
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Dave Clark (born in 1955) is a full-time, professional computer programmer, analyst, and applications architect. Beginning in 1978, his primary experience is in IBM mini, mid-range, and mainframe platforms but also programs for server-side and client-side web pages and even stand-alone Windows-compatible personal computers (which would originally have been called a microcomputer).

Operating system experience includes DOS/VSE, VSE/SP, VSE/ESA, z/VSE, VM/SP, MVS/SP, CP/M, PC/DOS, Microsoft Windows, and a little Linux.

Programming language experience includes APL, ASP (Classic), BASICA, IBM FCOBOL and COBOL II, FORTRAN-IV, HTML, DHTML, AJAX, CSS, Javascript, JScript, MS Access, MS Office VBA, MS SQL Server, MASM Assembler, MBASIC, MySQL, PHP, REXX, IBM DB2 SQL, RPG-II, RPG-IV, RPG/ILE, System/370 Assembler, VBScript, and Visual Basic.