User:DHum2324F/Censorship of the Basque

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Some sectors call Basque censorship to the process of restriction or prohibition of public use that the Basque language suffered in the past and that caused its conversion into a minority language within the space where it had historically been spoken:Basque Country.

The restriction of the public use of Basque occurred especially during the centuriesxviii andxix and affected various areas of social and cultural expression, such as the administration of justice or administration, reaching special singularity in the field of education, where already in the 19th centuryxviii episodes are documented.

When I was in Álava, a friend of mine and a valiant captain of the King's Guards once said to me: "Father, how will the upbringing of children in the Basque villages be good and have the necessary doctrine, if all efforts are made to destroy the Basque language, and our little boys or children, with fear and whipping, If it prevents them from speaking Basque?"

I was in Álava, with my colleagues there, and a brave captain of the Royal Guard once told me: "Father, how are Basque children going to grow well and have the necessary doctrine, if all kinds of efforts are made?" to destroy the Basque language, and our children and babies, through whipping and fear, are prevented from speaking in Basque?"

Agustín de Cardaberaz, Good news from Eusquera (1761).​

Bans on Basque throughout the centuries

Middle Ages

Although it is said that the censorship and the marginalization of Basque have occurred since the times of the Roman invasion of the peninsula, the truth is that there are no records of any specific prohibition. In the Middle Ages, due to the official status and popularity of the Latin and, especially, to the importance and support given by the king Alfonso X The Wise al Castilian, the Basque was harmed. Hetestimony oldest against Basque is that of the locality riojana of Ojacastro, in 1239. At that time, Basque was the common language of the place. That same year, the merino of Castile prohibited the inhabitants of Ojacastro from addressing the judge in Basque. The mayor and the inhabitants, enraged, kidnapped the merino and did not release him until the king Ferdinand III He gave them back the right to express themselves in Basque.​

The second known example of the prohibition of Basque was recorded in 1349 in the Crown of Aragon, specifically in the city of Huesca, in which together with the Arabic and the Hebrew, the use of Basque was prohibited in the local market, imposing the Aragonese romance, the language of Christianity at the time.This ordinance was in force until the centuryxix, when Basque had completely disappeared from the area.

century xviii

Charles III of Spain, in 1772, in addition to promulgating the mandate that only Spanish could be used in the school, made it so that the accounting books could only be in Spanish.

In 1776, the count of Aranda banned books in Basque.

In the French Revolution, in a report called Barère, recommended using only the French.

Continuing with this, in 1794, the National Constituent Assembly of France agreed through a document called Grégoire to end all patois (regional languages) and impose the French. The reason for this action was political reasons.

On July 20 of that same year it was decreed that all official documents would be written only in French, and on November 17, that all education would be entirely in French

century xix

In 1801 it was established that no work of theater could be represented in a language other than Spanish.

Due to a private complaint, it is known that in 1803 someone was physically punished for speaking Basque.

In 1857 the Moyano Law was approved in Spain, which specified that teaching would be done only in Spanish.

In 1862 the law regulating the notary office and which is still in force today. This law says that it is mandatory to write all public documents in Spanish.

In 1867, the General cuts approved by royal mandate of Isabel II a law that expressly prohibited the use of Basque in plays of any kind.

In France there were countless educational laws that established French as the only language (Guizot Law of 1833, Falloux Law of 1850, Ferry Law of March 28, 1882,The Falloux Law of 1850The Ferry Law of March 28, 1882​...). Furthermore, there are specific examples of this cornering of Basque, such as, for example, the case of the inspector of the district of Mauleon of 1833, who that same year decided to remove the Basque language from school or the case of the prefect of the Low Pyrenees who in 1846 gave the order to establish French instead of Basque for basic education.

century xx

The cover of issue 2647 of the magazine the light. There were countless practices throughout the 20th century in the peninsular Basque Country that they totally prohibited Basque in schools.

In 1902, as soon as he was appointed president of the French Third Republic, Émile Combes, he gave permission to the prefect of the Pyrenees-Atlantiques to ban Basque from the catechism.

That same year, Spain began to legally punish those teachers who taught in their language or dialect (royal mandate of Alfonso XIII and Romanones).

Εn 1923, una ley de Primo de Rivera prohibía el uso del euskera en eventos públicos y dos años más tarde: The Primary Education Inspectors (...) will examine the textbooks in the Schools, and if they are not written in Spanish (...), they will immediately remove them from the hands of the children and will proceed to file a file with the Teacher, suspending him of employment and half salary and reporting to Your Excellency. "Royal Order of October 13, 1925 on anti-patriotic and anti-social propaganda" signed by Miguel Primo de Rivera, 2nd order.

