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Dry Needling (existing page edits)

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Dry needling, also known as myofascial trigger point dry needling,[1][2][3][4] is a relatively new unproven technique in alternative medicine technique similar to acupuncture that is becoming increasingly popular among many healthcare professionals, including manual therapists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and more.[5] *Dry needling is sometimes also known as intramuscular stimulation (IMS).[1] It involves the use of either solid filiform needles[6] or hollow-core hypodermic needles for therapy of muscle pain, including pain related to myofascial pain syndrome[7]. Dry needling is mainly used to treat myofascial trigger points, but it is also used to target connective tissue, neural ailments, and muscular ailments.[8] The American Physical Therapy Association defines dry needling as a technique used to treat dysfunction of skeletal muscle and connective tissue, minimize peripheral nociception (pain), and improve or regulate structural or functional damage.[6]

While many studies have been performed to test theThe efficacy of dry needling as a treatment for muscle pain is still not ascertained and there remains no scientific consensus as to whether or not it is effectively.[9][10] Some results suggest that it is an effective treatment for certain kinds of muscle pain, while other studies have shown no benefit compared to a placebo.[7] Currently, dry needling is being practiced in over half of the United States, Europe, Australia, and other countries[1]; however, there are not enough high-quality, long-term, and large-scale studies have been done on the technique to draw clear conclusions about its efficacy.[10]


The origin of the term "dry needling" is attributed to Janet G. Travell. In her book, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: Trigger Point Manual, Travell uses the term "dry needling" to differentiate between two hypodermic needle techniques when performing trigger point therapy. However, Travell did not elaborate on the details on the techniques of dry needling; the current techniques of dry needling were based on the traditional and western medical acupuncture[1]. The two techniques Travell described are the injection of a local anesthetic and the mechanical use of a hypodermic needle without injecting a solution[11] (Travell, Simons, & Simons, 1999, pp. 154–155). Travell preferred a 22-gauge, 1.5-in hypodermic needle for trigger point therapy and used this needle for both injection therapy and dry needling. Travell never used an acupuncture needle. Travell had access to acupuncture needles but reasoned that they were far too thin for trigger point therapy. She preferred hypodermic needles because of their strength and tactile feedback: "A 22-gauge, 3.8-cm (1.5-in) needle is usually suitable for most superficial muscles. In hyperalgesic patients, a 25-gauge, 3.8-cm (1.5-in) needle may cause less discomfort, but will not provide the clear "feel" of the structures being penetrated by the needle and is more likely to be deflected by the dense contraction knots that are the target... A 27-gauge needle, 3.8-cm (1.5-in) needle is even more flexible; the tip is more likely to be deflected by the contraction knots and it provides less tactile feedback for precision injection"[11] (Travell, Simons, & Simons, 1999, p. 156).

The use of a hypodermic needle for dry needling was described by Chang-Zern Hong in his research paper on "Lidocaine Injection Versus Dry Needling to Myofascial Trigger Point". In his research, he describes the procedure for trigger point or MTrP injection and dry needling by as using a 27-gauge hypodermic needle 1+14-in long (Hong, 1994). Both Travell and Hong used hypodermic needles for dry needling. Hong, like Travell, did not use an acupuncture needle for dry needling. <- not cited

Although dry needling originally utilized only hypodermic needles due to the concern that solid needles had neither the strength or tactile feedback that hypodermic needles provided and that the needle could be deflected by "dense contraction knots", those concerns have proven unfounded and many healthcare practitioners who perform dry needling have found that the acupuncture needles not only provides better tactile feedback but also penetrate the "dense muscle knots" better and are easier to manage and caused less discomfort to patients. For that reason, both the use of hypodermic needles and the use of acupuncture needles are now accepted in dry needling practices. Ofttimes practitioners who use hypodermic needles also provide trigger point injection treatment to patients and therefore find the use of hypodermic needles a better choice. As their use became more common, some dry needling practitioners without acupuncture in their scope of practice, started to refer to these needles by their technical design term as "solid filiform needles" as opposed to the FDA designation "acupuncture needle". <- previous editors left no citations for any of this :(

The "solid filiform needle" used in dry needling is regulated by the FDA as a Class II medical device described in the code titled "Sec. 880.5580 Acupuncture needle" as "a device intended to pierce the skin in the practice of acupuncture".[12] Per the Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the subsequent Amendments to said act, the FDA definition applies to how the needles can be marketed and does not mean that acupuncture is the only medical procedure where these needles can be used.[13][14][15][16][17] Dry needling using such a needle contrasts with the use of a hollow hypodermic needle to inject substances such as saline solution, botox or corticosteroids to the same point. In a small number of studies, the use of a solid needle has been found to be as effective as injection of substances in such cases as relief of pain in muscles and connective tissue.

