User:Chambers High Historian/sandbox

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Chambers High is an ongoing rp on the fourms of Dan Hess's website Venis Productions. Chambers High School is a place where exceptional teenagers - magicians, psychics, super-scientists, genetic experiments, supernatural creatures, and people with superpowers - can get an education in an accepting environment. There are classes in the ordinary high-school subjects, but also those that teach the student how to use their powers, or about other supernatural beings.

Chambers is located in a remote forested area somewhere in the northeastern United states - probably upstate New York or central Pennsylvania. Classes are held Monday through Friday, and the students are in the 9th to 12th grades (ages 14-18 for ordinary students), like other American high schools. It is a boarding school, however, and because some students are nocturnal many classes are held in the evening or at night.

Chambers High orginally began back in March of 2004 with a strong following. Recently reaching almost 960 pages of role playing, the original Chamber's High was put to rest and a new thread was begun, taking place a few months after the original thread, with the students returning to the school after winter break.

Characters List

There have been a plethora of characters to come to Chambers. Granted, quite of few of them only posted once and then were lost, but they were still there. Here are lists of Active, Deceased, MIA and Non-Playable characters currently at Chambers.


Amy Lynn, Nastasha Lyons, Varian Holmes, Cache Richards, Adam, Mr. Armstrong, Typhu, Felix Sorbic, Kaiser Pan, Frank Terrance, Palixine, Shirley McQuakes, Andy Locke, Madame Evil (AKA Amy), Saint, Aurora Reeves,Litta Cleerstorm, Colin Herald, David Langton , Adrien Blank, Dr. Jenkin Stein, Zoey Burke, A.J., Eugene Scott, Lupira “Jynx” Inali, Raefier Farche Churek, Edouard Constansais (AKA Mr. C), Serge, Arlette, Heidi lazarria, Onaona Aelan, Hayli lane, Seru, Ms. Cheryl Rosa, Pillow (AKA Jane Silvertree), Joyce Anderson,


Characters who were created by people to be used by anyone when needed.

Mr. Selfam, Mrs. minklebard, Mrs.Moore, The Dean of Students, Mrs. Tambers, Devin Anthony Williams, Sean Erlich, Craig Thrum, Sarah Amherst, Prof. Tyler Bogg, George the announcer, Marianne, Sophie Andrews, Oliver Alan, Kyle Borovich, Kalinka harris, professor walter whitiker, Billy Hinderbeck, Fredrick, Fate, Will Kamal, Nurse Rames, Han Chien-Long, Principal Bleph


Janet Godfrey, Derek, Gale,

No longer at Chambers

Characters who have offically left chambers.

The Mandy's, Unknown, Sydney Ledoux, Darius Blackwind,

MIA or Abandoned

The following characters are either no longer being played, no longer at chambers or just haven't been mentioned in long ass time. Once I figure out where they should go I'll put them in their rightful place.

Seamus the Janitor, Torchi, Lance, Lilith, Kanaye Kovu, Kreedance, Ping Pong, Envy, Nina Elizabeth McKenzie, Brian, Grey, Pisus, Recoiled, Daniel Lucifers, Zentis, Bacardie, Conleth Danann O'Kieran (O'Ciaràn), Adelle Morrigan, Thomas Wells/ Htaed, Siendra Panzer, Birdy, Corrina, Terry, Phiona, Anthony, Daigon, Meltdown, Pitoma Visiritz (AKA Pit), mark, Samhain the Dark, Herstanax, Cookie (AKA Vesa Damone), Dashi, KT, Fynn, Dariane la'Altrides, Benedict Rames, Tya Vetsu, Charlote Millers, Trinya, Spark Tilkens, Lace, Missa, Jens Wilhelm Schuemann, Sharp-Ear, Clancy Douglas, Kallac, Mirzumi, Niklaus von Brassinger, Draconis, Sylvia, Jesse Ashton Vesper, Fleance Fitzdougal, Craig Miller, Cassandra, Stanley Vezirov, Jeffrey Thomson, Iacobus (Jacob) Bardsley, Giles Sciamano, Ezekiel Rage, Barak Bannert, Gemini Roch,

Character Profiles

See list of Character Profiles

Joining the game

Chambers High is open to any person who wishes to join and is willing to play.

