
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Changing My User Name

My experiences in changing my user name.

It should be easy to change your username; right? There are lots of things that should be easy, but aren't; changing your wikipedia username is but one of them.

  • Easy?
  • Confusing?

Let's be clear: I'm talking about requesting a new username after I've created a Unified Login.

The Help pages for Unified Login clearly state that's it is possible to request (and receive) a rename after an account has been unified, however:

you have to request your account renaming on all wikis separately.
  • Oy.

I'm inferring that I have to get each of my accounts renamed before I unify my new username.

  • Ugh.

Requesting Username Changes on Each and Every WMF Project...argh.

When Do you request a new SUL?

Can I do this before all of my previous SUL accounts have been migrated? Can I wreck things if not done @ right time? (out of sequence?)

Can I be renamed after unification?

Yes, but you have to request your account renaming on all wikis separately.

Summary (table) of Renaming Status

Project Date Submitted Status
en.wikipedia 2014-03-23 done; 2014-03-25
Commons 2014-03-23 done; 2014-03-24
en.WikiVoyage 2014-03-23 done; 2014-04-27
MediaWiki 2014-03-24 done; 2014-05-10
MetaWiki 2014-03-24 done; 2014-03-24
nycwikimedia (via gmail) 2014-03-24 open
WikiBooks 2014-03-27 done; 2014-03-27
WikiData 2014-05-15 done; 2014-05-15
en.WikiSource 2014-05-15 done; 2014-05-17
en.WikiQuote 2014-05-15 done; 2014-05-24

SUL Info, Check Status


You use your old password to login to your new account, but that's not documented--yet.

Wikibooks Request Form: confusing++

There's a list of 7 items:

  1. Replace CURRENT with your current username.
  2. Replace NEW with the new username that you would like to be renamed to.
  3. Enter your reason for renaming by replacing Requested reason for renaming in the |3 = Requested reason for renaming line with your reason for requesting a rename.
  4. Please provide a diff confirming you own the account at the home wiki listed on the SUL tool, if that account has been registered on any WMF wiki. We want to make sure that we are not creating SUL conflicts when doing renames.
  5. Do not add a section heading; it will be automatically added.
  6. Ensure that you have followed the instructions above correctly.
  7. Click "Save page" and then watch for a reply.

While I understand items: 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 I'm not sure what #4 means and, therefore, I really can't comply with #6: So what exactly does the following mean--in plain English, please:

Please provide a diff confirming you own the account at the home wiki listed on the SUL tool, if that account has been registered on any WMF wiki. We want to make sure that we are not creating SUL conflicts when doing renames

Note: I don't yet have an SUL for my new username! As I'm in the process of requesting renames for my previous SUL accounts--for those which have edits I haven't yet requested a new SUL. (Like I said, I'm confused...perhaps that's because this is confusing!) their policy unique?

Oops, How Did I Make This Mistake; Wrong Place
but I'm not the only one!

Here's the right place


WikiQuote has a great system:


en.WikiSource doesn't have much of a system:


WikiData doesn't have much of a system:

What else should be easy, but isn't?

  • Getting the pic you've shot with your android phone to automatically upload to Google+.
  • Google+. G+ in general.
  • Resetting your Android phone so that all of the Apps you've installed are no longer installed on your phone--being able to login with your google accounts and not have the apps re-install themselves.
  • Contacts
  • Using your android phone with more than one google account--and, therefore, more than one set of contacts. [argh!]


When/how to Unify new account???

When should I do this?

After one account is changed?
After all accounts are changed?

Unification Complete

I initiated unification on 15 September 2014 and it was completed in short order--in less than 60 seconds. Huzzah!

(I need to add images; I need to add the screenshots.)