The Founder of Integrative Systemic Dry Needling (ISDN), Yun-Tao Ma, has been spearheading the "dry needling" movement in the United States. Ma states, "Although ISDN originated in traditional Chinese methods, it has developed from the ancient empirical approach to become modern medical art rooted in evidence-based thinking and practice."[18] Ma then contradicts himself stating, "Dry needling technique is a modern Western medical modality that is not related to traditional Chinese acupuncture in any way. Dry needling has its own theoretical concepts, terminology, needling technique and clinical application."[19] Ma realizing both the self-contradictions and the legal ramifications of dry needling being rooted in acupuncture and Chinese medicine has since taken down all information in his bios regarding his education in Chinese Medicine and being a Licensed Acupuncturist in the United States.[20]

The American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (AAOMPT) states:

Dry needling is a neurophysiological evidence-based treatment technique that requires effective manual assessment of the neuromuscular system. Physical therapists are well trained to utilize dry needling in conjunction with manual physical therapy interventions. Research supports that dry needling improves pain control, reduces muscle tension, normalizes biochemical and electrical dysfunction of motor end plates, and facilitates an accelerated return to active rehabilitation.

The statement released by the AAOMPT above is self-explanatory on the functional, physiological and medical aspect of treatment. His book Manual of Dry Needling Techniques Color Edition (2) (Volume 1) is a basic reference text for the therapists who are trained in the method of dry needling procedures in accordance with the norm of the practice of their respective countries. The basic steps given in the book can make a practicing therapist use dry needling technique for the subjects in different clinical conditions. The text focus not only on the steps needed to be performed but also focus on what should not be done by a therapist while performing the procedure. At work, we have taken all the guidelines given by OSHA for blood borne diseases as well as WHO guideline on workplace and hand hygiene. <- doesn't specify who "His" is

Dry needling for the treatment of myofascial (muscular) trigger points is based on theories similar, but not exclusive, to traditional acupuncture; both acupuncture and dry needling target the trigger points, which is a direct and palpable source of patient pain.[1] A high degree of correspondence is reported between myofascial trigger point dry needling and traditional western acupuncture. Acupuncture and dry needling are similar in the underlying phenomenon and neural processes between trigger points and acupuncture points. *As reported by Melzack, et al., there is a high degree of correspondence (71% based on their analysis) between published locations of trigger points and classical acupuncture points for the relief of pain.[21] Dry needling, and its treatment techniques and desired effects, would be most directly comparable to the use of 'a-shi' points in acupuncture.[22] *However, dry needling theory is only begins beginning to describe the complex sensation referral patterns that have been documented as "channels" or "meridians" in Chinese Medicine. What further distinguishes dry needling from traditional acupuncture is that it does not use the full range of traditional theories of Chinese Medicine which is used to treat not only pain,(insert comma) but also other non-musculoskeletal issues that which often are the cause of pain. The distinction between trigger points and acupuncture points for the relief of pain is blurred.

(Inserted paragraph here) The debated distinction between dry needling and acupuncture has become a controversy because it relates to an issue of scope of practice of various professions. Acupuncturists claim that dry needling is a form of acupuncture that doesn't fall in the scope of physical therapists, chiropractors, or the majority of other healthcare professionals; whereas those healthcare professionals claim dry needling is not acupuncture, but rather a procedure that is rooted in biomedical modern sciences.[1] To become a certified acupuncturist requires hundred of hours spent in educational programs, national level exams, and good professional standings. On the other hand, to be certified in dry needling requires continued education or a certification program that is not yet regulated with strict standards; in addition, there is a general lack of policymakers, evaluation systems, or healthcare standards governing the technique of dry needling.[1]


