
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

My name is Carl... My alias is Dizzy Hound. I generally enjoy most learning...

I love everything to do with Basset Hounds and I'm quite interested with many things:

  • Cars... mainly Lamborghini... *the Concept S rocks*
  • Cryptography
  • Card Games and other casino type games,mainly Poker
  • TV
  • Music but I have a wide range: from Mozart to Motorhead, from 1800's to 1950's and from Greenday to the Game.
  • Star Trek... but I'm not quite a convention trekkie
  • Stargate... SG-1 and the movie only not Atlantis
  • CSI... Crime Scene Investigation and Miami... not quite sure if I like NY
  • Futurama
  • Braniac is pretty cool too
  • I love Math and Physics... so as you can tell I'm pretty much a geek
  • I like other stuff to but... I'm a bit lazy

If you want me to make page for you or do the research you can ask and I'll try and make time for it...:)