Character Creation

A character may be as weak or strong, likable or dislikable as you wish. However, characters who can do anything and have no real weaknesses are strongly frowned upon. It is strongly recommended that the character not be perfect and omnipotent. Instead, he or she should have some limitation, either in the powers themselves or in the character's personality, to keep his or her power from disrupting the game. Also, the character need not be a student. From the game's beginning, Chambers High faculty and staff have been important parts of the story.

Main and Supporting Characters

Each player has at least one main character. Main characters are the "stars" of Chambers High. A player's posts tell the story/stories of his or her main character(s). Many players also introduce less important supporting characters, to aid in telling this story - these can be their main character's acquaintances, contacts, teachers, parents, figures from their back-stories, or people they pass in the hallway. Some appear only as walking scenery or for a single joke and are never seen again; others are recurring characters who get significant character development and roles in the plot. Some players refer to main and supporting characters as PC's and NPC's, respectively. These are tabletop role playing terms meaning Player Characters and Non-player Characters. In Chambers High, since the game is freeform and has no real Game Master, NPC's are characters who can be used by any player when needed.

Creating a character

See Creating a Role Playing Character for a Freeform Game

Introducing the character

When introducing the character there are a few guidelines that should be taken into considerations:

-Do not have the first post of the character interupt two characters who are having an important discussion. It is alright to have the character watch from the distance and then approch afterwards, just make sure commonsense is used. If the character is angry, they will more than likly ignore the new character.
-Disclose the character's name as soon as possible, there is no reason to hide it. Hiding the characters name just makes other characters lose interest in the character.
-The character will most likely be a transfer student. That is completly fine, not all of the students at Chambers High started there at the beginning of the year. For example: If a character is created now, it can be said that he transfered to the school rather than saying that he had remained in the background ever since the year began

Affecting Other Characters

It is against the rules to control, injure, disable, etc. another player's character without permission. Instead, describe what your character does, and allow the other player to decide whether or not it works on their character. For example, if your character wants to start a fight, you would write something like "Larry leaped in the air and launched a spinning kick at Darryl's head." The other player would write "Darryl took the kick in the face and collapsed," or "Darryl ducked the kick, and shot a lightning bolt at Larry's chest." Do not write "Larry leaps in the air and kicks Darryl in the head, knocking him down." Of course, if someone else tries something on you, you should be fair and honest in deciding whether it works.

This rule always applies to main characters, and usually to supporting characters, but some very minor characters, such as lunch ladies, are treated like scenery, and no one is likely to object if someone else writes a line of dialogue for them.

By the same token, if you want to introduce a major plot event or change to the school that will affect everyone's characters, you should ask if anyone objects.

Game Etiquite

These are not strict rules of the game, but guidelines to help the players get along and play better. The only true rule of the game is that it is pg. Try to keep the game clean, nothing explicit and limit swearing to a minimum.


If you are writing something in the RP thread that is "out of character" - not describing something happening in the Chambers High world, like a question to another player - you should give some visual signal. Many players surround the out of character portions with some variation on the letters "OOC" (for "out of character"), others put OOC passages in quote boxes.

Double Posts

Making two posts in a row in the RP thread is frowned upon. There are two reasons for this. One, the RP is a group effort, and you shouldn't monopolize it. Two, in many cases other characters can react to, or even interrupt, what your character is doing in ways you didn't expect. Very long posts are a better solution, but it is best to write several posts interwoven between other players' posts.

Character Colors

Some players with more than one main character like to assign each character a different color. This isn't required, but it makes it easier to follow when two different scenes are being written at once. You should not, however, use a color that another currently active player is using (except for the default black, of course.)

Continuity and Time

You should make an effort not to contradict something that's already been written about the setting or a character. However, mistakes do happen, and other players will understand this. The rule of thumb is, "Do your best, but don't sweat the small stuff."

In particular, time at Chambers High is rather flexible. Two scenes written at the same time may occur hours apart, and on occasion circumstances force a player to write a scene, and then write an earlier scene with the same character. This is okay. Of course, it's good when time flows smoothly and everything's coordinated, but don't worry about it when it's not.



The Welcome Dance

Beginning: 432 (3/20/04)

End:1537 (4/3/04)

Participants: Lilith, Torchi, Frank, Varian, Seamus (AI), Amy, Nastasha, Kreedance, Ping, AJ, the Mandies, Devin

CH has a yearly dance at the end of the first week of classes. Torchi, because of her low self esteem, was not expecting to find a date. On the other hand, Frank didn't know one was expected to bring a date to a dance, and when Torchi informed him, he promptly asked her. Lilith went with Lance. Amy and Varien were sort of together, but since they were playing music and/or keeping order most of the time they didn't interact much. Kreedance, Ping, AJ, the Mandies, Devin, and Nastasha attended solo.

