
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

People's Crusade
People's Crusade
Peter the Hermit
Walter Sans Avoir
Kilij Arslan I
Siege of Xerigordon
Battle of Civetot
First Crusade
Adhemar of Le Puy
Alexios I Komnenos
Nikephoros III Botaneiates
Anna Komnene
Byzantine–Norman wars
Byzantine–Seljuq wars
Godfrey of Bouillon
Robert II, Count of Flanders
Robert Curthose
Historians of the First Crusade
Fulcher of Chartres
Albert of Aix
Pogroms of 1096
Rhineland massacres
Worms massacre (1096)
Kalonymus ben Meshullam
Siege of Nicaea (1097)
Siege of Nicaea
Manuel Boutoumites
Battle of Dorylaeum (1097)
Battle of Dorylaeum (1097)
Danishmend Gazi
John Doukas (megas doux)
March to Antioch
Cilician Gates
Cleopatra's Gate
Thoros of Edessa
Siege of Antioch (1097-1098)
Siege of Antioch
John the Oxite
St Symeon
William the Carpenter
Peter Bartholomew
March to Jerusalem
Siege of Ma'arra
First Crusade: March down the Mediterranean coast
Al-Afdal Shahanshah
Siege of Jerusalem (1099)
Siege of Jerusalem (1099)
Iftikhar al-Dawla
Tower of David
Damascus Gate
Zion Gate
Herod's Gate
Pool of Siloam
Guglielmo Embriaco
Battle of Ascalon
Arnulf of Chocques
Crusade of 1101
Crusade of 1101
Anselm IV (archbishop of Milan)
Stephen, Count of Blois
Adela of Normandy
William II, Count of Nevers
William IX, Duke of Aquitaine
Principality of Antioch
Principality of Antioch
Bohemond I of Antioch
Constance of France, Princess of Antioch
Tancred, Prince of Galilee
Cecile of France
Bernard of Valence
Battle of Melitene
Battle of Harran
Battle of Artah
Pope Paschal II
Treaty of Devol
Principality of Antioch (Post-First Crusade)
Roger of Salerno
Battle of Ager Sanguinis
Bohemond II of Antioch
Alice of Antioch
County of Edessa
County of Edessa
Joscelin I, Count of Edessa
Jacob Baradaeus
County of Tripoli
County of Tripoli
Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse
Elvira of Castile, Countess of Toulouse
Citadel of Raymond de Saint-Gilles
William II Jordan
Bertrand, Count of Toulouse
Siege of Tripoli
House of Knowledge
Pons, Count of Tripoli
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Kingdom of Jerusalem
Principality of Galilee
County of Jaffa and Ascalon
Lordship of Sidon
Baldwin I of Jerusalem
Baldwin I of Jerusalem
Arda of Armenia
Adelaide del Vasto
Battle of Ramla (1102)
Norwegian Crusade
Baldwin II of Jerusalem
Baldwin II of Jerusalem
Morphia of Melitene
Council of Nablus
Belek Ghazi
Venetian Crusade
Knights Templar
Knights Templar
History of the Knights Templar
Hugues de Payens
Godfrey de Saint-Omer
Hugh, Count of Champagne
Synods held at Troyes
Latin Rule
Nizari Ismaili state
Hassan-i Sabbah
Alamut Castle
Nizam al-Mulk
Fakhr al-Mulk Radwan
Vladimir Alexeyevich Ivanov
Eleanor of Aquitaine
William X, Duke of Aquitaine
Aenor de Châtellerault
Marriage to Louis VII
Louis VII of France
Marie of France, Countess of Champagne
Alix of France
Louis VI of France
Adelaide of Maurienne
Philip of France (1116–1131)
Basilica of St Denis
Rock crystal vase
Louis VII's War in Champagne
Theobald II, Count of Champagne
Petronilla of Aquitaine
Ralph I, Count of Vermandois
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bordeaux
Pope Innocent II
Marriage to Henry II
Henry II of England
William IX, Count of Poitiers
John, King of England
Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou
Empress Matilda
Thomas Becket
Rosamund Clifford
Gervase of Canterbury
Andreas Capellanus
Fontevraud Abbey
Revolt of Henry II's Sons
Revolt of 1173–74