Technique for dry needling depends on which tissue is being targeted and what the overall objective of the treatment is. For example, one of the most common treatment objectives for dry needling, myofascial trigger points (TrPs), differs physiologically from treatments for scar tissue, connective tissue issues, and other medical issues.[6]

In the treatment of trigger points for persons with myofascial pain syndrome[5], dry needling is an invasive procedure in which a filiform needle is inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a myofascial trigger point. A myofascial trigger point consists of multiple, hyperirritable contraction knots, which are related to the production and maintenance of the pain cycle; essentially, myofascial trigger points will generate much local pain upon stimulation or irritation.[6] Deep dry needling for treating trigger points was first introduced by Czech physician Karel Lewit in 1979.[23] Lewit had noticed that the success of injections into trigger points in relieving pain was apparently unconnected to the analgesic used.[24]

Dry needling can be divided into categories in terms of depth of penetration: deep and superficial dry needling.[6][5] Deep dry needling will inactivate myofascial triggers points by provokingProper dry needling of a myofascial trigger point will elicit a local twitch response (LTR)[5], which is an involuntary spinal cord reflex in which the muscle fibers in the taut band of muscle contract. The LTR indicates the proper placement of the needle in a trigger point. Dry needling that elicits LTRs improves treatment outcomes,[25] and may work by activating endogenous opioids.[23] The activation of the endogenous opioids is for an analgesic effect using the Gate Control Theory of Pain.[11] In addition to relieving myofascial trigger points, deep dry needling is also identified to decreases pain, increase range of motion, and minimize myofascial trigger point irritability.[6] In regards to the factor of pain reduction, relief occurs at four central levels: local pain, spinal pain through nerves, brain stem pain, and higher brain center pain.[5] Inserting the needle can itself cause considerable pain,[23] although when done by well-trained practitioners that is not a common occurrence.[citation needed] <- "cause considerable pain" isn't entirely accurate No study to date has reported the reliability of trigger point diagnosis and physical diagnosis cannot be recommended as a reliable test for the diagnosis of trigger points.[26][27] <- false, disproved

The relief of myofascial trigger points has been more highly researched than relief of connective tissues, muscle fascia, muscle tension, and scar tissue; however, the American Physical Therapy Association claims that there potentially may be some benefits of dry needling on these ailments according to some available evidence.[6] The APTA also disclaims that dry needling should not be used as a standalone procedure, but should be used in conjunction with other treatment methods, including manual soft tissue mobilization, neuromuscular re-education, functional retraining, and therapeutic exercises.[6] Once the needle is inserted, one can manually or electrically stimulate the filiform needle depending for the desired effect of treatment.[5]


There is currently no standardized form of dry needling[10], no body of evidence that indicates its efficacy, or there is no medical action pathway that provides a theoretical basis for why dry needling should be efficacious.<- not supported There is a general scarcity of extensive research in the field. Many of the studies published about dry needling are do not have strong evidence; either the studies were not randomized, contained small sample sizes, had have high dropout rates, used active interventions in the control group, <- accounted for in reviews did not follow the minimally acceptable criteria to diagnose a myofascial trigger point <-citation?, or did not clearly state that myofascial trigger points were the sole cause for the pain. <- DN doesn't only pertain to myofascial trigger points! For example, in a systematic review on needling therapies in the management of myofascial trigger points, only 8 of the 23 trials described the minimally acceptable criteria for diagnosing a trigger point. Locating the trigger point for dry needling is the basis for performing dry needling and should, therefore, be documented in each study performing this technique. In the same review, two studies tested the efficacy beyond placebo of dry needling in the treatment of myofascial trigger point pain, but, in one, the dropout rate was 48% and it was neither blinded nor randomized, and the other study used potentially active interventions in the control group. Another concluded that dry needling can reduce pain, thus improving mood, function, and disability. The study used the dry needling on trigger points to relieve pain in patients with chronic myofascial pain.[9] <- not cited

Another A systematic review regardling lower back pain concluded that dry needling for the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome in the lower back appeared to be a useful addition to standard therapies, but stated clear recommendations could not be made because the published studies were are small and of low quality.[25]