The dance was held in the courtyard. Seamus' robots did most of the decorating, but Varian contributed a swarm of tiny flying robots, which lit up to replace the stars hidden by Locci's dome. AJ's last minute call for a band was answered by Amy, Nastasha, Varian, and two students named Jeremy and Thomas from Amy and Nastasha's art class.

At the dance, Lilith split off from Lance to dance with Kreedance, and Devin met Mandy. Lance spiked the punch, and when Madeline discovered this, she dumped it out, replaced it, and cobbled together a robot out of Varian's star-bots to guard it. Varian broke the bot and restored his sky; Madeline, thinking the spiker had destroyed her bot, reassembled it with more weaponry, etc. When Madeline finally caught and confronted Varian, Lilith explained her error

In the middle of the dance, Varian shut off the star-bots, revealing a single real star shining through a hole in Locci's dome. At Lilith's suggestion, all the students made a positive wish on that star, in hopes of widening the hole further. After Torchi and Frank had a long talk (while hugging), the dance began to break up.

The War Against Locci

Beginning: 736 (3/23/04)


Participants: Locci, Seamus, Dr. Stein, Varian, Palixine, Mrs. Godfrey, Kreedance, Ping, Torchi, Lilith, Frank, Madeline, Devin, Adam, Conleth, Saint, Gale, Typhu, Seru

The first sign of Locci was a bully named Gshtal Fraughn being incinerated. Stein, Seamus, and Varian, investigating, believed at first that his victim, William Winters, was the culprit, but it turned out that William's only power was sweating metal. Meanwhile, Palixine begins hearing a mysterious voice in her head, pushing her to play more and nastier pranks. After she turns the school into an ice cream mountain full of fudge traps and banana guards that attacked the students, she burned just as Fraughn did.

Locci, the incarnation of negative emotion, was the culprit. With Palixine's death, he had the energy to manifest physically around the school, cutting it off from the outside world. In response, Dr. Stein activated "Plan B" and called the student body to for an emergency assembly. While Mrs. Godfrey explained what Locci was, and that in less than a month it would contract and absorb the school, Dr. Stein walked out of school and directly into the monster. His aim was to defeat Locci, but he was simply absorbed himself, succeeding only in buying time. A magical barrier provided by Amy added a further stay of execution.

Meanwhile, Palixine found herself in a Limbo of lost souls. She was able to project herself into the school for short periods, but the people there couldn't see or hear her. Gradually, she gained the ability to move small objects, eventually learning to communicate by writing on the walls with things such as lipstick.

With Stein gone, Mrs. Godfrey took control of the school. However, she was under Locci's control, and proceeded to interfere with the students' and faculty's attempts to stop Locci and/or free Stein. Seamus began gathering students in secret to circumvent her. This group includes Kreedance, Ping, Torchi, Lilith, Frank, and Varian. However, when they assembled in Seamus' apartment, they found Seamus in suspended animation - he had concluded that the hate he was feeling for Locci and Mrs. Godfrey was hurting the cause. His AI remained to answer the group's questions and provide a safe place for research.

Mrs. Godfrey, meanwhile, went to the library and exploded, destroying both it and herself. Her last act of free will was to kick the students out so they wouldn't be harmed.

Eventually, Fredrick, who has separated himself from Adam and gotten free, goes to Locci with the intent of getting revenge by helping it destroy the school. It absorbs him, and he is pulled into a safe pocket within Locci where he meets Dr. Stein. Stein has been meditating, interfering with Locci's ability to communicate with students.

Amy, aided by AJ, creates a Coshra, an item which can safely contain one or more souls that lack a body. They also forged Libra's Blade, with the help of blessings from Kreedance, Ping, Varian, Torchi, Nastasha, and Cache.

Several students conceive plans to send missions into Locci - Madeline, by remote-controlled robot; Cache, by astral projcection; and Kreedance, by entering personally. These were all executed in quick succession. Kreedance found himself in the pocket with Stein and Fredrick. Madeline's drone also entered the pocket, saw all three of them, collected three samples of Locci's energy, and returned. She attempted to send drones that could communicate with the people inside, but failed. Cache sent in a team consisting of Varian, Torchi, Sean, Frank, Devin, and Adam. Since they weren't physical, Locci couldn't harm them, and they found the bubble. Stein gave them the Memory Orb, which, once full of happy memories, could be used to disrupt Locci. He also gave Torchi a glowing sphere, a part of him that could be used to summon him when the time was right. Then they left, and Kreedance and Fredrick went with them.