Henry the Young King
Margaret of France, Queen of England and Hungary
Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany
Battle of Alnwick (1174)
Treaty of Falaise
Fall of Edessa (1144)
John II Komnenos
Joscelin II, Count of Edessa
Imad ad-Din Zengi
Battle of Ba'rin
Siege of Shaizar
Siege of Edessa
Qal'at Ja'bar
Saif ad-Din Ghazi I
Nur ad-Din, atabeg of Aleppo
Melisende of Jerusalem
Melisende, Queen of Jerusalem
Fulk, King of Jerusalem
Hugh II of Jaffa
Second Crusade
Hugh of Jabala
Pope Eugene III
Pope Lucius II
Roger II of Sicily
Antipope Anacletus II
Quantum praedecessores
Bernard of Clairvaux
People of the Second Crusade
Manuel I Komnenos
Bertha of Sulzbach
Conrad III of Germany
Henry II, Duke of Austria
Theodora Komnene, Duchess of Austria
Vladislaus II, Duke of Bohemia
Otto of Freising
Henry Berengar
Robert I, Count of Dreux
Second Crusade (March to the Holy Land)
Wendish Crusade
Siege of Lisbon
Géza II of Hungary
Battle of Constantinople (1147)
Anatolian Campaign (1147-1148)
Battle of Dorylaeum (1147)
Mesud I
Battle of Ephesus (1147)
Antioch of Pisidia
Henry I, Count of Champagne
Thierry, Count of Flanders
Battle of the Meander
Battle of Mount Cadmus
Geoffrey de Rancon
Raymond of Poitiers
Death of Alfonso Jordan
Alfonso Jordan
Raymond II, Count of Tripoli
Hodierna of Jerusalem
Siege of Damascus (1148)
Council of Acre
Patriarch Fulk of Jerusalem
Siege of Damascus (1148)
Mu'in ad-Din Unur
Aftermath of the Second Crusade
Baldwin III of Jerusalem
Battle of Aintab
Siege of Ascalon
Bernard de Tremelay
Theodora Komnene
Joscelin III, Count of Edessa
Raymond III, Count of Tripoli
Thoros II, Prince of Armenia
Death of Raymond of Poitiers
Battle of Inab
Constance of Antioch
Raynald of Châtillon
Aimery of Limoges
Bohemond III of Antioch
Crusader invasions of Egypt
Battle of al-Buqaia
Battle of Harim
Constantine Kalamanos
Battle of al-Babein
Hugh Grenier
William IV, Count of Nevers
Andronikos Kontostephanos
Amalric of Jerusalem
Amalric of Jerusalem
Agnes of Courtenay
Maria Komnene, Queen of Jerusalem
Saladin in Egypt
Montreal (Crusader castle)
As-Salih Ismail al-Malik
Ghazi II Saif ud-Din
Tughtakin ibn Ayyub
Battle of the Horns of Hama
Rashid ad-Din Sinan
Ismat ad-Din Khatun
Izz ad-Din Mas'ud
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
William of Tyre
Miles of Plancy
Stephanie of Milly
Battle of Montgisard
Patriarch Heraclius of Jerusalem
Battle of Myriokephalon (1176)
Battle of Myriokephalon
Kilij Arslan II
Baldwin of Antioch
Alexios II Komnenos
Alexios II Komnenos
Agnes of France, Byzantine Empress
Maria of Antioch
Andronikos I Komnenos
Andronikos I Komnenos
Massacre of the Latins
Béla III of Hungary
Byzantine-Norman Wars (William II)
William II of Sicily
Sack of Thessalonica (1185)
David Komnenos
Battle of Demetritzes
Alexios Branas
Sibylla of Jerusalem
Sibylla, Queen of Jerusalem
Stephen I of Sancerre
William of Montferrat, Count of Jaffa and Ascalon
Baldwin of Ibelin
Battle of Marj Ayyun
Baldwin V of Jerusalem
Guy of Lusignan
Guy of Lusignan
Crusader raids on the Red Sea
Battle of Al-Fule
Siege of Kerak
Battle of Cresson
Gerard de Ridefort
Battle of Hattin (1187)
Battle of Hattin
Al-Adil I
Al-Afdal ibn Salah ad-Din
Fall of Jerusalem (1187)
Siege of Jerusalem (1187)
Balian of Ibelin
Siege of Tyre (1187)
Joscius, Archbishop of Tyre
Joscius, Archbishop of Tyre
Pope Urban III
Pope Gregory VIII
Audita tremendi
Richard I and Philip II
Richard I of England
Philip II of France
Isabella of Hainault
