
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Coruscant Uprising - Imperial District
Part of the Interwar Period

501st Legion defends the Imperial Palace from rebels.
Date10/1 - 11/6 5 AFE
  • Rebellion crushed
    • Traitors inside the Empire exposed
    • Palpatine begins political reforms
    • Extensive rebuilding plans created
  • Great Purge begins
  • War of the Roses begins
  • War on Terror begins
  • War on Crime begins
  • Imperial Reconstruction begins
  • First 'Five Year Plan' begins
  • Months long unrest
  • Martial law on Coruscant until 7 AFE
  • Extensive fortifications in the Imperial District
  • Centralization of Imperial power
  • Thawing of Imperial policies (8 AFE, but beginnings traced to Uprising)
Coruscant remains the seat of Imperial power.
Galactic Empire

Coruscanti nationalists
Anti-Imperial rebels
Criminal syndicates
Supported by:

  • New Republic
Commanders and leaders

Sheev Palpatine
Darth Vader
Cassio Tagge
Hurt Romodi
Desric Tanniel

Victor Strang
Units involved

Imperial Army

First Army

  • I Corps
    • 1st Heavy Infantry Division
    • 2nd Heavy Infantry Division
    • 3rd Heavy Infantry Division
    • 591st Police Brigade
    • 375th Police Brigade
  • II Corps
    • 4th Heavy Infantry Division
    • 5th Heavy Infantry Division
    • 6th Heavy Infantry Division
    • 234th Police Brigade
    • 665th Police Brigade

Army Special Operations Command

  • Army Commando Corps
    • 1st Commando Division
    • 2nd Commando Division
  • Army Special Missions
    • 1st "Alpha" Group
    • 2nd "Bravo" Group
    • 3rd "Charlie" Group

Imperial Navy
Coruscant Defense Fleet
Imperial Starfighter Corps

Stormtroper Corps
Corps Special Operations Command

  • Special Warfare Group One
    • 1st Death Trooper Regiment
    • 1st Storm Commando Regiment
    • 7th Shadow Trooper Regiment
    • 3rd Novatrooper Regiment
    • 10th Purge Trooper Brigade
  • Special Warfare Group Two
    • 10th Shock Corps
      • 8th Shock Legion
      • 9th Shock Legion
      • 10th Shock Legion
    • 11th Shock Corps
      • 11th Shock Legion
      • 13th Shock Legion
      • 15th Shock Legion

X Corps

Coruscant Guard

  • 8th Riot Division
  • 9th Riot Division
  • 10th Riot Division

Emperor's Royal Guard Corps

  • Imperial Royal Guard
  • Imperial Shadow Guard
  • Imperial Soverign Protectors

Naval supremacy
Air supremacy
365,000 combat troops
6 Heavy Infantry Divisions
4 Police brigades
5 Special Forces regiments
12 Stormtrooper Legions
3 Coruscant Guard Divisions

Royal Guard Corps


750,000 - 1,000,000 estimated
Casualties and losses

5,000-6,125 casualties (est.)

  • 1,500 killed
  • 4,500 wounded

5 TIE Interceptors shot down
19 gunships shot down
11 walkers destroyed

4 tanks destroyed

All known rebel leaders
250,000 civilian casualties (est.)

All known weapon caches