The following night, Cache threw the Memory Orb into Locci. It became a dark legion of all the people it had consumed, which it sent to invade the school. The cast fights them, Varian wielding Libra's Blade. Meanwhile, Stein opened a link between CH and Limbo. Cache went through with the Coshra, and put Palixine and all the other souls into it. He brought it back and broke it, releasing the souls to their bodies, and then Amy healed those bodies and destroyed the ones without souls. Thus, everyone who had died during the Locci arc was revived, unless they had decided to move on. Unfortunately, both Gale and Mrs. Godfrey were nonetheless permanently dead. Torchi returned to sharing a body with Clarissa.


Beginning: 1548 (4/3/04)

End: 1799 (4/7/04)

Participants: Torchi, Frank, Varian, Cache, Ping, Amy, Clarissa

Editor's note: Whether because it takes place mostly in various mindscapes or because of continuity errors, this arc is rather confusing. The synopsis that follows is the most consistent story line that could be distilled from the apparent contradictions.

After the Welcome Dance, the ghost of Torchi's father appeared and attempted to possess her. As she fought for control of her body, Frank discovered the problem and brought her to Varian's room. There, Cache hypnotized Torchi and Varian and sent Varian into Torchi's mind. Amy and Ping joined the party. Amy began to research exorcism, while Ping healed the results of Torchi's uncontrolled fire.

Ping found herself suddenly drawn into Torchi's mind, just in time to witness Varian's confrontation with Torchi's father. He trapped Torchi and activated her "mental echo," the evil personality Clarissa. Clarissa then fled while her father engaged Varian in combat. Cache took advantage of the bad guys' distraction to transfer Varian and Torchi's father to Varian's mind; Torchi and Ping tag along. There Varian was in control, and he empowered Torchi to destroy her father.

However, Clarissa had been left in sole possession of Torchi's body. She tried pretending to be Torchi, but since Varian pointed out that Torchi was with him, this didn't work. Then Amy activated her exorcism, but it wasn't needed for Torchi's father and wouldn't work on Clarissa, since she was native to Torchi's mind. All it did was knock Clarissa unconscious again and open a portal from Varian's mind back to Torchi/Clarissa's. Varian went through, leaving Torchi in control of Varian's body.

Varian was unable to fight Clarissa without harming Torchi's body, so he talkd her into giving him control long enough to signal to Amy. She deduced that, because Clarissa was part-succubus, her presence in Torchi's mind counted as a nightmare, and removed her using a dreamcatcher. Once removed, Clarissa was materialized as a separate body, identical to Torchi. Cache put Clarissa in a trance she couldn't wake from and sent her to Seamus' apartment, and everyone headed for bed (but mostly didn't get there - see All For One).

All For One

Beginning: 1741 (4/6/04)

End: 3364 (5/2/04)

Participants: Kreedance, Grey, Pisus, Merger, A.J., Varian, Cache, Amy, Torchi, Clarissa, Sean (1)

Just after the events of Feuerstarter, as Ping had been away helping Torchi, Grey gradually began taking control of Kreedance. As A.J. confronted him, originally wanting to know whether Kreedance was connected to Locci, Ping arrived. A.J. restrained her as she tried to flee again, which accidentally triggered a loss of will in Kreedance. Grey, now in full control, started a fight with A.J. As Ping looked on, Varian and Cache came to help A.J., and eventually Grey was subdued. However, for some reason, this caused Kreedance to split into three separate beings: his original components, Grey and Pisus, and a person no one had seen before, whom Pisus later referred to as Merger.

Cache then insisted on interrogating all involved under hypnosis, which A.J. would only agree to if Amy were present. It was revealed that no one was in league with Locci, but that Grey wanted only to rampage. Cache left him in a trance, under A.J.'s guard, and everyone went to sleep, shortly before dawn.

The next morning, Grey awakes, finding Merger missing. He gets by the unaware A.J. without incident. He starts rampaging through the school, looking for Dr. Stein - Kreedance's wish to save him has carried over after the split. He is brought down and knocked unconscious by Torchi (aided by Clarissa's spirit), Sean (1), and Cache working together, but Torchi is horribly wounded in the fight, and dies, cremating herself in her final moments.

