television companies are also divided.

The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CyBC, Greek: ΡΙΚ, Turkish: KRYK) is the state-funded broadcasting organization in the Republic of Cyprus, with three television channels and four radio stations, although there are also privately-owned radio and TV stations.

Terrestrial digital transmission is now available in the Republic of Cyprus (parallel analogue transmissions ended on 1 July 2011). Satellite digital transmission is available through the NOVA Cyprus platform. Athina Sat, another provider, was launched in 2005 but ceased operations in 2008. CytaVision and PrimeTel both offer digital TV through IPTV transmission and Cablenet through its privately owned cable network (in certain urban areas).

Greek and Turkish mainland broadcasts are accessible throughout the island.[5] A TV channel from the Greek state broadcaster, ERT, is available. The British Forces Broadcasting Service also operates radio and TV stations, although the TV signal is now confined to the Sovereign Base Areas or encrypted for copyright reasons.[citation needed]

Bayrak (BRT) is the state television of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.[16] BRT is also the oldest Turkish Cypriot TV channel, established as a radio station in 1963, and launched its first television broadcast in 1976.[17]

Bayrak Radio-TV operates two television channels (BRT 1 and BRT 2) and four radio stations. Several private television and radio stations also broadcast in Northern Cyprus, many of which rebroadcast programming from Turkey.[5]

Most of the TV channels in Northern Cyprus also broadcast via satellite,[18] and there is a "Cyprus Packet" in the satellite of Türksat.[19]




Internet penetration reached 65% in 2013, and there are no official restrictions. [5]

ADSL is the most widespread broadband technology in Cyprus, is s available in most urban and sub-urban areas, with multiple providers offering packages that range from 512 kbit/s to 32 Mbit/s. Cable broadband is also available in some urban locations (Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol) with speeds up to 100 Mbit/s. An ISP comparison website exists at the Cyprus Broadband portal.[20] Many wireless networks are appearing in Cyprus, some with no minimum contract/pay as you go[21] and others with a fixed contract.[citation needed]

Media Organisations

Media agencies

Trade unions

Regulatory authorities

The Cyprus Telecommunication Authority, the state-owned telecommunications company, tarsport lokistikale manages most telecommunications and Internet connections on the island. However, following the recent[when?] liberalization of the telecommunications sector, a few[vague] private telecommunications companies registration properties have emerged.[citation needed]

Censorship and media freedom

In 2010, the US Department of State reported that the law provided for freedom of speech and of the press, and the government generally respected these rights in practice.[22] The UNHCR also reported in 2006 that the freedom of press was generally respected, and independent press often criticized the authorities.[23]

The World Press Freedom Index ranked Cyprus 45 in 2007,[24] 31 in 2008,[25] 25 in 2009,[26] and ranked it back down to 45 in 2010.[27]

In 2008, the OSCE in a report written by the Turkish Cypriot Human Rights Foundation and the Turkish Cypriot Journalists’ Union reported that the government of the Republic of Cyprus were violating the rights of Turkish Cypriots on the freedom of press. It added that the change in Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation's broadcasting frequency prevented many Turkish Cypriot TV channels broadcasting in Northern Cyprus, thus violating the freedom of the speech.[28]

The government of Northern Cyprus has been reported as hostile to independent journalists. Several attacks were reported in 2011.[29] Since 2013 the government of mainland Turkey has step up the pressure over TRNC editors and journalists to tone down those reports that are critical of Ankara. New TRNC privacy laws (passed in March 2015) are also at risk of limiting investigative journalism and sharing of information. [30]

Attacks and threats against journalists

No major episodes of attacks on journalists or harassment have been recorded in Cyprus in the last few years.

  • In 1996 Kutlu Adali, journalist for the Northern Cypriot newspaper Yeni Duzen, was fatally shot outside his home after he had announced he was going to reveal information about the Turkish settlement policy in Northern Cyprus. His assassination remains "a dark chapter" in TRNC's history, but so other such incidents followed.[31]
  • On 24 May 2001 a bomb explosion damaged the premises of the independent daily newspaper Avrupa in northern Cyprus. The daily had already been harassed by the local authorities the previous year.[32]
  • On 6 May 2004 three bombs exploded during the night at TRNC daily Kibris newspaper in the north of Nicosia. Nobody was injured.[33]
  • On 18 July 2005, the police used excessive force against demonstrators and journalists at a picket by striking lorry drivers.[34]
  • On 5 April 2011 Mutlu Esendemir, editor of television station Kanal T in Nicosia in northern Cyprus, soffered leg injuries when a bomb exploded as he was opening the door of his car.[35]
  • On 3 July 2011 Sener Levent, editor-in-chief of Afrika newspaper in northern Cyprus, suffered an attempted murder when an armed men entered the press room and shot at a newspaper's employee.[36][37] Levent is critical of the TRNC policies and the Turkish military’s presence on the island, and Turkish nationalist groups were accused for the action[29]

Political interferences

  • In 2007, then President Tassos Papadopoulos "personally intervened" to force the dismissal of the press attaché at the Cyprus High Commission in London, Soteris Georgallis, because he had attended to a book presentation which was addressed by a critic of Papadopoulos, Takis Hadjidemetriou.[38] Kyriakos Pierides reported in 2007 that the "pro-government political and commercial pressures are a constant factor inhibiting the work of the media there".[38]
  • In September 2012 the TRNC government investigated the publication of documents critical of the prime minister by the Afrika daily.[29]
  • In April 2013 Sigma TV cut without warning a section of a rebroadcast comedy program hosted by Greek comedian Lakis Lazopoulos, where he made reference to the new President Anastasiades.[5]
  • On New Year’s Eve 2014, CyBC aired Christofias' 2009 message to the nation rather than Anastasiades' 2014. It is unclear if it was a technical error or a political sabotage.[5]
  • On 30 August 2015 the Turkish military forces in Cyprus accused the TRNC daily Afrika of being against “the army and the flag” and having made “people alienated from the army”. Afrika editor-in-chief Sener Levent and writer Mahmut Anayasa, both of whom had shared an Afrika article from July on social media, were called to the prosecutor’s office for questioning.[31]