(insert paragraph) A 2007 meta-analysis examining dry needling of myofascial trigger points concluded that the effect of needling was not significantly different to that of placebo controls, though the trend in the results could be compatible with a treatment effect. <- previous editor left no citation :(

One study (Lorenzo et al. 2004) did show a short-term reduction in shoulder pain in stroke patients who received needling with standard rehabilitation compared to those who received standard care alone, but the study was open-label and measurement timings differed, limiting the use of the study. Again the small sample size and poor quality of studies was highlighted.[28]

(insert paragraph) A 2013 systematic review and meta-analysis released by JOSPT on the "effectiveness of dry needling for upper-quarter myofascial pain" recommends the usage of dry needling, compared to sham or placebo, for decreasing pain immediately after treatment and at 4 weeks in patients with upper quarter myofascial pain syndrome.[29] However, the authors caution that "the limited number of studies performed to date, combined with methodological flaws in many of the studies, prompts caution in interpreting the results of the meta-analysis performed".

A 2013 article compared dry needling and physiotherapy in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome.[30] This study consisted of a randomized control trial of 28 patients suffering from myofascial pain syndrome in the upper trapezius. Two groups received different treatment; one group received dry needling and the other group received physiotherapy treatment. The study concluded no significant difference in the improvements that followed both treatments for both groups. Both the dry needling group and the physiotherapy group reported pain reduction, activity increase, and minimized role limitation in terms of physical function. Although no statistically meaningful differences were found in the results between the two groups, dry needling was less expensive, more straight forward, and required less time or complexity.

A 2014 review of dry needling[8] found insufficient high-quality evidence for the use of direct dry needling for short and long-term pain and disability reduction in patients with musculoskeletal pain syndromes. The same review found that robust evidence validating the clinical diagnostic criteria for trigger point identification or diagnosis is lacking and that high-quality studies demonstrate that manual examination for the identification and localization of a trigger point is neither valid nor reliable between-examiners. A 2017 systematic review and meta-analysis found very little evidence supporting the use of trigger point dry needling to treat upper shoulder pain and dysfunction.[31]

A 2017 systematic review on dry needling effectiveness over a wide range of body regions[7] reported positive impacts from dry needling on a wide array of body regions. The aim of this review was to determine how effective trigger point dry needling was based on high-quality randomized control trials for all body areas rather than a specific location. After quality control, the researchers collated 19 studies that met inclusion criteria for this review. This systematic review concluded trigger point dry needling to be an effective treatment for pain associated with trigger points along the whole body; the method is claimed by Boyles et al. that more effective than electrical nerve stimulation and stretching, and trigger point dry needling to be at least as effective as manual trigger point release. Trigger point dry needling was deemed effective in the temporomandibular joint, cervical spine and shoulder, lumbar spine, and lower extremities. The systematic review concludes that future studies should isolate and test specific interest variables.

A 2018 literature review collated 16 eligible studies and found that although it appeared to be a superior technique to acupuncture for lower back pain current evidence is not robust enough to draw a clear conclusion about safety and efficacy.[32]

(insert paragraph) Another systematic review made in 2018 found that although dry needling appears to reduce pain for patients in all 11 considered studies considered, it was not clear what, if any other than placebo, mechanism was acting.[33]


Dry needling is controversial for a number of reasons, one of which being that it is invasive. Invasive treatments bring into play the risks associated with infections, cutaneous infections, and sterility, both of which can be avoided, however, by using good technique.[5][10] This invasive procedure is increasing in popularity despite the unanswered questions regarding its overall effectiveness and safety.[10]

A 2018 critical commentary provides a holistic and effective safety profile of dry needling.[10] Mild adverse events following dry needling are present in up to 19.18% of cases according to an Irish case, the most common being bleeding, bruising, and pain. Severe adverse effects include pneumothorax, injury to the central nervous system and spine, and blood borne infection transmission. To combat these adverse effects, it's recommended that healthcare professionals utilizing dry needling should receive proper certification and training to use dry needling.