Varian, however, realizes that his mind and soul are linked to Torchi's, as a result of her inhabiting his mind during the Feuerstarter arc. (The link was created by means of a pair of mental boxer shorts which Torchi picked up and never put back, causing Varian to forget all his thoughts, memories, and opinions on boxer shorts.) Cache used the link to draw Torchi's soul out of limbo and into Varian's subconscious. Meanwhile, not knowing her soul had been recovered, A.J. collected and saved Torchi's ashes.

Amy, not knowing who he is or what he did, treats Grey's wounds, and he eventually sets off to rescue Stein again. This time he doesn't leave carnage in his wake, and soon he meets Pisus, who also has Kreedance's wish to save Dr. Stein. To fulfill this common goal, they rejoin into Kreedance. Merger, meanwhile, had gotten into Locci, and did not return and rejoin them until the final battle against it.

Move Heaven and Hell

Beginning: 4171 (5/9/04)


Participants: Saint, Litta, Adrien, Amy, Typhu, Dr. Stein, AJ, Varian, Cache, David, Halo, Jynx

As a prank, Saint uses the power of his 1/16 Cupid ancestry to cause Litta to be kind and pleasant. While she is under the influence, he begins romancing her, and she is forced to respond, though she is mentally planning a painful, possibly lethal, revenge. Typhu, Amy, and Adrien all figure out what is going on. Typhu attempts to dissuade Saint, Adrien runs for Dr. Stein upon finding out that Saint can be killed, and Amy simply removes the Cupid-power from Litta. Litta paralyzes Saint with magic and prepares to torture him to death.

Fortunately, Dr. Stein arrives just in time. Saint is repentant and offers to let Litta punish him, but before Stein can agree, Litta storms off. Instead, Saint is sent to detention and forbidden from using his powers for two week.s. Meanwhile, Litta teleports to the Cleerstorm manor, and there retrieves a scroll containing the spell to summon an Elder Daemon. Her plan is to get revenge on Saint. However, when she summons the Daemon the next day at noon, it immediately breaks free. Litta attempts to fight it, but it injures her and breaks her rod. Saint rescues her and engages the demon, with A.J., Varian (with Libra's Edge), and Cache in support. They turn out to be unnecessary, though, as Saint achieves Pure Form and slays the Daemon with the Lance of Longinus.

Litta, now in the medical wing, is (besides her injuries) under the influence of the Curse of the Death Choice, which can only be broken if the victim wills to be alive. As she is about to succumb, Saint appears in the vision, convincing her to choose to live. Afterward, she believes that she only dreamed about Saint, but in fact he was really there. When Saint tells her this the next day, she has a minor emotional breakdown.

There are several groups who investigate the summoning. First, Dr. Stein questions Saint and Litta, and they tell him everything. He decides they've been (and will be) punished enough without him, and orders them to do an act in the Talent Show together as a nominal punishment. The EBP sends Saint's three siblings Destiny, Deacon, and Priest to investigate. Theirs is only a fact-finding mission; they aren't interested in punishment. Litta and Saint answer their questions as well, and they leave. The Mage Council summons Litta to a hearing that Friday,

The AIW also launches an investigation, which is to say, David, with orders to find out who the summoner was and make sure they're not dangerous - by killing them, if necessary. He collected an aura sample from the crime scene, and attempted to get samples from his suspects (Saint, Litta, Halo, A.J., and, because of a misunderstanding, Jynx.) He gets his samples from Saint and Halo, but doesn't get one from A.J.

Chambers High Duel Invitational

Beginning: 4358 (5/13/04)


Participants: Dr. Stein, Varian, Cache, David, Aurora, A.J., Palixine, Craig, Sydney, Hayli, Seru, Torchi, Seamus, Ms. Rosa, Lance, Envy, Sean Erlich, Conleth, Adam, Daniel, Manny, Mr. Armstrong, Terry, Envy, Adelle, Mrs. Moore, George, Lilith

At the assembly after Locci was defeated, Dr. Stein announced a duel tournament. Despite the name, it was open to anyone, student or faculty, who wanted to sign up. Much of the cast signed up, though in David's case it required a direct order from Central, and Sydney was picked at random when George had a spot to fill.

Round one got of to a stellar start with Varian vs. Hayli. The high-impact match, leading to a good portion of the ring being ripped out and imbedded with a giant hammer, ended with Hayli accidentally tripping out of the ring, much to everyone's disappointment.