Alys of France, Countess of the Vexin
Berengaria of Navarre
Sancho VI of Navarre
William Longchamp
Third Crusade
Saladin tithe
Baldwin of Forde
Ubaldo Lanfranchi
Historians of the Third Crusade
Itinerarium Cambriae
Tancred of Lecce
Tancred, King of Sicily
Constance, Queen of Sicily
Joan of England, Queen of Sicily
Arthur I, Duke of Brittany
Richard in Cyprus
Isaac Komnenos of Cyprus
Frederick Barbarossa's Crusade
Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor
Frederick VI, Duke of Swabia
Henry the Lion
Battle of Iconium (1190)
Belvoir Fortress
Conrad of Montferrat
Conrad of Montferrat
Isabella I of Jerusalem
Humphrey IV of Toron
Philip of Dreux
Siege of Acre (1189-1191)
Siege of Acre (1189–91)
Beaufort Castle, Lebanon
Reginald of Sidon
Tower of Flies
Philip I, Count of Flanders
Massacre at Ayyadieh
Battle of Arsuf (1191)
Battle of Arsuf
Hugh III, Duke of Burgundy
Garnier de Nablus
James of Avesnes
Henry I of Jerusalem
Henry II, Count of Champagne
Alice of Champagne
Philippa of Champagne
Aimery of Cyprus
March on Jerusalem
Bayt Nuba
Deir al-Balah
Battle of Jaffa (1192)
Battle of Jaffa (1192)
Treaty of Jaffa
Leo I of Armenia
Leo I, King of Armenia
Alice of Armenia
Raymond IV, Count of Tripoli
German Crusade
Crusade of 1197
Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Conrad of Wittelsbach
Conrad of Querfurt
Henry of Kalden
Hartwig of Uthlede
Henry I, Duke of Brabant
Philip of Swabia
Fourth Crusade
Pope Celestine III
Pope Innocent III
Post Miserabile
Fulk of Neuilly
Theobald III, Count of Champagne
Participants in the Fourth Crusade
Louis I, Count of Blois
Berthold II, Count of Katzenelnbogen
Enrico Dandolo
Geoffrey of Villehardouin
Robert de Clari
Hugh IV, Count of Saint-Pol
Peter of Capua
Boniface of Montferrat
Boniface I, Marquess of Montferrat
Renier of Montferrat
Maria Komnene (Porphyrogenita)
Alexios III Angelos
Alexios III Angelos
Michael Stryphnos
Siege of Zara (1202)
Siege of Zara
Emeric, King of Hungary
Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester
First Siege of Constantinople (1203)
Siege of Constantinople (1203)
Alexios IV Angelos
Isaac II Angelos
Irene Angelina
Margaret of Hungary
Second Siege of Constantinople (1204)
Siege of Constantinople (1204)
Niketas Choniates
Constantine Laskaris
Alexios V Doukas
Eudokia Angelina
Forum of Theodosius
Latin Empire of Constantinople
Latin Empire
Baldwin I, Latin Emperor
Marie of Champagne
Henry of Flanders
Latin Patriarchate of Constantinople
Thomas Morosini
Empire of Trebizond
Empire of Trebizond
Alexios I of Trebizond
Empire of Nicaea
Empire of Nicaea
Theodore I Laskaris
Anna Komnene Angelina
Despotate of Epirus
Despotate of Epirus
Michael I Komnenos Doukas
Battle of the Olive Grove of Kountouras
Bulgarian-Latin Wars
Bulgarian–Latin wars
Kaloyan of Bulgaria
Battle of Adrianople (1205)
Battle of Messinopolis
Bohemond IV of Antioch
Bohemond IV of Antioch
Melisende of Lusignan
John of Brienne
John of Brienne
Maria of Montferrat
John of Ibelin, the Old Lord of Beirut
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne
Stephanie of Armenia
Isabella II of Jerusalem
Children's Crusade
Children's Crusade
Fifth Crusade
Fourth Council of the Lateran
Pope Honorius III
Jacques de Vitry
Leopold VI, Duke of Austria
Andrew II of Hungary
Hugh I of Cyprus
Kaykaus I
Siege of Damietta (1218-1219)
Siege of Damietta (1218–19)
Pelagio Galvani
Ranulf de Blondeville, 6th Earl of Chester
Roger de Quincy, 2nd Earl of Winchester
Francis of Assisi