Many physical therapists and chiropractors have asserted that they are not practicing acupuncture when dry needling.[34] Much of dry needling research, however, has been done with reference to acupuncture.[5] They assert that much of the basic physiological and biomechanical knowledge that dry needling utilizes is taught as part of their core physical therapy and chiropractic education and that the specific dry needling skills are supplemental to that knowledge and not exclusive to acupuncture. However, the originators and proponents of dry needling acknowledged that certain aspects of this techniques were inspired by acupuncture although they also acknowledge that the medical basis for it is purely Western Medicine in nature and therefore is not validly a subset of acupuncture and is a separate medical process. <- cite? Many acupuncturists have argued that dry needling appears to be an acupuncture technique requiring minimal training that has been re-branded under a new name ("dry needling"). Whether dry needling is considered to be acupuncture depends on the definition of acupuncture, and it is argued that trigger points do not correspond to acupuncture points or meridians.[35] They correspond by definition to the ad hoc category of 'a-shi' acupoints.[22] It is important to note that this category of points is not necessarily distinct from other formal categories of acupoints. In 1983, Janet Travell et al. described trigger point locations as 92% in correspondence with known acupuncture points. In 2006, Peter T. Dorsher, acupuncturist at the Mayo Clinic, concludes that the two point systems are in over 90% agreement.[36] In 2009, Dorsher and Fleckenstein conclude that the strong (up to 91%) consistency of the distributions of trigger point regions’ referred pain patterns to acupuncture meridians provides evidence that trigger points most likely represent the same physiological phenomenon as acupuncture points in the treatment of pain disorders.[37] An article in Acupuncture Today (May 2011, p. 3, "Scope and Standards for Acupuncture: Dry Needling?") further corroborates the 92% correspondence of trigger points to acupuncture points. In 2011, The Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) published a position paper describing dry needling as an acupuncture technique.

The North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board has published a position statement asserting that dry needling is acupuncture and thus is covered by the North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing law, and is not within the present scope of practice of Physical Therapists, and Physical Therapists are not among the professions exempt from the law.[38] The Attorney General was asked for an opinion by the North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board which he gave dated Dec 1st, 2011 saying that "In our opinion, the Board of Physical Therapy Examiners may determine that dry needling is within the scope of practice of physical therapy if it conducts rulemaking under the Administrative Procedure Act and adopts rules that relate dry needling to the statutory definition of practice of physical therapy."[39] But that is a matter of opinion and not a matter of law. The North Carolina Rules Review Committee of the legislative branch found that the North Carolina Physical Therapy Board had no statutory authority for the proposed rule.[39] The Physical Therapy board subsequently decided that they had the right to declare dry needling within scope anyway "the Board believes physical therapists can continue to perform dry needling so long as they possess the requisite education and training required by N.C.G.S. § 90-270.24(4), but there are no regulations to set the specific requirements for engaging in dry needling."[40]

In May 2011 the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners ruled to allow "dry needling" into the chiropractic scope of practice with 24 hours of training. In July 2011, (insert comma) the Court of Appeals of the State of Oregon issued an injunction, preventing chiropractors from practicing dry needling until the case is heard in court. The document issued by the court states that "dry needling" is "substantially the same" as acupuncture and that the "respondent has not explained how 24 hours of training, with no clinical component, provides sufficient training to chiropractors to adequately protect patients."[41] In September 2011, the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners And Oregon Attorney General appealed said order on the grounds that they feel the commissioner who issued the order was mistaken in his assertion.[42] On November 10, 2011, The Court of Appeals of the State of Oregon issued an Order Denying the Motion for Reconsideration.[43] The effect of said ruling is that the entire Appeals Court will now determine if the stay was appropriate. The stay is relevant only in the State of Oregon.

