
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Factions of the Democratic Party

Conservative Wing

Marie Perez
Joe Manchin
Jared Golden
Vernon Jones (Exited the Democratic Party Registered as a Republican to endorse Donald Trump..
Henry Cuellar

Libertarian Wing

Tulsi Gabbard (Who exited the Democratic Party and became an Independent.
Mike Gravel ( in 2008 exited the Democratic Party and ran as a Libertarian Party Candidate but exited the Party and returned to the Democratic Party...
Russ Feingold
Jim Traficant who was described as anti Establishment Populist but left the Democratic Party and became an Independent...
Dennis Kuchnich
Jared Polis
Ron Wyden
President John F Kennedy

Moderate Wing

Jon Tester
Blanche Lincoln
Abigail Spanberger
President Bill Clinton

Liberal Wing

President Joe Biden
Preisdent Barack Obama

Progressive Wing

Christian Left Wing

Historic Factions the Democratic Party

Southern Democrat Wing

Early Jacksonian Wing

Gold Standard Wing

Historic of the Republican Party

Half-Breed Wing

Radical Wing

Reagan Coalition Wing

Progressive Wing

Tea Party Wing

Rockefeller Wing

Factions of the Democratic Party

Conservative Wing

Libertarian Wing

Moderate Wing

Progressive Wing

Liberal Wing

Historical Faction of the Democratic Party

Bourbon Wing

Southern Democratic Wing

Reconstruction Wing

Jacksonian Wing

Factions of the Libertarian Party

GeoLibertarian Wing

Libertarian Socialism

Bleeding Heart Libertarian Wing

PaleoLibertaian Wing

Objectivism Wing

Anarcho Captialism Wing