It was followed up with David vs. Conleth, which featured lots of magic, counter magic and, surprisingly, martial arts. The match came to an abrupt end after Conleth realized he was about to go super-badass-killer-wizard, stopped himself, and walked away from the battle.

David will be facing Varian in the second round.

Next up, newcomer Sydney faced off against Adam. Sort of. Adam chucked a fireball at her, causing her to suddenly do a nifty martial arts counter. However, her sudden maneuver confused her, and Adam took advantage of the situation and air-blasted her out of the ring.

That match was quickly followed by the first teacher-involving match, Ms. Rosa vs. Lance. Lance barely had any chance to counter as Ms. Rosa kept throwing arts-related attacks at him. Ms. Rosa won, suprisingly easily, by scooping up some of the liquidy Lance into a jar, and tossing him out of the ring.

Barring any strange occurances, in the second round, Adam will be facing Mrs. Moore and Ms. Rosa will be facing Cache.

Next up, Daniel and Craig faced off. Lots of rocks flew around, and lots of magic, until finally Daniel went all glowy-like and barraged Craig with multiple magic attacks until he landed outside the ring. Unfortunately, Daniel ended the match with an injured ankle.

Then, the Aurora vs. Manny matchup began with a start. Aurora did her best to fend off a crazed Manny with her ice powers... and a giant mace-eating bubble? ...but Manny ended up on top after getting thoroughly PO'ed and kicking Aurora out of the ring.

After a minute or two breather, Mr. Armstrong and Terry faced off. He attacked with his shadows, she bit back after turning into her wolf form. What looked like it was going to be a long and exciting battle was suddenly cut short when Armstrong ran off to use the bathroom. Too much Mt. Dew.

Adelle eliminated her opponent, some goon nicknamed "Bulldozer" in 10 seconds.

Then, Sean faced off versus Envy. Or, at least ran around the ring in terror while trying to get his powers to work. Envy swung around her axe trying to get him to fight, and even gave him a sword, before just sitting down in a corner waiting for Sean to take initiative. Eventually, Envy managed to paralize Sean and pitched him from the ring. On the outside, Sean was finally able to use his powers to blow up the ring. Oops!

Next round, Envy will face Adelle.

Torchi and Seru went at each other afterwards. Torchi brandished a fire sword and fireballs while Seru did his best Xena-as-a-monkey impression, jumping about and acting like, well... a monkey. The battle ended quickly, though, when Torchi caught him off guard, and sent him out of the ring with a couple fireballs.

The tournament took a break to let the sun set and for everyone to get some food or sleep or whatever, but quickly started back up again with the much anticipated match up of Palixine vs. AJ. AJ threw his brand of red, glowy power at Palixine, who countered with flowers and trickery. AJ did manage to get in a noogie, though. Unfortunately, Palixine made the mistake of trying to drop an iron anvil on AJ, who redirected at her, sapping enough of her power for AJ to simply pick her up and drop her out of the ring.

AJ will be facing the newcomer Terry in the second round.

After taking a break for the evening, the next day started with Cache facing off against the Janitor. The Janitor tried his best to eliminate the Duelling master, but in the end fell to Cache's acrobatics. Did you know that the Janitor could fire his fist like a grappling hook? And did you know Cache likes to hypnotize his best friend, Varian, into conjuring tools to use during a match? I bet you didn't!

Cache will be facing off against Ms. Rosa in the second round.

Next up, Frank went up against Kreedance. Well, not really. Frank admitted he didn't want to fight, and stepped from the ring. That disappointed the ring announcer, George.

But, all's well. In the second round, we get to see a rematch of sorts with Kreedance vs. Torchi.

The next two matches were just as quick. Lilith versus some unknown kid ended when the kid ran for it. Immediately afterwards, our own ring announcer, George, fell quickly to Mrs. Moore.

Lilith will be facing Daniel in the next round, as will Mrs. Moore be facing Adam.

Chambers High Talent Extravaganza

Beginning: 4358 (5/13/04)


Participants: Dr. Stein, Nastasha, Varian, Saint, Litta

At the assembly after Locci was defeated, Dr. Stein announced a Talent Show, open to all CH students and faculty. Nastasha plans to organize a band for a musical number, including Varian on drums, but Ms. Rosa later asks her to be the accompanist for those who want to sing. As punishment for the Elder Daemon affair, Dr. Stein orders Saint and Litta to do an act together.

Goodbye, Amy

Beginning: 7134 (6/17/04)


Participants: Dr. Stein