Civil defamation lawsuits

In April 2013 the former President Demetris Christofias sued for the libel the state broadcaster CyBC and its head of news, Yiannis Kareklas. The case concerned the comments on Christofias made by Anastasiades (later to become the next President). Anastasiades retracted the comments.[5]

Censorship and self-censorship

  • In 2004, the media was stifled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus to broadcast programmes against the Annan Plan for Cyprus. European Commissioner Günter Verheugen was refused to air-time on any Greek Cypriot TV channel because if he was not refused, he would present arguments supporting the plan.[38]
  • Cyprus underwent a tough financial crisis and a heated political debate in 2013, fostering censorship and self-censorship in the media concerning politically controversial topics. Despite deeply unpopular developments, including a EU/IMF bailout deal that required closing the second biggest bank and use uninsured deposits over €100,000 to cover the bail-in, the response of the Cypriot media was deemed by Freedom House as "generally muted".[5]
  • In February 2013 a TV ad by the Pancypriot Citizens' Movement against the consequences of the bailout agreement was blocked from airing by the Radio-Television Authority, as it was deemed speculative and targeting a candidate in the upcoming election. [5]

Expulsions and extradition

  • In January 2011 a Kurdish-Turkish journalist was expelled back to Turkey by the TRNC authorities together with his family.[39]
  • In July 2015 a Russian journalists, who was seeking asylum in the Republic of Cyprus, risked being extradited back to Russia, where he would have faced up to 15 years of jail.[40]

Internet censorship and surveillance

There are no government restrictions on access to the Internet or reports that the government monitored e-mail or Internet chat rooms without appropriate legal authority. Individuals and groups engage in the peaceful expression of views via the Internet, including e‑mail.[6]

See also


  1. ^ Freedom House, 2015 report Cyprus
  2. ^ RSF, Cyprus
  3. ^ a b c d Jenifer Whitten-Woodring,Douglas A. Van Belle, Historical Guide to World Media Freedom: A Country-by-Country Analysis
  4. ^ a b c d e Government of Cyprus, Press and Information Office
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Freedom House, 2014 Cyprus Freedom of the Press report
  6. ^ a b "Cyprus", Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, U.S. Department of State, 22 March 2013. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
  7. ^ OSCE RFoM
  8. ^ Code of Conduct
  9. ^ CMCC
  10. ^ a b Registration of newspapers
  11. ^ a b "Communications", "Cyprus". The World Factbook (2024 ed.). Central Intelligence Agency., published 5 December 2013. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
  12. ^ "Έρευνα: "σχεδόν όλοι οι Κύπριοι ακούνε ραδιόφωνο" (Survey: Almost all Cypriots listen to radio)". 2014-01-16.
  13. ^ "CyBC Radio list".
  14. ^ "CyBC Radio Frequency and Broadcasting Power List".
  15. ^ "BRTK Frekanslarımız".
  16. ^ Kahvecioğlu, Hasan. Cyprus - Part Two
  17. ^ BRT FROM 1963 TO TODAY (BRT) Retrieved 2011-04-22.
  18. ^ BRT IS 46 YEARS OLD (BRT) Retrieved 2011-04-22.
  19. ^ Türksat Uyduları Kanal Listesi (Türksat) Retrieved 2011-04-22.
  20. ^ Cyprus Broadband portal. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
  21. ^ Cyprus Internet, Leap Wireless. Retrieved 7 January 2014.
  22. ^ Cite error: The named reference 2010report was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  23. ^ Freedom of the Press - Cyprus (2006), UNHCR, Retrieved 2011-05-11.
  24. ^ Press Freedom Index 2007, Reporters Without Borders, Retrieved 2011-05-12.
  25. ^ Press Freedom Index 2008, Reporters Without Borders, Retrieved 2011-05-12.
  26. ^ Press Freedom Index 2009, Reporters Without Borders, Retrieved 2011-05-12.
  27. ^ Press Freedom Index 2010, Reporters Without Borders, Retrieved 2011-05-12.
  28. ^ Freedom of Expression, Media and Information in Cyprus Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Retrieved 2011-05-11.
  29. ^ a b c [[Freedom House, Northern Cyprus 2013 Freedom in the World report
  30. ^ Freedom House, Northern Cyprus 2015 Freedom in the World report
  31. ^ a b Index on Censorship, Media freedom in Northern Cyprus: The Sener Levent case, By Christina Vasilaki / 19 November 2015
  32. ^ OSCE RFoM, 2011
  33. ^ RSF
  34. ^ CYPRUS - Document - Europe and Central Asia: Concerns in Europe & Central Asia bulletin July-December 2005, Amnesty International, Retrieved 2011-05-11.
  35. ^ OSCE RFoM
  36. ^ OSCE RFoM
  37. ^ RSF
  38. ^ a b c Goodbye to Freedom?, Association of European Journalists, Retrieved 2011-05-12.
  39. ^ RSF
  40. ^ RSF

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