In January 2014, The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners did not have the statutory authority to include dry needling in the scope of practice for chiropractors in that state. The ruling did not address whether chiropractors have the medical expertise to use dry needling or whether the training they were being given was adequate.[44] Pending further discussion of training requirements the Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing Board has advised all Oregon physical therapists against practicing dry needling. They have not changed their ruling that dry needling is within the scope of practice for Oregon Physical Therapists.[45]

The American Medical Association adopted a policy in 2016 that said physical therapists and other non-physicians practicing dry needling should – at a minimum – have standards that are similar to the ones for training, certification, and continuing education that exist for acupuncture. AMA board member Russell W. H. Kridel, M.D. stated "Lax regulation and nonexistent standards surround this invasive practice. For patients' safety, practitioners should meet standards required for licensed acupuncturists and physicians."[46]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Zhou K, Ma Y, Brogan MS (2015). "Dry needling versus acupuncture: the ongoing debate". Acupunct Med. 33 (6): 485–90. doi:10.1136/acupmed-2015-010911. PMID 26546163. S2CID 23799474.
  2. ^ Doree, Jim. "Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy - Vol. 14, No. 4".
  3. ^ "Traditional Acupuncture and Myofascial Trigger Point Dry Needling and Acupressure for Chronic Low Back Pain - Full Text View -".
  4. ^
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Norris, Chris (2015). "Dry Needling". SportEX Dynamics. 44: 24–30.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h "Description of Dry Needling in Clinical Practice". American Physical Therapy Association. February 2013.
  7. ^ a b c Boyles, Burrows, Fowler, Ramsey (2016). "Effectiveness of trigger point dry needling for multiple body regions: A systematic review". Physical Therapy Reviews : PTR. 19 (4): 252–265. doi:10.1179/108331913x13844245102034. PMC 4117383. PMID 25143704.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ a b Dunning, J; Butts, R; Mourad, F; Young, I; Flannagan, S; Perreault, T (2014). "Dry needling: A literature review with implications for clinical practice guidelines". Physical Therapy Reviews. 19 (4): 252–265. doi:10.1179/108331913X13844245102034. PMC 4117383. PMID 25143704.
  9. ^ a b {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  10. ^ a b c d e f Gilmartin, Stephen (2018-01-01). "Dry needling: A critical commentary of its effectiveness and safety profile". Physiotherapy Practice and Research. 39 (2): 155–159. doi:10.3233/PPR-180118. ISSN 2213-0683. S2CID 81141020.
  11. ^ a b c Travell, JG (1999). "Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction". Trigger Point Manual.
  12. ^ "[Code of Federal Regulations]". FDA.
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^ Ma, Yun-Tao. "Integrative Systemic Dry Needling/ A New Modality for Athletes." Biomedical Acupuncture for Sports and Trauma Rehabilitation: Dry Needling Techniques. St. Louis: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011. 4. Print.
  19. ^ Ma, Yun-Tao. "What Is Dry Needling?" (n.d.): 1. Web. 02 Aug. 2010.
  20. ^ Ma, Yun-Tao. "Meet Your Teacher." Dry Needling Course RSS. Dr. Yun-Tao Ma, Ph.D., LAc, n.d. Web.
  21. ^ Travell; Simons. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction, The Trigger Point Manual, Volume 1. Upper Half of Body, Second Edition. North Atlantic Books.
  22. ^ a b Aung & Chen, 2007, p. 101.
  23. ^ a b c Baldry, Peter; Yunus, Muhammad B.; Inanici, Fatma (2001). Myofascial pain and fibromyalgia syndromes: a clinical guide to diagnosis and management. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 36. ISBN 0-443-07003-2.
  24. ^ K. Lewit (February 1979). "The needle effect in the relief of myofascial pain". Pain. 6 (1): 83–90. doi:10.1016/0304-3959(79)90142-8. PMID 424236. S2CID 35930507.
  25. ^ a b Furlan AD, van Tulder MW, Cherkin DC, et al. (2005). Furlan AD (ed.). "Acupuncture and dry-needling for low back pain". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1): CD001351. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001351.pub2. PMID 15674876.
