
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Terms in real estate, Abandonment, Abstract continuation, abstract of title, accelerated depreciation, acceleration clause, clause, acceptance, access, accidental agency, accord and satisfaction, accretion, accrued, accrued depreciation, accrued expenses, acknowledgment, acquisition, acquisition cost, acquisition debt, acre, actual age, actual notice, adjoining lands, adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), adjusted basis, adjusted sales price, adjustment, administrative law judge (ALJ), United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), administrator, administrator deed, administratrix, ad valorem, adverse possession, aesthetic zoning, affirmative easement, age-55-and-over exclusion, agency, Real estate broker/agent, agreement, air rights, alienation, alienation clause, allodial system, alluvion, amenites, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), amortization schedule, amortization mortgage, anchor store, annexation , annual, annual percentage rate, APR annual tax sale, anticipation, appraisal, Appraisal Administration Fund, appraisal process, Appraisal report, appreciation, approaches to value, appurtenance, appurtenant easement, arm’s length transaction, arrears, Article 4, artificial person, asking price, assemblage, assessed value, assessment, assessor, assignee, assignment, assignment of lease, assignor, Association of Real Estate License Law Official, ARELLO, assumable mortgage, attestation, attorney-at-law, attorney-in-fact, auction, avulsion, bail bound, balance, balloon mortgage, bargain-and-sale deed, baseline, base rent, basis, benchmark, beneficial title, beneficiary, bequest, bilateral contract, bill of sale, blanket mortgage, block, blockbusting, blue sky laws, bona fide purchaser, book value, boot, breach of contract, broker, brokerage, brokerage agreement, Brokerage Relationship in Real Estate Transaction Law, budget, building codes, bulk zoning, bundle of rights, buyer brokerage, capital gain, capital improvement, capitalization, capitalization formula, capitalization rate, cap rate, capital reserve budget, carryover clause, extender, safety clause, cash flow, caveat emptor, certificate of eligibility, certificate of occupancy, certificate of reasonable value, certificate of title opinion, chain = 66 feet, chain of title, principle change, chattel, chattel mortgage, chattel real, Chief of Real Estate Investigators, chronological age, civil action, Civil Rights Act of 1866, Civil Rights Act of 1968, client, closed-end mortgage, closing, closing cost, closing statement, settlement statement, cloud on a title, cluster zoning, Code of Ethics and Standard of Practice, codicil, coinsurance clause, collateral, color of title, commercial property, Commercial Real Estate Broker Lien Act, commingling, commission, commissioner’s deed, commitment, common areas, common law, common law agency, community based planning, community planning, community property, comparable, comparison approach, compensatory damages, competence, competition, complete performance, condemnation, condemnation value, conditions, condominium, condominium declaration, confidential information, conformity, consideration, construction loan, construction mortgage, construction eviction, construction notice, consumer, contingency, continuing education requirement, contour map, contract, contract buyer’s policy, contract for deed, contract rent, contribution, conventional life estate, conventional mortgage loan, conversion, convey, conveyance, cooling-off period, cooperating broker, cooperative, co-ownership, corporation, corporeal, corrective maintenance, correlation, reconciliation, counteroffer, covenant, covenant against encumbrances, covenant for further assurances, covenant of quiet enjoyment, covenant of right to convey, covenant of seisin, covenant of warranty, credit, creditor, cubic foot method, cul-de-sac, cumulative zoning, curable depreciation, curtesy, customer,

damages, datum, debit, debt service, decedent, declaration of condominium, declaration of restriction, decree, deductible expenses, deed, deed in lieu of foreclosure, deed in trust, deed in bargain and sale, deed of confirmation, deed of gift, deed of release, deed of surrender, deed of trust, deed restriction, default, defeasance clause, defeasible, defeasible fee, deficiency judgment, delivery and acceptance, demise, Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, depreciable asset, depreciated value, depreciation, descent, designated agency, designated agent, devise, devisee, directive zoning, disability, disclosure of information, disclosure statement, discount points, discriminatory advertising, disintermediation, dominant tenement, easement appurtenant, dower, dual agency, due-on-sale clause, duress, duty of disclosure, earnest money, easement, easement appurtenant, easement by condemnation, easement by grant, easement by implication, easement by necessity, easement by prescription, easement in gross