In 1937 speaking in Basque was prohibited.​ In 1938, Basque was eliminated from public records. A year later, it was removed from hotel signage. In the following years and in stages, the people who were in power at the time They gradually eliminated Basque from public life, until it disappeared from almost all areas of life.

In 1940 it was eliminated from the courts and, that same year, the Spanish Cinematography Department established censorship standards that all films had to pass in order to be screened:

All films must be in dialogue in Spanish without, at all, dialects.

"Rules of the Department of Cinematography for the censorship of films", 1940.16​ If we want to be worthy of this salvation, and honor the one who has saved us, all Spaniards must do three things: Think like Franco, feel like Franco and speak like Franco, who, speaking in the national language, has imposed his victory. Luis de Galinsoga: "Speak like Franco",The vanguard, 1939. From now on, only Spanish can be spoken as the official language of the provinces of Catalonia.

NewspaperThe lighthouse, Lleida, April 1938.

— "Normas del Departamento de Cinematografía para la censura de películas", 1940.[1]

century xxi[edit code · To edit]

In June 2017, the Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country ruled against the Euskera plan of the Provincial Council of Guipúzcoa, specifically, in relation to financial aid and hiring.

Although throughout history the prohibitions on Basque and the rest of the languages ​​of Spain have been innumerable and evident, in the delivery of the Miguel de Cervantes Award 2001, the king Juan Carlos I He made a widely echoed statement in which he stated that Spanish had never prevailed.

See also


  • ↑ Knörr, Henrike (1998). Everything you need to know about Basque in Alava [What you need to know about Alava Basque]. Caja Vital Foundation. p. 14.
  • Research maintains that La Rioja spoke Basque for centuries Diario de Navarra 2011-04-20
  • ↑ Basque in the Middle Ages
  • ↑ «Ordinances of Huesca of 1349».Magazine of Archives, Libraries and Museums: "Item nyl corridor nonsia used that makes merchandise no one buys or sells among no people cheating in algaravia(Arabic), nor in abraych(hebrew) nin en Basque (Basque), and whoever pays for it XXX sol "...let anyone who speaks Basque pay 30 soles...".
  • ↑ On December 24, 1772, in the Royal Decree signed by Charles III of Spain, the following is established: in Idioma Castellano.
  • ↑ Barère de Vieuzac, Bertrand (January 27, 1794).“Report of the Committee of Public Safety on Idioms”. Archived fromthe original July 26, 2011. Viewed June 16, 2021.: I want to talk about the Basque people. It occupies the end of the Western Pyrenees which flows into the Ocean. A sound and image language is seen as the seal of their origin and the heritage transmitted by their ancestors. But they have priests, and the priests use their language to fanaticize them; but they ignore the French language and the language of the laws of the Republic. They must therefore learn it, because, despite the difference in language and despite their priests, they are devoted to the Republic which they have already defended with valor along the Bidasoa and on our squadrons.
  • ↑ (in French) Wikisource: Grégoire Report: Those who were in the Pyrénées-Orientales in October 1792 wrote to you that, among the Basques, a gentle and brave people, a large number were open to fanaticism, because the language is an obstacle to the propagation of enlightenment.
  • ↑ |"Instructions for the arrangement of theaters and comic companies outside the Court", 1801: In no theater in Spain may pieces that are not in the Spanish language be performed, sung or danced.
  • Guizot Loi: Law on Primary Education, June 28, 1833
  • ↑ Albertini, Pierre (1992). Carré History, Hachette Supérieur, ed.The School in France. 19th-20th centuries. From kindergarten to university. Paris. ISBN 2010163982.
  • ↑ Ferry Law: Law No. 11,696 of March 28, 1882
  • ↑ Xabier Irujo & Iñigo Urrutia (2008).«Language Policy of the Spanish and French States (1789-1975)».
  • ↑ Franck Doloror:From Semper to Semper, a look at the 20th century. to the century. Elkar, 2009. p. 17.
  • Royal Order of October 13, 1925 on antipatriotic and antisocial propaganda
  • ↑ [1]
  • ↑ Jordi Busquets:"Almost three centuries of imposition", (2001-4-29)
  • ↑ ARGIA (June 23, 2017)."The General Court of the UAE has given a verdict against the Basque Plan of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa" (in Basque). Accessed January 22, 2020. Unknown parameter|magazine= ignored (aid)
  • ↑ The King's statement that 'he was never forced to speak in Spanish' causes a political storm,, 2001-04-25. Word for word, these were his statements: “No one was ever forced to speak in Spanish.”

[[Category:Censorship in Spain]]

  1. ^ Jordi Busquets: "Casi tres siglos de imposición", (2001-4-29)