  26. ^ Lucas, N.; Macaskill P.; Irwig L.; Moran R.; Bogduk N. (2009). "Reliability of physical examination for diagnosis of myofascial trigger points: a systematic review of the literature". The Clinical Journal of Pain. 25 (1). Eastern Pain Association: 80–9. doi:10.1097/AJP.0b013e31817e13b6. ISSN 0749-8047. PMID 19158550. S2CID 11603020.
  27. ^ Tough, Elizabeth A.; White, Adrian R.; Richards, Suzanne; Campbell, John (2007). "Variability of Criteria Used to Diagnose Myofascial Trigger Point Pain Syndrome-Evidence From a Review of the Literature". The Clinical Journal of Pain. 23 (3). Eastern Pain Association: 278–286. doi:10.1097/AJP.0b013e31802fda7c. PMID 17314589. S2CID 30891217.
  28. ^ Tough, Elizabeth A.; Adrian R. White; T. Michael Cummings; Suzanne H. Richards; John L. Campbell (2009). "Acupuncture and dry needling in the management of myofascial trigger point pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials". European Journal of Pain. 13 (1): 3–10. doi:10.1016/j.ejpain.2008.02.006. PMID 18395479. S2CID 23087439.[permanent dead link]
  29. ^ Kietrys, David M.; Palombaro, Kerstin M.; Azzaretto, Erica; Hubler, Richard; Schaller, Bret; Schlussel, J. Mathew; Tucker, Mary (2013-08-31). "Effectiveness of Dry Needling for Upper-Quarter Myofascial Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 43 (9): 620–634. doi:10.2519/jospt.2013.4668. PMID 23756457.
  30. ^ Rayegani, Bayat, Bahrami, Raeissadat, Kargozar (2014). "Comparison of dry needling and physiotherapy in treatment of myofascial pain syndrome". Clinical Rheumatology. 33 (6): 859–864. doi:10.1007/s10067-013-2448-3. PMID 24352752. S2CID 5880597.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  31. ^ Hall, Michelle Louise; Mackie, Angela Claire; Ribeiro, Daniel Cury (2017-08-07). "Effects of dry needling trigger point therapy in the shoulder region on patients with upper extremity pain and dysfunction: a systematic review with meta-analysis". Physiotherapy. 104 (2): 167–177. doi:10.1016/ ISSN 1873-1465. PMID 29439829.
  32. ^ Hu, Han-Tong; Gao, Hong; Ma, Rui-Jie; Zhao, Xiao-Feng; Tian, Hong-Fang; Li, Lu (2018). "Is dry needling effective for low back pain?". Medicine. 97 (26). Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health): e11225. doi:10.1097/md.0000000000011225. ISSN 0025-7974. PMC 6242300. PMID 29952980.
  33. ^ Adah, Felix; Haung, Min (10 March 2018). "THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DRY NEEDLING ON THE REDUCTION OF PROXIMAL UPPER QUARANT PAIN USING COHEN'S d: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW" (PDF). Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences. 63 (2): 194–201. Retrieved 3 August 2018.
  34. ^ Dommerholt, Jan (2008). "The "Dry Needling Issue"". Qi-Unity Report. Archived from the original on 4 November 2010. Retrieved 16 June 2010.
  35. ^ Fernández De las Peñas, César; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars; Gerwin, Robert D. (2009). Tension-Type and Cervicogenic Headache: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. Jones & Bartlett Learning. p. 250. ISBN 978-0-7637-5283-5.
  36. ^ Peter T. Dorsher (May 2006). "Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points: Anatomic and Clinical Correlations". Medical Acupuncture. 17 (3).
  37. ^ Peter T. Dorsher; J. Fleckenstein (2009). "Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points: Anatomic and Clinical Correlations". Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Akupunktur. 52 (1): 9–14. doi:10.1016/j.dza.2009.01.001. S2CID 91446075.
  38. ^ "North Carolina Acupuncture Licensing Board Position Statement: Dry Needling is Intramuscular Manual Therapy is Acupuncture" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-09-27. Retrieved 2013-09-17.
  39. ^ a b "Proposed Rules presented to the Rules Review Commission". Retrieved 2015-01-30.[permanent dead link]
  40. ^ "Note: RE: Proposed Rules presented to the Rules Review Commission". Retrieved 2015-01-30.[permanent dead link]
  41. ^ Dry Needling for Tense and Knotted Muscles
  42. ^ OBCE & Oregon State Attorney General Motion Requesting Reconsideration of Administrative Stay, September 22, 2011
  43. ^ Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration, Court of Appeals, State of Oregon, No. A148924, November 10, 2011
  44. ^
  45. ^
  46. ^ "AMA Adopts New Policies on Final Day of Annual Meeting - American Medical Association".