User:David Kernow/Template:Types of administrative country subdivision

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Types of national administrative division

autonomous area  ·  bailiwick  ·  banner  ·  block  ·  borough  ·  canton  ·  capital  ·  circle  ·  city  ·  colony  ·  commune  ·  community  ·  constituency  ·  county  ·  council  ·  department  ·  dependency  ·  district  ·  division  ·  governorate  ·  insular area  ·  Local Government Area  ·  municipality  ·  neighbourhood  ·  parish  ·  periphery  ·  prefecture  ·  province  ·  region  ·  republic  ·  shire  ·  state  ·  subdistrict  ·  subprefecture  ·  territory  ·  town  ·  township  ·  village  ·  ward


arrondissement  ·  oblast  ·  okrug  ·  raion  ·  vingtaine  ·  voivodeship

Historic and

barony  ·  burgh  ·  ceremonial county  ·  rural / sanitary / urban district  ·  duchy  ·  hundred  ·  Imperial circle / free city / province  ·  national territory

Other country subdivision templates

Subtypes (that should be) included in articles linked from template:

autonomous area   autonomous banner, city, community, county, district, prefecture, province, region, republic
borough county borough, metropolitan borough
capital federal capital
community residential community
county metropolitan county
dependency federal dependency
district capital district, national capital district, special capital district, city district, metropolitan district, municipal district
municipality regional municipality, regional county municipality, rural municipality
parish civil parish
region capital region, special administrative region
territory capital territory, federal capital territory, national capital territory
township civil township

"Special"...? : reserve, reservation

Not administrative: circuit, croft, hamlet, townland, ?local administrative unit (LAU), Local council, Urban area (Urbanized Area)

Not nationwide: Constituent country

Too specific?: bantustan